Antiquariaat Goltzius: Handcoloured Optical Print
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2e Vue des Boulvard A Paris (mirrored)
Mondhard, Paris. ca. 1750-1800. 34 x 15,5 cm (plate: 22,7 x 40 cm). Handcoloured copperplate engraving on handlaid paper. 2e Vue des Boulevard prise du premier Caffé prés le Reservoir de la Ville. A Paris chez Mordhard Rue S. Jacques. Some age related discolouration and damp stains in the upper margin. Slightly folded and scuffed around the edges. Overall state is good. l A hand coloured optical view of a boulevard in Paris. Neatly trimmed trees align the street which has a clear disapering point at the left. The street is filled with figures and carriages.
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 62006
€  92.00 [Appr.: US$ 95.33 | £UK 76.75 | JP¥ 14641]

Apotheca Autica comparationis, ad Fluvium Fontacka Petroburgae
Georg Balthasar Probst, Augsbourg. ca. 1700-1750. 35 x 51 cm (plate: 31 x 42,4 cm). Handcoloured copperplate engraving. Apotheca Autica comparationis, ad Fluvium Fontacka Petroburgae (...), Med. Fol. No. 9. C.P.S.C.M. Georg Balthasar Probst, excudit A.V. With a multi linguistic description in Latin French, Italian and German. Some age related discolouration and light foxing in the margins. Folded and scuffed around the edges. Overall state is good. l A handcoloured view of the Russian river Fontanka, which runs through St. Petersburg. On the right of the print the Royal warehouse of St. Petersburg is depicted.
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 61990
€  207.00 [Appr.: US$ 214.5 | £UK 172.5 | JP¥ 32942]

Argentarium Roterdami / La Lonja de Mercadores de Roterdam
ca. 1750-1800 291 x 434 mm Etching/engraving/watercolour Argentarium Roterdami / La Lonja de Mercadores de Roterdam pasted onto thin paper. Small tears in the bottom and sides of the edges. Overall state good. l Optical print of the Rotterdam stock market, with a canal and market square in the front. The square is crowded with people doing all sorts of things, like riding a carriage or moving goods. The print is hand coloured in light pastel-like colours. It loo
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 61136
€  172.50 [Appr.: US$ 178.75 | £UK 143.75 | JP¥ 27452]

Buen Retiro Palace in Spain
ca. 1750-1800 318 x 445 mm Etching/engraving/watercolour (hand written in ink on the back) Buen Rétiro en Espagne Pasted onto cardboard. The sides are painted black (for the use of a magic lantern). Good state. l Hand coloured illuminated optical print depicting the Buen Retiro in Madrid, Spain. The Buen Retiro was designed by the architect Carbonell and built on the orders of Philip IV of Spain as a secondary residence and place of recreation. The print shows the
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 61243
€  253.00 [Appr.: US$ 262.16 | £UK 210.75 | JP¥ 40263]

La Cathedrale de St. Paul a Londre (mirrored)
ca. 1750-1800 300 x 412 mm Etching/engraving/watercolour 181. A North West Vien of St. Pauls Cathedral London; Vuë Perspective de la Cathedrale de St. Paul a Londre; Veduta della Chiesa Catedrale di St. Paolo, Londra; Prospect der Dom=Kirche St. Paul, zu London. close cut margins with scuffed edges. Some tears repaired with tape. A rust spot in the sky. Fair condition. l Beautiful perspective view on the St. Pauls cathedral in London. The building has a prominent place in the center of the print. It is coloured in pastel-like prints, while the bystanders are coloured contrasting colours like orange and green. Letters/init
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 61191
€  86.25 [Appr.: US$ 89.37 | £UK 72 | JP¥ 13726]

Le Chateau de Marly (mirrored)
Daumont, Paris ca. 1750-1800 331 x 486 mm (plate: 295 x 420 mm) Etching/engraving/watercolour Vue de l'Entrée du Chateau de Marly; A Paris chez Daumont rue St. Martin. Small folds in right margin. Good state. l Optical view of the front entrance of Chateau de Marly, the Royal retreat of Louis XIV in France. On the square in the front an honour guard of soldiers welcomes a royal carriage. In the distance the palace is situated. The surroundings are coloured in li
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 61195
€  138.00 [Appr.: US$ 143 | £UK 115 | JP¥ 21961]

The Easter meal
Martin Engelbrecht (1684-1756), Augsbourg ca. 1720-1750 242 x 367 mm (plate: 210 x 307 mm) Etching/engraving/watercolour 296. Paschalem comedens, ut jussus, Israel agnum (…); Pascha Israëlitarum Exod, XIII. V. 46.; Das Israelitische Offerlamm II. B. Mose. XIII. V. 46; (…); C.P.S.C. Maj (Privilegio); Mart. Engelbrecht excud. A.V. Damaged margins. The plate itself is in good condition. l Hand coloured print of the Easter diner. A group of Israelites gather around a table on which the Easter lamb is presented. In the distance the outlines of a city are visible. Deviating size.
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 61179
€  103.50 [Appr.: US$ 107.25 | £UK 86.25 | JP¥ 16471]

L'Enfant prodigue porcher
Georg Balthasar Probst, Augsbourg ca. 1750-1800 338 x 468 mm (plate: 320 x 435 mm) Etching/engraving/watercolour Filius deperditus Subulcus; L'enfant prodigue porcher; Il figliuolo prodigo Porcaro; Der verlohrne Sohn ein Schweinhirt; Med. Fol. No. 29; Georg Balthasar Probst, excud. A.V. Upper half of the print contains a large damp stain. Not that visible in the print itself. Small tear in bottom margin. Fair/good state. l A hand coloured optical view of a landscape in which the biblical story of the prodigal son is portrayed. In front of the Mediterranean landscape a figure sits on a rock. He sits in the midst of a group of boars. On the right of the plate a fancy dressed
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 61250
€  103.50 [Appr.: US$ 107.25 | £UK 86.25 | JP¥ 16471]

Epularis Aula in hortis Versalicis
Daumont, Paris. ca. 1780. 33 x 50 cm (plate: 29,7 x 43,7 cm). Handcoloured copperplate engraving on handlaid paper with watermark. Epularis Aula in hortis Versalicis. 52e. Vuë d'Optique Representant. La Salle des Festins dans les Jardins de Versailles. a Paris chez Daumont rue St. Martin. Some age related discolouration and stains in the upper margin. Slightly folded and scuffed around the edges. Overall state is good. l A hand coloured optical view depicting the well maintained gardens of Versailles near Paris. the symetrical garden is populated by fancy dressed people.
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 62004
€  126.50 [Appr.: US$ 131.08 | £UK 105.5 | JP¥ 20131]

Facies Portae Mosae Orientalis e regione Basilicae s. Laurentiane Roterdami
ca. 1750-1800 364 x 496 mm (plate: 318 x 430 mm) Etching/engraving/watercolour Portae Mosae Orientalis e regione Basilicae s. Laurentiane Roterdami. Vista de la Puerta de Mosa Haccia el Oriente de L'Yglesia de S. Lorenzo a Roterdam. II. Small hole and folds in margins. Good state l Optical view of the Eastern entrance to the city from the 'Maas'. On the left the 'Laurenskerk' towers above the houses. The print is beautifully hand coloured, with earth-like colours for the buildings and more vibrant colours for the city's inhabitants.
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 61143
€  253.00 [Appr.: US$ 262.16 | £UK 210.75 | JP¥ 40263]

Filius deperditus inter scorta
ca. 1750-1800 360 x 493 mm (plate: 320 x 430 mm) Etching/engraving/watercolour Filius deperditus inter scorta; El hijo prodigo bive luxuriosamente; 06 Green spots in the left margin. Small hole in the upper margin. Good state. l Hand coloured optical print portraying a scene from the biblical story of the prodigal son, in which we see the prodigal son live in luxury. In a baroque styled parlour fancy dressed people are dining, while other people dance in the back. The print is co
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 61252
€  126.50 [Appr.: US$ 131.08 | £UK 105.5 | JP¥ 20131]

Fontaine dans la Logis a droit du Labyrinthe
Georg Balthasar Probst, Augsburg ca. 1750-1800 366 x 491 mm (plate: 305 x 417 mm) Etching/engraving/watercolour Fontana in loco ad dextram Labyrinthis; Fontaine dans la Logis a droit du Labyrinthe; Fontana nella Loggia a destra del Laberinte; Luft Wasser in der Logia zur rechten des Irrgartens; Med. Fol. No. 4; Cum Gratia et Privilegio Sac: Caes: Majestatis; Georg Balthasar Probst, excud. A.V. Damp stains on the bottom and upper margin. Piece of the right margin is torn off. Plate itself is in good state. l Hand coloured optical view of a fountain on the right side of the maze (not clear where this maze is situated). Wealthy people walk around a highly decorated, baroque fountain. Coloured in deep vibrant colours. A note in pencil on the back points out that
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 61207
€  172.50 [Appr.: US$ 178.75 | £UK 143.75 | JP¥ 27452]

A General View of the City of Lisbone the Capitel of the Kingdom of Poturgal
H. Overton & R. Sayer, London. 1752. 33 x 50,4 cm (plate: 25,7 x 39,6 cm). Handcoloured copperplate engraving on handlaid paper with watermark. Publish'd according to act of parliament april 4e10. 1752. A general view of the city of lisbone the capital of the kingdom of Portugal. Vue generale de Lisbone, ville capitale du royaume de Portugale. London prented for & sold by Hen. (...) Overton at the White Horse nithout Hengate (should ben newgate) - & Rob t Sayer at the Golden Buck opposite Fetter Lave Fleetstreet. Some age related discolouration and damp stains in the upper margin. Very lightly folded and scuffed around the edges. Overall state is good. l A hand coloured optical view on the Portuguese capitol of Lisbon, as seen from the see. In front of the detailed city ships sail by and fire their canons.
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 62007
€  115.00 [Appr.: US$ 119.17 | £UK 95.75 | JP¥ 18301]

Gesigt, van het Ammunitie Magazijn, binnen de Stadt Delft.
Georg Balthasar Probst, Augsburg ca. 1750-1800. 310 x 446 mm etching/watercolour Gesigt, van het Ammunitie Magazijn, binnen de Stadt Delft. Vuë du Magazin de Munition, dedans de la Ville de Delft. Veduta del Magazzeno di Munizione, dentro della Citta de Delft. Prospect des Zeug-Hausses, innerhalb der Stadt Delft. Georg Balthasar Probst. Excud. A.V. Pasted onto cardboard. Black tape around the sides. Two small brown spots. Good state. l Illuminated optical print of the Dutch city of Delft. In the center of the print the ammunition warehouse is situated. This building is now known as the Army Museum in Delft. The print is hand coloured in a delicate way. Illuminated by small holes and fi
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 61155
€  287.50 [Appr.: US$ 297.91 | £UK 239.5 | JP¥ 45753]

l'Hotel des Ambassadeurs, a Vienne, en Autriche (mirrored)
Basset, Paris (1700-1865) ca. 1750-1800 249 x 431 mm Etching/engraving/watercolour 2e Nouvelle vüe d'Optique, representant; l'Hotel des Ambassadeurs, á la Cour de Vienne, prise du côté du Jardin; A Paris, chez Basset, Graveur rue St. Jacques; au coin de celle des Mathurins s Se. Genevieve. Pasted onto cardboard. Slightly discoloured and smudged. l Illuminated optical view of l'Hotel des Ambassadeurs In the Austrian city of Vienna (Wenen). The building is depicted in the distance, with an impressive baroque garden in the front. The outlines and light sources of the building are perforated (dots). At
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 61187
€  103.50 [Appr.: US$ 107.25 | £UK 86.25 | JP¥ 16471]

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