Gamander Antiquariaat [Psweloveyou]: Philosophy
trouvé: 180 livres sur 12 pages. Ceci est page 1
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 Adler, Mortimer J. Editor,, Great books of the western world. Vol. 33
Adler, Mortimer J. Editor,
Great books of the western world. Vol. 33
Philosophy: Locke- A letter concerning toleration. Berkeley- The principles on human knowledge. Hume - An enquiry concerning human understanding. l Encyclopaedia Britannica. Chicago/Madrid/Sydney . Cl. Imitation leather. 509 pp. Outside some slight foxing on the top. Overall condition very good.
Gamander Antiquariaat [Psweloveyou]Vendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 210571
€  19.00 | CHF 18]
Catalogue: Philosophy

 Adler, Mortimer J. Editor,, Great books of the western world. Vol. 17
Adler, Mortimer J. Editor,
Great books of the western world. Vol. 17
Aquinas vol. 1. The summa theologica. l Encyclopaedia Britannica. Chicago/Madrid/Sydney . Cl. Imitation leather. 825 pp. Outside some slight foxing on the top. Overall condition very good.
Gamander Antiquariaat [Psweloveyou]Vendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 210573
€  19.00 | CHF 18]
Catalogue: Philosophy

 Adler, Mortimer J. Editor,, Great books of the western world. Vol. 16
Adler, Mortimer J. Editor,
Great books of the western world. Vol. 16
Saint Augustine - The confessions. The city of God. On christian doctrine. l Encyclopaedia Britannica. Chicago/Madrid/Sydney . Cl. Imitation leather. 784 pp. Outside some slight foxing on the top. Overall condition very good.
Gamander Antiquariaat [Psweloveyou]Vendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 210574
€  19.00 | CHF 18]
Catalogue: Philosophy

 Adler, Mortimer J. Editor,, Great books of the western world. Vol. 28
Adler, Mortimer J. Editor,
Great books of the western world. Vol. 28
Bacon. Descartes. Spinoza. Resp. Novum Organum and New Atlantis. / 5 treatises/ Ethics. l Encyclopaedia Britannica. Chicago/Madrid/Sydney . Cl. Imitation leather. 698 pp. Outside some slight foxing on the top. Overall condition very good.
Gamander Antiquariaat [Psweloveyou]Vendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 240313
€  21.00 | CHF 20]
Catalogue: Philosophy

 Adler, Mortimer J. Editor,, Great books of the western world. Vol. 30
Adler, Mortimer J. Editor,
Great books of the western world. Vol. 30
Pascal. The provincial letters. Pensées. Scientific treatises. l Encyclopaedia Britannica. Chicago/Madrid/Sydney . Cl. Imitation leather. 486 pp. Outside some slight foxing on the top. Overall condition very good.
Gamander Antiquariaat [Psweloveyou]Vendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 240315
€  18.00 | CHF 17.5]
Catalogue: Philosophy

 Adler, Mortimer J. Editor,, Great books of the western world. Vol. 39
Adler, Mortimer J. Editor,
Great books of the western world. Vol. 39
Kant. Critique of pure reason/ critique of practical reason/ critique of judgement. l Encyclopaedia Britannica. Chicago/Madrid/Sydney . Cl. Imitation leather. 612 pp. Outside some slight foxing on the top. Overall condition very good.
Gamander Antiquariaat [Psweloveyou]Vendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 240319
€  18.00 | CHF 17.5]
Catalogue: Philosophy

 Thomas von Aquin,, Der Prolog des Johannes-Evangeliums. Super Evangelium  S. Joannis. ( Caput1., Lectio1-9)
Thomas von Aquin,
Der Prolog des Johannes-Evangeliums. Super Evangelium S. Joannis. ( Caput1., Lectio1-9)
Übersetzung, Einführung und Erläuterungen von W. Klünker. l Verlag Freies Geistesleben . Stuttgart 1986. Ln. 206 S. Mit einige Braunflecken am Aussenseite. Weiter nett.
Gamander Antiquariaat [Psweloveyou]Vendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 200391
€  25.00 | CHF 24]
Catalogue: Philosophy

 Thomas von Aquin,, Über die Trinität. De Trinitate.
Thomas von Aquin,
Über die Trinität. De Trinitate.
Eine Auslegung der gleichnamigen Schrift des Boethius. Übersetzung und Erläuterungen von Hans Lentz. Artikel auf Lateinisch und Deutsch. l Verlag Freies Geistesleben . Stuttgart 1988. Ln. 302 S. Sehr gut.
Gamander Antiquariaat [Psweloveyou]Vendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 190646
€  34.00 | CHF 32.5]
Catalogue: Philosophy

Aquino, Thomas van,
Over waarheid en onwaarheid.
Vertaling van R. te Velde. Agora editie. l Kok. Kampen 1988. Pb. 139 pp. Heel goed.
Gamander Antiquariaat [Psweloveyou]Vendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 230372
€  19.00 | CHF 18]
Catalogue: Philosophy

Archiati, Pietro,
Die Überwindung des Rassismus durch die Geisteswissenschaft Rudolf Steiners.
Das Problem der Einteilung nach Leibeseigenschaften. l Verlag am Goetheanum. Dornach 1997. Kt. 86 S. Gut.
Gamander Antiquariaat [Psweloveyou]Vendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 240186
€  8.00 | CHF 8]
Catalogue: Philosophy

 Aristoteles,, Kategorien Lehre vom Satz. (Organon 1/2)
Kategorien Lehre vom Satz. (Organon 1/2)
Kategorien, Lehre vom Satz (Peri hermeneias) (Organon I/II) vorangeht Porphyrius - Einleitung in die Kategorien. l Meiner Verlag. Hamburg 1974. Kt. 131 S. Sehr nett..
Gamander Antiquariaat [Psweloveyou]Vendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 230135
€  17.00 | CHF 16.5]
Catalogue: Philosophy

 Aristoteles,, Die Nikomachische Ethik.
Die Nikomachische Ethik.
Moralphilosophie. l DTV. München 2006. TB. 428 S. Sehr nett.
Gamander Antiquariaat [Psweloveyou]Vendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 240265
€  9.00 | CHF 9]
Catalogue: Philosophy

 Aristotle,, Prior analytics.
Prior analytics.
Transl. Robin Smith. The Prior Analytics. Latin: Analytica Priora) is a work by Aristotle on reasoning, known as syllogistic, composed around 350 BCE. Being one of the six extant Aristotelian writings on logic and scientific method, it is part of what later Peripatetics called the Organon. l Hackett Publ. Comp. Indianapolis 1989. Pb. 260 pp. Almost new.
Gamander Antiquariaat [Psweloveyou]Vendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 230083
€  17.00 | CHF 16.5]
Catalogue: Philosophy

 Augustinus, Aurelius,, Het werk van monniken.
Augustinus, Aurelius,
Het werk van monniken.
Over het evenwicht tussen geestelijke inspanning en lichamelijke arbeid in kloostergemeenschappen. l Meinema. Zoetermeer 2002. Pb. 101 pp. Zeer goede staat.
Gamander Antiquariaat [Psweloveyou]Vendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 240233
€  9.00 | CHF 9]
Catalogue: Philosophy

 Diverse auteurs.,, Aristoteles. Zijn betekenis voor de wereld van nu.
Diverse auteurs.,
Aristoteles. Zijn betekenis voor de wereld van nu.
Auteurs: Delfgauw, Klever, Van Rijen, Vleeskens en van der Wal. Voordrachten uit het symposium van 29 November 1978. l Wereldvenster. Baarn 1979. Pb. 88 pp. Zeer goede staat.
Gamander Antiquariaat [Psweloveyou]Vendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 210676
€  7.00 | CHF 7]
Catalogue: Philosophy

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