Baars, Ton,
Reconciling scientific approaches for organic farming research: Reflection on research methods in organic grassland and animal production.
This dissertation focuses on the research question: what is peculiar to agricultural research when its purpose is to support the conscious development of organic agriculture?What approaches, designs and methods are used for such research? Since the 1990s the Louis Bolk Institute has become one of the important actors in the field of organic research and development. The author analysed the methodological aspects of seven case studies,each following the same format: background of the project, methods used, a reflection on the methods and, to a limited extent, agronomic results. Each of these sheds light on an aspect of the Louis Bolk Institute’s approach to research. Proefschrift. l Louis Bolk Instituut . Driebergen 2002. Pb. 346 pp. Als nieuw.
Gamander Antiquariaat [Psweloveyou]
Vendeur professionnelN° du livre: 240413
€ 20.00 | CHF 19]