Antiquariaat Fragmenta Selecta: Translations of Greek and Latin Classics
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Latijnse dichters.
Den Haag, Bzzlletin, 1987. 96 p. Paperback. 24 cm (OiN 48; essays by v.d. Paardt, Schrijvers, Hottentot, Guépin & others)
Antiquariaat Fragmenta SelectaProfessional seller
Book number: 75603
€  5.00 [Appr.: US$ 5.2 | £UK 4.25 | JP¥ 815]
Keywords: Altertum Antike Antiquity Dichtkunst Latin literature Poesie poetry römische Literatur vertaling

Aeschylus. The seven plays in English verse by L. CAMPBELL. New edition, revised.
London etc., OUP, n.d. (after 1906). XXII,278 p. Cloth 15.5 cm (The World's Classics 117)(Back gilt; bookplate on front pastedown) (Wartelle p. 259)
Antiquariaat Fragmenta SelectaProfessional seller
Book number: 151813
€  11.00 [Appr.: US$ 11.45 | £UK 9.5 | JP¥ 1793]
Keywords: Aeschylus Aischylos Greek literature Griechische Literatur Tragödie antike altertum antiquity tragedy

The Agamemnon. Translated from a revised text by W. HEADLAM. Ldn., Bell, 1904 (And:) The Choephoroe. Translated from a revised text by W. HEADLAM. (&:) The Medea of Euripides. Literally translated (...) by T. NASH. 3rd ed. revised. (&:) Literal translation of the Alcestis of Euripides. With introd., analysis, and short notes (...) by a first-class man of Balliol. Oxf., Shrimpton, 1898. (&:) Aristophanes. The Clouds., n.d. (&) Aristotle's Poetics. Translated from the Oxford text with short notes by E.S. BOUCHIER. Oxf., Blackwell, 1907.
Oxf., Ldn., 1898 - 1907. 6 vols. in 1. together 378 p. Cl. 18 cm (Cover worn at the extremes; contents inscribed on front flyleaf; name cut from first French title; name on some titles; the 4 last leaves of the Choephoroi transl. loose; title of the Aristophanes translation gone)
Antiquariaat Fragmenta SelectaProfessional seller
Book number: 111962
€  25.00 [Appr.: US$ 26.01 | £UK 21.25 | JP¥ 4074]
Keywords: Altertum Altertumswissenschaft Altphilologie Antike Antiquity Greek literature Griechische Literatur classical philology

Agamemnon. Ingeleid, vertaald en toegelicht door E. DE WAELE.
Antw., De Ned. Boekhandel, 1956. XI,78 p. Wrappers. 17 cm (OiN 66; Klassieke Galerij)
Antiquariaat Fragmenta SelectaProfessional seller
Book number: 25917
€  6.00 [Appr.: US$ 6.24 | £UK 5.25 | JP¥ 978]
Keywords: Aeschylos Aeschylus Agamemnon Agamemnoon Aischylos Altertumswissenschaft Antike Antiquity Greek literature Griechische Literatur Tragödie ancient classical philology tragedy vertaling

The Agamemnon. Transl. by L. MACNEICE.
Lnd., Faber & Faber, (1986). 71 p. Pocket
Antiquariaat Fragmenta SelectaProfessional seller
Book number: 46862
€  5.00 [Appr.: US$ 5.2 | £UK 4.25 | JP¥ 815]
Keywords: Aeschylos Aeschylus Agamemnon Aischylos Altertumswissenschaft Antike Antiquity Greek literature Griechische Literatur Tragödie ancient classical philology tragedy

Agamemnon, Choephoroi en Eumeniden. In Nederlands dicht overgebracht door A.T.S. BAKKER. n.d. (after 1955). 134 p. Wrs. 20 cm (Not in OiN) (Cover worn & spotted)
Antiquariaat Fragmenta SelectaProfessional seller
Book number: 74218
€  7.00 [Appr.: US$ 7.28 | £UK 6 | JP¥ 1141]
Keywords: Aeschylus Agamemnon Agamemnoon Aischylos Altertumswissenschaft Antike Antiquity Choephori Eumenides Greek literature Griechische Literatur Tragödie ancient classical philology tragedy vertaling

Agamemnoon. (Vertaald door) J. BOONEN. 2e volledig herziene druk.
Leuven, Amersfoort, Acco, (1989). 73 p. Wrs. 19 cm (OiN 67)
Antiquariaat Fragmenta SelectaProfessional seller
Book number: 114337
€  7.00 [Appr.: US$ 7.28 | £UK 6 | JP¥ 1141]
Keywords: Aeschylus Agamemnon Aischylos Altertumswissenschaft Antike Antiquity Greek literature Griechische Literatur Tragödie ancient classical philology tragedy vertaling

Die Danaostöchter, Prometheus, Thebanische Trilogie. Drei Tragödien übertr. und erläutert von E. BUSCHOR.
München. Beck, 1958. 214 p. Cl. (Lower corner bumped)
Antiquariaat Fragmenta SelectaProfessional seller
Book number: 19463
€  9.00 [Appr.: US$ 9.36 | £UK 7.75 | JP¥ 1467]
Keywords: Aeschylos Aeschylus Aischylos Altertum Altertumswissenschaft Antike Antiquity Greek literature Griechische Literatur Septem contra Thebas Tragödie ancient classical philology prometheus vinctus supplices tragedy

Doodenoffer. Treurspel naar het Grieksch van Aischylos in Nederlandsche verzen overgebracht door P.C. Boutens.
Rotterdam, W.L. & J. Brusse's Uitgeversmaatschappij, 1919. 55 p. Cloth. 25 cm (OiN 66; No dustjacket. Binding slightly worn at the extremes. Head of the spine chafed. Paper yellowing )
Antiquariaat Fragmenta SelectaProfessional seller
Book number: 158767
€  10.00 [Appr.: US$ 10.4 | £UK 8.5 | JP¥ 1630]
Keywords: Aeschylos Aeschylus Aischylos Altertumswissenschaft Antike Antiquity Choephori Choephoroi Greek literature Griechische Literatur Tragödie ancient classical philology tragedy vertaling

Doodenoffer & Eumenieden. Vertaling P.C. BOUTENS., Collectieve Propaganda van het Nederlandse Boek, (1963). 64 p. Paperback. 22 cm (OiN 66)
Antiquariaat Fragmenta SelectaProfessional seller
Book number: 97368
€  6.00 [Appr.: US$ 6.24 | £UK 5.25 | JP¥ 978]
Keywords: Aeschylos Aeschylus Aischylos Altertumswissenschaft Antike Antiquity Choephori Choephoroi Eumeniden Eumenides Greek literature Griechische Literatur Tragödie ancient classical philology tragedy vertaling

Eumeniden. Ingeleid, vertaald en toegelicht door E. DE WAELE.
Antwerpen, Ned. Boekhandel, 1959. 72 p. Wrappers. 17 cm (OiN 66; Klassieke Galerij)
Antiquariaat Fragmenta SelectaProfessional seller
Book number: 56086
€  5.00 [Appr.: US$ 5.2 | £UK 4.25 | JP¥ 815]
Keywords: Aeschylos Aeschylus Aischylos Altertumswissenschaft Antike Antiquity Eumeniden Eumenides Greek literature Griechische Literatur Tragödie ancient classical philology tragedy vertaling

The Eumenides, (The Furies). Translated into English rhyming verse by G. MURRAY.
Ldn., Allen & Unwin, 1948. XV,63 p. Cl. 19 cm (Intr., tr. & notes)
Antiquariaat Fragmenta SelectaProfessional seller
Book number: 59044
€  7.00 [Appr.: US$ 7.28 | £UK 6 | JP¥ 1141]
Keywords: Aeschylos Aeschylus Aischylos Altertumswissenschaft Antike Antiquity Eumeniden Eumenides Greek literature Griechische Literatur Tragödie ancient classical philology tragedy

The Eumenides, (The Furies). Translated into English rhyming verse by G. MURRAY.
Ldn., Allen & Unwin, 1948. XV,63 p. Cl. 19 cm (Intr., tr. & notes)
Antiquariaat Fragmenta SelectaProfessional seller
Book number: 98071
€  7.00 [Appr.: US$ 7.28 | £UK 6 | JP¥ 1141]
Keywords: Aeschylos Aeschylus Aischylos Altertumswissenschaft Antike Antiquity Eumeniden Eumenides Greek literature Griechische Literatur Tragödie ancient classical philology tragedy

Eumenieden. Naar het Grieksch van Aischylos in Nederlandsche verzen overgebracht door P.C. BOUTENS.
Rotterdam, Brusse, 1922. 53 p. (OiN 66; rebound; nice binding)
Antiquariaat Fragmenta SelectaProfessional seller
Book number: 115395
€  17.00 [Appr.: US$ 17.69 | £UK 14.5 | JP¥ 2770]
Keywords: Aeschylos Aeschylus Aischylos Altertumswissenschaft Antike Antiquity Eumeniden Eumenides Greek literature Griechische Literatur Tragödie ancient classical philology tragedy vertaling

Eumenieden. Naar het Grieksch van Aischylos in Nederlandsche verzen overgebracht door P.C. Boutens.
Rotterdam, Brusse, 1922. 53 p. Stiff wrappers. 25 cm (OiN 66) (Wrappers plasticized and loose. On the frontcover the text: 'P.C. Boutens, Klassiekenvertalingen'. Bookplate on the verso of the front flyleaf: 'Ex libris J.G. Bruyn van der Waals)
Antiquariaat Fragmenta SelectaProfessional seller
Book number: 154322
€  8.00 [Appr.: US$ 8.32 | £UK 7 | JP¥ 1304]
Keywords: Aeschylos Aeschylus Aischylos Altertumswissenschaft Antike Antiquity Eumeniden Eumenides Greek literature Griechische Literatur Tragödie ancient classical philology tragedy vertaling

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