Antiquariaat Fragmenta Selecta: Old Testament
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Die Apokrypen und Pseudepigraphen des Alten Testaments. Übers. und hrsg. von -.
Tübingen, Mohr, 1900. 4to. 2 vols. in 1: 32,508;6,540 p. H.calf (Cover worn at extremities; front joint splitting)
Antiquariaat Fragmenta SelectaProfessional seller
Book number: 64220
€  46.00 [Appr.: US$ 47.86 | £UK 39 | JP¥ 7496]
Catalogue: Old Testament
Keywords: Altertum Antike Antiquity Bibel Bible Greek Griechisch Neues Testament New Testament Novum Testamentum apocrypha early christian literature early christianity frühchristliche Literatur frühes Christentum

Le nouveau Psautier latin. Éclaircissements sur l'origine et l'esprit de la traduction.
Paris, Desclée, De Brouwer, 1947. 210 p. Wrs. 19 cm
Antiquariaat Fragmenta SelectaProfessional seller
Book number: 90240
€  19.00 [Appr.: US$ 19.77 | £UK 16.25 | JP¥ 3096]
Catalogue: Old Testament
Keywords: Bibel Bible Buch der Psalmen Psalter

Notice sur quelques textes latins inédits de l'ancien testament.
Paris, Klincksieck, 1893. 4to. 38 p. Wrs. (Wrs. chipped) ('Tiré des Notices et extraits des MSS de la Bibl. Nat. et autres bibliothèques, 34,2')
Antiquariaat Fragmenta SelectaProfessional seller
Book number: 14250
€  6.00 [Appr.: US$ 6.24 | £UK 5.25 | JP¥ 978]
Catalogue: Old Testament
Keywords: Altertum Altes Testament Antike Antiquity Bibel Bible Old Vetus Testamentum

Super extremam partem Cantici Canticorum sermones CXX. Edd. E. MIKKERS & H. COSTELLO.
Turnhout, Brepols, 1970. 2 vols: XXVI,482;526 p., 2 pls. Cl. (CCCM 17 & 18) (Ex library; new 180 Euro)(1140/50-1213/20)
Antiquariaat Fragmenta SelectaProfessional seller
Book number: 56554
€  92.00 [Appr.: US$ 95.72 | £UK 78 | JP¥ 14992]
Catalogue: Old Testament
Keywords: Altes Testament Bible Cantica Canticorum Middle Ages Mittelalter Mittellatein Old Testament Vetus Testamentum medieval Latin

Van Abraham tot Zacharia. Thema's uit het Oude Testament in religie, beeldende kunst, literatuur, muziek, en theater.
Nijmegen, SUN, 1999. 270 p.; ills. Paperback 22 cm
Antiquariaat Fragmenta SelectaProfessional seller
Book number: 151752
€  17.00 [Appr.: US$ 17.69 | £UK 14.5 | JP¥ 2770]
Catalogue: Old Testament
Keywords: Altertum Altes Testament Antike Antiquity Bibel Bible Kunst Musik Old Testament Theater Vetus Testamentum art early christian literature early christianity frühchristliche Literatur frühes Christentum music religion theatre

According to the critically restored text with an apparatus containing the variants of the principal recensions of the individual witnesses. Ed. by M.L. MARGOLIS. Part V: Joshua 19:39-24:33.
Philadelphia, Annenberg Research Inst., 1992. 4to. XXVI,(93) p. Wrs.
Antiquariaat Fragmenta SelectaProfessional seller
Book number: 71833
€  15.00 [Appr.: US$ 15.61 | £UK 12.75 | JP¥ 2444]
Catalogue: Old Testament
Keywords: Altertum Altes Testament Antike Antiquity Bibel Bible Joshua Josua Old Testament Septuaginta Vetus Testamentum

De compositione litteraria et de origine Mosaica Hexateuchi disquisitio historico-critica.
Brussel, Paleis der Academiën, 1949. 4to. 101 p. Wrs. (Label & st. on front cover)
Antiquariaat Fragmenta SelectaProfessional seller
Book number: 26820
€  12.00 [Appr.: US$ 12.49 | £UK 10.25 | JP¥ 1955]
Catalogue: Old Testament
Keywords: Altertum Antike Antiquity Bibel Bible Hexateuch Moses Moyses Septuaginta

Florilegium Hebraicum. Locos selectos librorum Veteris Testamenti in usum scholarum et disciplinae domesticae.
Freiburg, Herder, (1912). XII,215 p. Cl.
Antiquariaat Fragmenta SelectaProfessional seller
Book number: 50778
€  17.00 [Appr.: US$ 17.69 | £UK 14.5 | JP¥ 2770]
Catalogue: Old Testament
Keywords: Altertum Altes Testament Antike Antiquity Bibel Bible Hebrew Hebräisch Old Testament Vetus Testamentum

Répertoire des textes latins relatifs au livre du Ruth (VIIe-XVe s.)
Steenbrugge, Dordrecht, in Abbatia S. Petri, Kluwer, 1990. 273 p. Wrappers 24 cm (Instrumenta Patristica et Mediaevalia 18)(New 62.70 Euro)
Antiquariaat Fragmenta SelectaProfessional seller
Book number: 86491
€  31.00 [Appr.: US$ 32.26 | £UK 26.25 | JP¥ 5052]
Catalogue: Old Testament
Keywords: Altertum Antike Antiquity Bibel Bible Patristics Patristik Ruth Septuaginta early christian literature early christianity frühchristliche Literatur frühes Christentum

Philo's Bible. The aberrant text of Bible quotations in some Philonic writings, and its place in the textual history of the Greek Bible.
Cambr., CUP, 1950. 161 p. Cl. 24 cm
Antiquariaat Fragmenta SelectaProfessional seller
Book number: 86151
€  39.00 [Appr.: US$ 40.58 | £UK 33 | JP¥ 6355]
Catalogue: Old Testament
Keywords: Altertum Altertumswissenschaft Altphilologie Antike Antiquity Bibel Bible Greek literature Griechische Literatur Jews Juden Textkritik Theologie ancient philosophy antike Philosophie classical philology textual criticism theology

Inleiding op het Genesiskommentaar van de Nestoriaan Ibn At-Taiyib.
Leiden, Brill, 1963. 100 p. Wrs. 24 cm (Diss., UvA)(I.A., a Christian Arab died 1043)
Antiquariaat Fragmenta SelectaProfessional seller
Book number: 92048
€  17.00 [Appr.: US$ 17.69 | £UK 14.5 | JP¥ 2770]
Catalogue: Old Testament
Keywords: &Br Altes Testament Araber Arabs Bibel Bible Christentum Christianity Genesis Middle Ages Mittelalter Old Testament Septuaginta

Das Buch Jona im Lichte der biblischen Erzählkunst.
Assen, v. Gorcum, 1969. 116 p. Stiff wrs. 24 cm (Diss., UVA)
Antiquariaat Fragmenta SelectaProfessional seller
Book number: 78997
€  18.00 [Appr.: US$ 18.73 | £UK 15.25 | JP¥ 2933]
Catalogue: Old Testament
Keywords: Altertum Altes Testament Antike Antiquity Bibel Bible Iona Ionah Ionas Jona Jonah Jonas Old Testament Septuaginta Vetus Testamentum

Id est Vetus Testamentum graece iuxta LXX interpretes edidit Alfred Rahlfs. Editio nona.
Stuttgart, (no date; ca. 1970). 2 volumes. Cloth 24 cm (Backs faded, small spot upper board of the second volume) (Heavy books, may require extra shipping costs)
Antiquariaat Fragmenta SelectaProfessional seller
Book number: 153451
€  40.00 [Appr.: US$ 41.62 | £UK 34 | JP¥ 6518]
Catalogue: Old Testament
Keywords: Altertum Altes Testament Antike Antiquity Bibel Bible Genesis Old Testament Septuaginta Vetus Testamentum

De lening in het Oude Testament. (Bijdrage tot de kennis van het vraagstuk van schuld en aansprakelijkheid).
Den Haag, Excelsior, 1957. 123 p. Wrs. 24 cm (Diss.)
Antiquariaat Fragmenta SelectaProfessional seller
Book number: 82425
€  15.00 [Appr.: US$ 15.61 | £UK 12.75 | JP¥ 2444]
Catalogue: Old Testament
Keywords: Altertum Altes Testament Antike Antiquity Old Testament Patristics Patristik Recht Septuaginta Vetus Testamentum law

Het Oude Verbond.
Amst., NHUM, 1984. 148 p. Wrs. 24 cm (Verh. KNAW)
Antiquariaat Fragmenta SelectaProfessional seller
Book number: 79010
€  9.00 [Appr.: US$ 9.36 | £UK 7.75 | JP¥ 1467]
Catalogue: Old Testament
Keywords: Altertum Altes Testament Antike Antiquity Bibel Bible Israel Jewry Jews Judaism Juden Judentum Old Testament Tora Vetus Testamentum

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