Antiquariaat Fragmenta Selecta: New Testament
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Pilatus en Herodes. Enige opmerkingen over de samenhang tussen wereldgeschiedenis en heilsgeschiedenis.
Kampen, Kok, 1975. 24 p. Wrappers. (Lecture)
Antiquariaat Fragmenta SelectaProfessional seller
Book number: 57989
€  5.00 [Appr.: US$ 5.2 | £UK 4.25 | JP¥ 815]
Catalogue: New Testament
Keywords: Altertum Altertumswissenschaft Altphilologie Antike Antiquity Christ Herodes Jesus Pilatus Roman history classical philology römische Geschichte

Selected passages for translation (edited with notes by) T.J. LEARY.
Bristol, Bristol Classical Press, 1995. 97 p. Paperback. (Introduction, text & notes)
Antiquariaat Fragmenta SelectaProfessional seller
Book number: 60558
€  10.00 [Appr.: US$ 10.4 | £UK 8.5 | JP¥ 1630]
Catalogue: New Testament
Keywords: Bibel Bible Neues Testament New Testament Novum Testamentum acta apostolorum

The apocryphal New Testament. Being the apocryphal gospels, acts, epistles and apocalypses, with other narratives and fragments newly translated by Montague Rhodes James.
Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1953. XXXI,594 p. Cloth. 19 cm (Front hinge slightly cracking)
Antiquariaat Fragmenta SelectaProfessional seller
Book number: 159556
€  28.00 [Appr.: US$ 29.13 | £UK 23.75 | JP¥ 4563]
Catalogue: New Testament
Keywords: Altertum Antike Antiquity Bibel Bible Greek Griechisch Neues Testament New Testament Novum Testamentum apocrypha early christian literature early christianity frühchristliche Literatur frühes Christentum

CORPUS CHRISTIANORUM SERIES APOCRYPHORUM. (Vol.) 3: Écrits apocryphes sur les apôtres. Traduction de l'édition arménienne de Venise, I: Pierre, Paul, André, Jacques, Jean, par L. LELOIR.
Turnhout, Brepols, 1986. Cloth. XXX,418 p. 25 cm (CCSA 3)
Antiquariaat Fragmenta SelectaProfessional seller
Book number: 86830
€  67.00 [Appr.: US$ 69.71 | £UK 56.75 | JP¥ 10918]
Catalogue: New Testament
Keywords: Altertum Antike Antiquity Bibel Bible Greek Griechisch Neues Testament New Testament Novum Testamentum apocrypha early christian literature early christianity frühchristliche Literatur frühes Christentum

L'Évangile selon Thomas, ou les paroles secrètes de Jésus.
Paris, Librairie Plon, (1959). 244 p., 4 plates. Wrappers. 20 cm (Les livres secrets des Gnostiques d'Égypte 2) (Préambule, introduction, traduction (French), commentaires, appendice)
Antiquariaat Fragmenta SelectaProfessional seller
Book number: 159557
€  30.00 [Appr.: US$ 31.21 | £UK 25.5 | JP¥ 4889]
Catalogue: New Testament
Keywords: Altertum Antike Antiquity Bibel Bible Evangelium nach Thomas Evangelium secundum Thomam Gospel of Thomas Greek Griechisch Neues Testament New Testament Novum Testamentum apocrypha early christian literature early christianity frühchristliche Literatur frü

Invitation to the Apocrypha.
Grand Rapids, Cambridge, William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1999. VIII,222 p. Paperback. 23 cm
Antiquariaat Fragmenta SelectaProfessional seller
Book number: 159550
€  15.00 [Appr.: US$ 15.61 | £UK 12.75 | JP¥ 2444]
Catalogue: New Testament
Keywords: Altertum Antike Antiquity Apokrypha Apokryphen Bibel Bible Jesus Neues Testament New Testament Novum Testamentum apocrypha early christian literature early christianity evangelium frühchristliche Literatur frühes Christentum

La scrittura apocrifa dei primi due capitoli del Vangelo secondo Matteo, e Controrevisione della datazione della Nascita di Cristo. 2000. 207 p. Wrs.
Antiquariaat Fragmenta SelectaProfessional seller
Book number: 63351
€  7.00 [Appr.: US$ 7.28 | £UK 6 | JP¥ 1141]
Catalogue: New Testament
Keywords: Altertum Antike Antiquity Bibel Bible Greek Griechisch Neues Testament New Testament Novum Testamentum apocrypha early christian literature early christianity frühchristliche Literatur frühes Christentum

The Gospel quotations of Aphrahat the Persian Sage. I: Aphrahat's text of the fourth Gospel.
Meppel, Krips, 1975. 2 volumes: XVI,520 p. Stiff wrappers. 24 cm (Dissertation, VU Amsterdam. The second volume contains an 'Appendix') (Wikipedia: Aphrahat (c. 280-c. 345, was a Syriac Christian author of the third century, who, living in the Sasanian Empire, composed a series of 23 homilies on points of Christian doctrine and practice. All his known works, the Demonstrations, come from later on in his life. He was an ascetic and may have been a bishop, and later Syriac tradition places him at the head of Mar Mattai monastery near Mosul in what is now Iraqi Kurdistan. He was a near contemporary to the slightly younger Ephrem the Syrian, but the latter lived within the sphere of the Roman Empire. Called the Persian Sage, Aphrahat witnesses to the concerns of the early church beyond the eastern boundaries of the Roman Empire)
Antiquariaat Fragmenta SelectaProfessional seller
Book number: 156981
€  35.00 [Appr.: US$ 36.42 | £UK 29.75 | JP¥ 5703]
Catalogue: New Testament
Keywords: Altertum Altertumswissenschaft Altphilologie Antike Antiquity Neues Testament New Testament Novum Testamentum Persia Persians Sasaniden Sasanides Syrian classical philology early christian literature early christianity frühchristliche Literatur frühes Chr

Vier = een. Enkele bladzijden uit de geschiedenis van de harmonistiek der evangeliën.
Kampen, Kok, 1969. 64 p. Wrs. 21 cm (Lecture)
Antiquariaat Fragmenta SelectaProfessional seller
Book number: 76602
€  9.00 [Appr.: US$ 9.36 | £UK 7.75 | JP¥ 1467]
Catalogue: New Testament
Keywords: Altertum Altertumswissenschaft Altphilologie Antike Antiquity Neues Testament New Testament Novum Testamentum classical philology early christian literature early christianity frühchristliche Literatur frühes Christentum

The Gospel according to St John. An introduction with commentary and notes on the Greek text.
Ldn., SPCK, 1955. XII,531 p. Cl. 25 cm
Antiquariaat Fragmenta SelectaProfessional seller
Book number: 105055
€  13.00 [Appr.: US$ 13.53 | £UK 11 | JP¥ 2118]
Catalogue: New Testament
Keywords: Altertum Altertumswissenschaft Altphilologie Antike Antiquity Bibel Bible Greek Griechisch Johannes Neues Testament New Testament Patrologie classical philology early christian literature early christianity frühchristliche Literatur frühes Christentum gri

Die Umwelt des Neuen Testaments. Ausgewählte Quellen.
Tübingen, Mohr, 1959. XII,290 p. Cl. 24 cm (Wissensch. Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament, 4)
Antiquariaat Fragmenta SelectaProfessional seller
Book number: 83868
€  18.00 [Appr.: US$ 18.73 | £UK 15.25 | JP¥ 2933]
Catalogue: New Testament
Keywords: Altertum Altertumswissenschaft Altphilologie Antike Antiquity Neues Testament New Testament Novum Testamentum Roman history classical philology early christian literature early christianity frühchristliche Literatur frühes Christentum römische Geschichte

Gnomon Novi Testamenti, in quo ex nativa verborum vi simplicitas, profunditas, concinnitas, salubritas sensuum coelestium indicatur. Ed. 8va. ... opera P. Steudel.
Stuttgart, Steinkopf, 1891. XXVIII,1149 p., portrait. H.calf (Back rubbed; head of spine sl. dam.; front hinge weak)
Antiquariaat Fragmenta SelectaProfessional seller
Book number: 68702
€  26.00 [Appr.: US$ 27.05 | £UK 22 | JP¥ 4237]
Catalogue: New Testament
Keywords: Altertum Altertumswissenschaft Altphilologie Antike Antiquity Bibel Bible Greek Griechisch Neues Testament New Testament Patrologie classical philology early christian literature early christianity frühchristliche Literatur frühes Christentum griechische

Der Evangelist Markus auf der Reichenau.
Sigmaringen, Thorbecke, 1994. 89 p., ills. Stiff wrs. 21 cm (Reichenauer Texte und Bilder 4)(t. & tr. of De miraculis et virtutibus Sancti Marci evangelistae)
Antiquariaat Fragmenta SelectaProfessional seller
Book number: 105124
€  9.00 [Appr.: US$ 9.36 | £UK 7.75 | JP¥ 1467]
Catalogue: New Testament
Keywords: Altertum Altertumswissenschaft Altphilologie Antike Antiquity Bibel Bible Greek Griechisch Marcus Markus Mittellatein Neues Testament New Testament Patrologie classical philology early christian literature early christianity frühchristliche Literatur früh

Grammatik des neutestamentlichen Griechisch. Bearbeitet von Albert Debrunner. 6., durchgesehene und vermehrte Auflage.
Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1931. XX,368 p. Cloth. 24 cm
Antiquariaat Fragmenta SelectaProfessional seller
Book number: 154551
€  9.00 [Appr.: US$ 9.36 | £UK 7.75 | JP¥ 1467]
Catalogue: New Testament
Keywords: Altertumswissenschaft Altphilologie Antike Antiquity Greek Literatur Neues Testament New Testament Novum Testamentum Sprachwissenschaft classical philology early christianity frühes Christentum grammar griechische linguistics literature

Grammatik des neutestamentlichen Griechisch.
Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1896. XII,329 p. Cl.
Antiquariaat Fragmenta SelectaProfessional seller
Book number: 50799
€  10.00 [Appr.: US$ 10.4 | £UK 8.5 | JP¥ 1630]
Catalogue: New Testament
Keywords: Altertumswissenschaft Altphilologie Antike Antiquity Greek Literatur Neues Testament New Testament Novum Testamentum Sprachwissenschaft classical philology early christianity frühes Christentum grammar griechische linguistics literature

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