Antiquariaat Fenix Amsterdam: Physics
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 , Astronomische Tafel, der mittlern Abftände der Sonne in Zeit vom erften Punct der Frühlings Tag- und Nacht-Gleichen un ihrer mittlern Bewegungen für Monate und Tage zur Verwandlung der Sternzeit in mittlere Sonnenzeit und umgekehrt Auf den Mit.
Astronomische Tafel, der mittlern Abftände der Sonne in Zeit vom erften Punct der Frühlings Tag- und Nacht-Gleichen un ihrer mittlern Bewegungen für Monate und Tage zur Verwandlung der Sternzeit in mittlere Sonnenzeit und umgekehrt Auf den Mit.
Als Manuscript f?r Freunde gedruckt. 1799 boards, 20x11,5x0,3 cm, 15 pp. In very good condition. Spine worn.
Antiquariaat Fenix AmsterdamProfessional seller
Book number: 23998
€  40.00 [Appr.: US$ 41.16 | £UK 33.75 | JP¥ 6425]
Catalogue: Physics

 , Die Relativitätstheorie von Dr. L. Hopf-Aachen.
Die Relativitätstheorie von Dr. L. Hopf-Aachen.
Quelle & Meyer: Leipzig: Kein datum. Geklammert, seite 719 - 729 pp. Zeitschrift für den Naturwissenschaftlichen und erdkundlichen Unterricht. 9. Jahrg. Sonderdruck. Name auf Schutzumschlag. Herausgegeben von P. Johannesson, W. Schoenichen, P. Wagner. Schutzumschlag Verblaßt und A.
Antiquariaat Fenix AmsterdamProfessional seller
Book number: 38302
€  25.00 [Appr.: US$ 25.72 | £UK 21.25 | JP¥ 4016]
Catalogue: Physics

 ???????, ?. & ?. ?????? & ?. ?????, ????????????? ?????? ?? ?????? Vol 1. The Feynman lectures on Physics.
???????, ?. & ?. ?????? & ?. ?????
????????????? ?????? ?? ?????? Vol 1. The Feynman lectures on Physics.
Moscow, 1965. Or. cloth with discoloured spine. 266 [5] pp. B-w images. 22x15x1,5 cm. Good condition. In Russian.
Antiquariaat Fenix AmsterdamProfessional seller
Book number: 50390
€  20.00 [Appr.: US$ 20.58 | £UK 17 | JP¥ 3213]
Catalogue: Physics

 ???????, ?. & ?. ?????? & ?. ?????, ????????????? ?????? ?? ?????? Vol 2. The Feynman lectures on Physics.
???????, ?. & ?. ?????? & ?. ?????
????????????? ?????? ?? ?????? Vol 2. The Feynman lectures on Physics.
Moscow, 1965. Or. cloth with discoloured spine. 167 pp. B-w images. 22x15x1 cm. Good condition. In Russian.
Antiquariaat Fenix AmsterdamProfessional seller
Book number: 50391
€  20.00 [Appr.: US$ 20.58 | £UK 17 | JP¥ 3213]
Catalogue: Physics

 ???????, ?. & ?. ?????? & ?. ?????, ????????????? ?????? ?? ?????? Vol 5. The Feynman lectures on Physics.
???????, ?. & ?. ?????? & ?. ?????
????????????? ?????? ?? ?????? Vol 5. The Feynman lectures on Physics.
Moscow, 1966. Or. cloth with discoloured spine. 295 pp. B-w images. 22x15x1,8 cm. Good condition. In Russian.
Antiquariaat Fenix AmsterdamProfessional seller
Book number: 50392
€  20.00 [Appr.: US$ 20.58 | £UK 17 | JP¥ 3213]
Catalogue: Physics

 ???????, ?. & ?. ?????? & ?. ?????, ????????????? ?????? ?? ?????? Vol 6. The Feynman lectures on Physics.
???????, ?. & ?. ?????? & ?. ?????
????????????? ?????? ?? ?????? Vol 6. The Feynman lectures on Physics.
Moscow, 1966. Or. cloth with discoloured spine. 342 pp. B-w images. 22x15x2,1 cm. Good condition. In Russian.
Antiquariaat Fenix AmsterdamProfessional seller
Book number: 50393
€  20.00 [Appr.: US$ 20.58 | £UK 17 | JP¥ 3213]
Catalogue: Physics

 ???????, ?. & ?. ?????? & ?. ?????, ????????????? ?????? ?? ?????? Vol 7. The Feynman lectures on Physics.
???????, ?. & ?. ?????? & ?. ?????
????????????? ?????? ?? ?????? Vol 7. The Feynman lectures on Physics.
Moscow, 1966. Or. cloth with discoloured spine. 289 [2] pp. B-w images. 22x15x1,8 cm. Good condition. In Russian.
Antiquariaat Fenix AmsterdamProfessional seller
Book number: 50394
€  20.00 [Appr.: US$ 20.58 | £UK 17 | JP¥ 3213]
Catalogue: Physics

 Behrisch, R. (ed.), Sputtering bt Particle Bombardement I: Physical Sputtering of single-element solids.
Behrisch, R. (ed.)
Sputtering bt Particle Bombardement I: Physical Sputtering of single-element solids.
Springer-Verlag: Berlin, 1981.Topics in Applied Physics vol 47. From the collection of professor J. Kistemaker. Cloth, 281 pp., with 117 figures, index, 16x24x1,5 cm, in very good condition, lightly faded spine.
Antiquariaat Fenix AmsterdamProfessional seller
Book number: 20723
€  20.00 [Appr.: US$ 20.58 | £UK 17 | JP¥ 3213]
Catalogue: Physics

 Bleibtreu, L, Beschrijving van den Sterrenhemel of onderrigt om de sterrenbeelden te leeren kennen door eigen oefening.
Bleibtreu, L
Beschrijving van den Sterrenhemel of onderrigt om de sterrenbeelden te leeren kennen door eigen oefening.
C.G, Sulpke: Amsterdam, 1825. Ingenaaid, 20,5x12,5x2 cm, 165 pp. Goede staat, naam vorige eigenaar op titelpagina..Voorrede G. Moll; vertaald door Aegidius de Wit. Incl drie platen. Slijtage rug en omslag.
Antiquariaat Fenix AmsterdamProfessional seller
Book number: 22919
€  175.00 [Appr.: US$ 180.06 | £UK 147.5 | JP¥ 28110]
Catalogue: Physics

 Bleibtreu, L, Beschrijving van den Sterrenhemel.
Bleibtreu, L
Beschrijving van den Sterrenhemel.
C.G, Sulpke: Amsterdam, 1830. Ingenaaid, 20,5x12,5x2 cm, 175 pp. Goede staat, bibliotheekstempeltje op titelpagina. Voorrede G. Moll; Tweede uitgave: F. Kaiser. Incl drie platen. Voorplat los en rug beschadigd.
Antiquariaat Fenix AmsterdamProfessional seller
Book number: 22920
€  150.00 [Appr.: US$ 154.34 | £UK 126.5 | JP¥ 24095]
Catalogue: Physics

 Calmthout, Martijn, Einstein in een notendop.
Calmthout, Martijn
Einstein in een notendop.
Bert Bakker: Amsterdam, 2010. Paperback, 180 pp., literatuur, register, 12x20x1,5 cm, in zeer goede staat.
Antiquariaat Fenix AmsterdamProfessional seller
Book number: 44964
€  5.00 [Appr.: US$ 5.14 | £UK 4.25 | JP¥ 803]
Catalogue: Physics
Keywords: Science

 Gavrila, Mihai (ed), Atoms in Intense Laser Fields.
Gavrila, Mihai (ed)
Atoms in Intense Laser Fields.
Academic Press: San Diego, 1992. Supplement 1 to Advances in Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics. From the collection of professor J. Kistemaker with written dedication from author. Hard cover, 516 pp., 16x23x2,5 cm, as new.
Antiquariaat Fenix AmsterdamProfessional seller
Book number: 20733
€  40.00 [Appr.: US$ 41.16 | £UK 33.75 | JP¥ 6425]
Catalogue: Physics

 Gent, van R.H, Studies on Interacting Binary Stellar Systems.
Gent, van R.H
Studies on Interacting Binary Stellar Systems.
Proefschrift ter verkrijging van de graad van doctor aan de Rijksuniversiteit te Utrecht. Inc. Stellingen, paperback, 217 pp, 16,5x 24x 1,5 cm, in goede staat.
Antiquariaat Fenix AmsterdamProfessional seller
Book number: 20746
€  20.00 [Appr.: US$ 20.58 | £UK 17 | JP¥ 3213]
Catalogue: Physics

 Govers, T.R. and F.J. de Heer (ed), The Physics of Electronic and Atomic Collisions. VII ICPEAC  Amsterdam 26-30 july 1971 Invited Papers and Progress Reports.
Govers, T.R. and F.J. de Heer (ed)
The Physics of Electronic and Atomic Collisions. VII ICPEAC Amsterdam 26-30 july 1971 Invited Papers and Progress Reports.
North-Holland Publishing Compagny: Amsterdam, 1972. Sewn, 496 pp., 15x23x3,5 cm, in very good condition, from the collection of professor J. Kistemaker.
Antiquariaat Fenix AmsterdamProfessional seller
Book number: 20717
€  15.00 [Appr.: US$ 15.43 | £UK 12.75 | JP¥ 2409]
Catalogue: Physics

 Hansen, K.G., et al. (ed.), Niels Bohr: Et Mindeskrift.
Hansen, K.G., et al. (ed.)
Niels Bohr: Et Mindeskrift.
Selskabet for Naturl?rens Udbredelse: Kobenhavn, 1963. FysiskTidsskrift 60th year 1962. Sewn in soft cover, 202 pp., with 23 black-and-white photo's, 14x24x1 cm, in good condition, lightly faded spine.
Antiquariaat Fenix AmsterdamProfessional seller
Book number: 20719
€  30.00 [Appr.: US$ 30.87 | £UK 25.5 | JP¥ 4819]
Catalogue: Physics

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