Prognsosticon de eversione Evropae, & alai quaedam, quorumca talogum sequens do cebit pagina. Antverpen, apud Martin Nutium, 1552.
. 16mo. Lvs 51. Old marbled paper covered boards, restored, spine with title label in manuscript, bottom of spine chipped. Copy of Ericsberg castle. A compilation of smaller treatises on Europe and the Orient. Comprises: "Prognosticon d. Magistri Antonij Torquati, artium & medicinae Doctoris Ferrarien. Clarissimiq; astrologi, de euersione Europae ... MCCC.LXXX. direxit"; "Europae descriptio" by Anselmus & Christophorus Cella; "De fide & religione, moribvsqve & caeromoniis Aethiopum" by Franciscus Titelmans; "Legatio Magni Indorum" by D. a Gois; "De origine regvm Turcarvm compendiosa quaedam perioche, per Andream à Lacuna Secobiensem, collecta"; and "De Turcarvm cvltv ac moribus enarratio quaedam breiuscula". Arquato's Prognosticon first appeared in 1534, without given place or printer, and was presumable inspired by the Turks' failure before Vienna in 1529 and their subsequent reverses in Austria and Syria in 1532. It's likely to have been intended as propaganda for Charles V's crusade against Tunis in 1535. Antonio Torquato was a Ferrarese physian and astrologer. This prophecy became popular, frequently reprinted and translated into several languages. Kenneth Meyer Setton: "Western hostility to Islam, and prophecies of Turkish doom", pp. 26-27. Göllner Turcica iii, pp. 341-42.Gois' "Legatio Magni Indorum Imp." was first published in 1532 (Antverpen) with an English edition appearing in 1533. It comprises pages 28 - 45 of this work, including the part about the Lapps "De Pilapiis" (pp. 44-45). It is a reprint of the first edition. Leite de Faris, Estudos bibliogrâficos sobre Dami‹o de G—is e a sua época, Lisboa 1977, pp. 39-40. See E.W. Dahlgren, Dami‹o de Goes, 1915 + tillägg 1917 (this edition not known).
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare Books
Professional sellerBook number: 99780
€ 3000.00 [Appr.: US$ 3086.7 | £UK 2528.5 | JP¥ 481894]
Keywords: Geography, geography, geographical, asia, asie, asiatic, europe, european, orient, oriental, africa, african, ethiopia, ethiopian, exploration, history, turkey, turkish