Star Trek-Ephemera
Star Trek Original Series Crew Member's Exploration Pack
New York, New York, U.S.A. Simon & Schuster. 1996, First Edition/First Printing. (ISBN: 0689809069) Soft cover. Book, Probably designed for the younger set but now more of a Star Trek Collectable then anything else. All items housed in a cardboard tray and contained in a near fine box. Kit includes 3-D glasses,Star Map,Official Fact File,Glow-in-the-Dark Stickers,Punch-out Communicator,ID card and Log Book. All items un-used. Fine.

Pat Cramer, Bookseller
Vendeur professionnelN° du livre: 022381
USD 49.50 [Appr.: EURO 47.25 | CHF 45]
Mots-clés: 0689809069 / Children Star Trek