US Government Board of Elections
Presidential Election Handbook 1960
Chicago, Us Government/National Research Bureau, Inc. 1960, First Printing. Soft cover. Book, A solid tight copy. This copy has some light rubbing wear, light cover soil. Thumbnail guide to the 1960 election, both parties. 48 pages of material covering everything from the from the conventions to famous campaign slogans. The dates July 11-to July 15 written on the front cover. This copy obviously belonged to a Democrat because they kept a running tally of the Kennedy nomination. In addition was probably a Texan because they listed Johnson first on the tally sheet. Very Good +.
Pat Cramer, Bookseller
Professional sellerBook number: 033302
USD 52.50 [Appr.: EURO 51.25 | £UK 43.25 | JP¥ 8196]
Keywords: / Politics Lyndon Johnson