Caldwell, Ian & Thomason, Dustin
The Rule of Four
New York, New York, U.S.A. Dial Press. 2004, First Edition/First Printing. (ISBN: 0385337116) Hardcover. Book, A square solid tight carefully read copy. This copy has some light soil to the front board, some soil to the bottom edge og the text block. The 24.00 jacket has only some minor edgewear else fine. A pretty nice copy and a First print to boot of a very good book that has already gone into about a kazillion printings. THIS COPY IS IN MY POSSESSION AND NORMALLY SHIPS NEXT DAY. Very Good +/Fine.
Pat Cramer, Bookseller
Professional sellerBook number: 028536
USD 12.50 [Appr.: EURO 11.5 | £UK 9.75 | JP¥ 1779]
Keywords: 0385337116 / Suspense Thriller Contemporary Fiction