Chaston, Peter R.,
Terror from the Skies!.
Kearney, MO, Chaston Scientific. VG lg sz PB. Developed in response to theincreasing concern about what may be happening to our ozone layer. It documents weather extremes. that have happened including a year without summer because of a volcanic eruption, past ice-ages, the El Nino, carbon dioxide & climate, snowfall in different colors, ball lightning, nocturnal heat bursts, fingers of the jet-stream plunging to the earth, huge ice-chunks fallng from the sky, raining animals, devastating duststorms, deluges of thunderstorm rainfall, cascades of terrifying lightning, destructive downburst winds, hailstones larger than watermelons, tornadoes over 10 miles across, heat bursts that melt human & animal flesh & scorch the earth. Cover rubbed.
Crabtree's Collection Old Books
Professional sellerBook number: BOOKS039730I
USD 35.00 [Appr.: EURO 34.25 | £UK 28.75 | JP¥ 5471]