Bourne, E. G., Prof., edited and with introduction by,
Voyages and Explorations of Samuel de Champlain: two volumes: 1604-1616 narrated by himself together with voyage of 1603.
NY, Allerton Book Co, 1922. VG in Fair DJ. Explorer of New France, founder of Quebec, discoverer of Lake Champlain, and for one critical period Governor of New France. The commission of Geographer given Champlain by Henry IV in 1603, led him to keep full notes of his voyages and travels, and the narratives of his explorations are a source of first importance for the early history of Canada, New York, and New England. He was the first to explore carefully and and describe with accuracy the New England coast as far south as Buzzard's Bay, upper St. Lawrence, Lake Champlain, the Ottawa, Georgian Bay, the Moskaka Laes Region, Lake Ontario, and part of Central New York. Top edge gilt. DJ of first volume split, 2nd volume only back and back flap, endpapers tanned.

Crabtree's Collection Old Books
Professional sellerBook number: BOOKS044493I
USD 175.00 [Appr.: EURO 169 | £UK 140.75 | JP¥ 26876]