Beston, Henry, selected & with introductions by Elizabeth Coatsworth,
Especially Maine: the natural world of Henry Beston from Cape Cod to the St. Lawrence.
Brattleboro, VT, Stephen Greene Press, (1970). VG in G DJ. Written by Beston's wife whom he married in 1929 and moved to Chimney Farm in Nobleboro, Maine. DJ edge wear, few chips and. few tears. Beston lived in Nobleboro until his death in 1968. Coatsworth was born in Buffalo, NY, in 1893, was graduated from Vassar College, received her doctoral degree from the University of Maine and New England College for her contribution to American letters. She lived in Maine in the Nobleboro farmhouse she and her husband bought four years after the publication of The Outermost House, and which has been the focus of her books of New England sketches, including Maine Memories. She has written many books, including books for children, novels, essays, shosrt stories, and poetry - always her favorite form.

Crabtree's Collection Old Books
Professional sellerBook number: BOOKS052438I
USD 18.00 [Appr.: EURO 17.5 | £UK 14.5 | JP¥ 2764]