Zahn, Franklin,
Deserter from Violence: experiments with Gandhi's truth.
NY, Philosophical Library, (1984). VG PB. 75 yr old religious peace activist Zahn tells of his problems in putting Gandhian nonviolence into daily practice in his. revolutionary life. Raised a Christian Scientist & now a Quaker, Zahn strove to become God-centered with his own versions of twice-daily meditation, celibacy, vegetarianism & voluntary poverty. Zahn relates how building houses led to introducing blacks into segregated areas & to neighborhood opposition. He sailed into a forbidden nuclear test zone in the Pacific, organized a taxpayer's suit challenging the Vietnam war's tax on telephone service, was in a "symbolic blockage" of a munitions ship, etc.
Crabtree's Collection Old Books
Professional sellerBook number: BOOKS037401I
USD 10.00 [Appr.: EURO 9.75 | £UK 8.25 | JP¥ 1574]