Crabtree's Collection Old Books: Gardening
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Dempsey, Professor Paul W., Massachusetts State College,
A Year in My Garden: day-by-day guide and record for the home gardener.
Cambridge, MA, Standard Diary Co, (1938). VG in VG DJ. Green binding, gilt decoration & lettering, white DJ with red flowers & green lettering. DJ edge wear, some owner notations.
Crabtree's Collection Old BooksProfessional seller
Book number: BOOKS038947I
USD 12.00 [Appr.: EURO 11.75 | £UK 9.75 | JP¥ 1822]
Catalogue: Gardening

Van Dersal, William R.,
Ornamental American Shrubs.
NY, Oxford Univ Press, (1942). VG in Fair DJ. Throughout the U.S. there are 100s of species & 1000s of varieties of shrubs to be had for the finding. This book. outlines the story of early plant exploration in the U.S. & explains why the best of the natives turn out to be superior to most of those introduced from foreign countries. DJ chipped tear along DJ spine & lightly tanned.
Crabtree's Collection Old BooksProfessional seller
Book number: BOOKS039773I
USD 14.00 [Appr.: EURO 13.5 | £UK 11.5 | JP¥ 2126]
Catalogue: Gardening

Readers Digest,
Practical Guide to Home Landscaping.
Pleasantville, NY, Readers Digest, (1972). VG in VG DJ. DJ chipped.
Crabtree's Collection Old BooksProfessional seller
Book number: BOOKS007520I
USD 15.00 [Appr.: EURO 14.5 | £UK 12.25 | JP¥ 2278]
Catalogue: Gardening

Donaldson, Stephanie,
The Shaker Garden: beauty through utility.
N. Pomfret, VT, Trafalgar Square, (2000). 1st ptg. VG in G DJ. Unsurpassed in its skillful blend of form and function, Shaker design, concern for the environment & a quest for beauty. DJ edge wear.
Crabtree's Collection Old BooksProfessional seller
Book number: BOOKS040039I
USD 14.00 [Appr.: EURO 13.5 | £UK 11.5 | JP¥ 2126]
Catalogue: Gardening

Donaldson, Stephanie,
Venzano: a scented garden in Tuscany.
London, New Holland Pub, (2001). 1st ptg. VG in VG DJ. Two talented Australians had a dream of living in Tuscany. In 1988 they bought an ancient Etruscan property with an old Roman. spring and plenty of land. Today their nursery garden is well known with over 10,000 plants which has changed how Italians garden. Ravishing photos and evocative text. Beautiful copy.
Crabtree's Collection Old BooksProfessional seller
Book number: BOOKS047901I
USD 12.00 [Appr.: EURO 11.75 | £UK 9.75 | JP¥ 1822]
Catalogue: Gardening

Doolittle, Rosalie,
Southwest Gardening.
Albuquerque, NM, Univ of New Mexico Press, (1986). 7th ptg. VG PB.
Crabtree's Collection Old BooksProfessional seller
Book number: BOOKS026196I
USD 10.00 [Appr.: EURO 9.75 | £UK 8.25 | JP¥ 1519]
Catalogue: Gardening

Earle, W. Hubert,
Cacti of the Southwest.
np, Privately printed, nd. Revised. G PB. Edge wear.
Crabtree's Collection Old BooksProfessional seller
Book number: BOOKS026216I
USD 10.00 [Appr.: EURO 9.75 | £UK 8.25 | JP¥ 1519]
Catalogue: Gardening

Eddison, Sydney,
A Patchwork Garden: unexpected pleasures from a country garden.
NY, Holt, (1992). 1st ptg. VG PB. Development of a garden and a gardener from first tentative attempts to subdue 8 acres of stubborn New England landscape. into perennial borders to a widening interest in daylilies, rock gardening & woodlnd gardening. Sl edge wear, sticker residue ft endpaper.
Crabtree's Collection Old BooksProfessional seller
Book number: BOOKS039120I
USD 10.00 [Appr.: EURO 9.75 | £UK 8.25 | JP¥ 1519]
Catalogue: Gardening

Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh,
Notes from the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh: vol. 39 no.1 & 2.
Edinburgh, Her Majesty's Stationery Ofc, (1980). 2 G PBs. Taxonomic revisions of the genus Rhododendron. Owner blindstamp, edge wear, binding rubbed.
Crabtree's Collection Old BooksProfessional seller
Book number: BOOKS036575I
USD 28.00 [Appr.: EURO 27 | £UK 22.75 | JP¥ 4252]
Catalogue: Gardening

Organic Gardening editors,
Best Ideas for Organic Vegetable Growing.
Emmaus, PA, Rodale, (1975). 5th ptg. VG.
Crabtree's Collection Old BooksProfessional seller
Book number: BOOKS012037I
USD 10.00 [Appr.: EURO 9.75 | £UK 8.25 | JP¥ 1519]
Catalogue: Gardening

Organic Gardening & Farming editors,
Stocking Up: how to preserve the foods you grow naturally.
Emmaus, PA, Rodale, (1976). 15th ptg. VG in G DJ.
Crabtree's Collection Old BooksProfessional seller
Book number: BOOKS013115I
USD 12.00 [Appr.: EURO 11.75 | £UK 9.75 | JP¥ 1822]
Catalogue: Gardening

Edwards, Paul,
English Garden Ornament.
NY, Barnes, (1965). VG in poor DJ. Unusual garden decorations. Portions of the dustjacket are clipped and missing, edge tear,.
Crabtree's Collection Old BooksProfessional seller
Book number: BOOKS035967I
USD 10.00 [Appr.: EURO 9.75 | £UK 8.25 | JP¥ 1519]
Catalogue: Gardening

Elbert, George & Virginie/Joan Compton,
Plants that Really Bloom Indoors/House Plants.
NY, Simon Schuster/GrossetDunlap, 1974/1972. 2 VG HBs. Two books - one on bringing house plants to bloom indoors and the second on successful, artisic cultivation of house plants.
Crabtree's Collection Old BooksProfessional seller
Book number: BOOKS038760I
USD 10.00 [Appr.: EURO 9.75 | £UK 8.25 | JP¥ 1519]
Catalogue: Gardening

Elliott, John,
65 Practical Garden Plans.
NY, Van Nostrand, (1950). VG lg sz PB. Wide range of plans to develop properties for maximum beauty with minimum of difficulty. Owner name pencil ft endpaper.
Crabtree's Collection Old BooksProfessional seller
Book number: BOOKS038940I
USD 10.00 [Appr.: EURO 9.75 | £UK 8.25 | JP¥ 1519]
Catalogue: Gardening

Ellis, Carleton & Miller W. Swaney,
Soilless Growth of Plants: use of nutrient solutions, water, sand, cinder, etc..
NY, Reinhold, 1938. 3rd ptg. VG. Owner's name fep, sl edge wear.
Crabtree's Collection Old BooksProfessional seller
Book number: BOOKS012580I
USD 12.00 [Appr.: EURO 11.75 | £UK 9.75 | JP¥ 1822]
Catalogue: Gardening

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