Black, Penny,
The Book of Potpourri: fragrant flower mixes for scenting & decorating the home.
NY, Simon & Schuster, (1989). 1st ptg. VG in VG DJ. Step-by-step through the processes of making potpourri, both hangdrying and drying are explained and the effects of drying on. different types of plant materials, the merits of both dry and moist methds in step-by-step photos, plus a photographic catalog of the flowers, leaves, roots, seeds, herbs, spices, fruits, fixatives, essential oils, and preservatives that can be used. Beautiful condition, full color photos of all aspects.
Crabtree's Collection Old Books
Professional sellerBook number: BOOKS053156I
USD 17.00 [Appr.: EURO 16.75 | £UK 14 | JP¥ 2657]