Brey, Catherine F. and Lena F. Reed, foreword by Roger A. Caras,
The Complete Bloodhound.
NY, Howell Book House, (1978). 1st ed 4th ptg. VG. Laid in handwritten genealogy of pedigree of the Rectory Kennel's son of a bishop Farmington, Maine. First major text on the bloodhound breed in many years, a monumental and overall view of one of world's oldest and most intriguing purebreds. From the monastery kennels of medieval Europe to the homes, show dogs, and law enforcement agencies of the present day. Vivid exploits, exciting pictures of greata mantrailers and memorable show dogs - true accounts. Mrs. Brey operates the Dakota Bloodhound Kennels and Mrs. Reed acquired her first bloodhound from Mrs. Brey and has been successful in the show ring and in search and rescue work.
Crabtree's Collection Old Books
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USD 14.00 [Appr.: EURO 13.75 | £UK 11.5 | JP¥ 2188]