Crabtree's Collection Old Books: Dancing
found: 11 books

d'Amboise, Jacques, Hope Cooke & Carolyn George,
Teaching the Magic of Dance.
NY, Simon & Schuster, (1983). 1st ptg. VG lg sz PB. "Jacques conveys in words the same joy, spirit & love of dance that he gives to audiences from the stage.a must reading.". Back cover has slit near outer edge.
Crabtree's Collection Old BooksProfessional seller
Book number: BOOKS041320I
USD 10.00 [Appr.: EURO 9.75 | £UK 8.25 | JP¥ 1519]
Catalogue: Dancing

Feist Dance Folio no. 10: 30 dance hits for piano all with ukulele accompaniment.
NY, Leo Feist Inc., (1926). VG lg sz PB. Endorsed by Paul Whitman world famous dance director. "You can't go wrong with any 'Feist' song". FOX TROTS: I'm Sitting on Top of the World, Five-Foot-Two, Eyes of Blue; Let Me Linger Longer in Your Arms; Let It Rain! Let It Pour!; Teach Me to Smile; Sweet Man; I'm Tired of Everything But You; Red Hot Henry Brown; Where Is My Rose of Waikiki?; The Kinky Kids' Parade; Who Wouldn't Love You?; You Gotta Know How; Whe I Think of You; Tell Me Yes, Tell Me No; Everybody Stomp!; If We Can't Be the Same Old Sweethearts; When the One You Love, Loes You; She Was Just a Sailor's Sweetheart. WALTZES: Pal of My Cradle Days; The Midnight Waltz; When I Dream of the Last Waltz with You; Be on the Level with Mother; I Was Never So Lonesome Before. Cover shows a nightclub with people dancing and billboards of famous songs. Nick to top outer corner of cover.
Crabtree's Collection Old BooksProfessional seller
Book number: BOOKS045250I
USD 12.00 [Appr.: EURO 11.75 | £UK 9.75 | JP¥ 1822]
Catalogue: Dancing

Gowing, Gene,
The Square Dancers' Guide.
NY, Crown, (1957). G ex-library. Binding worn, library markings, soiled, spine split along edges, interior very good condition.
Crabtree's Collection Old BooksProfessional seller
Book number: BOOKS032731I
USD 11.00 [Appr.: EURO 10.75 | £UK 9 | JP¥ 1671]
Catalogue: Dancing

Herman, Michael, collected & arranged by,
Folk Dances for All: community dances from 15 countries, background notes, piano scores, full directions.
ny, Barnes & Noble NY, (1951). G PB. Edge wear.
Crabtree's Collection Old BooksProfessional seller
Book number: BOOKS034813I
USD 8.00 [Appr.: EURO 7.75 | £UK 6.5 | JP¥ 1215]
Catalogue: Dancing

Kent, Allegra with James and Constance Camner,
The Dancers' Body Book.
NY, Quill, 1984. 3rd printing. VG PB. Edge wear. A few pencil markings in text. Trade secrets on how to become and stay slender, healthy, strong & energetic from. the stars.
Crabtree's Collection Old BooksProfessional seller
Book number: BOOKS005069I
USD 10.00 [Appr.: EURO 9.75 | £UK 8.25 | JP¥ 1519]
Catalogue: Dancing

Kirkell, Miriam H. & Irma K. Schaffnit,
Partners All - Places All!: 44 enjoyable square and folk dances for everyone.
NY, Dutton, 1949. G ex-library. Edge wear, backstrap damaged, library markings.
Crabtree's Collection Old BooksProfessional seller
Book number: BOOKS031787I
USD 10.00 [Appr.: EURO 9.75 | £UK 8.25 | JP¥ 1519]
Catalogue: Dancing

Laird, Walter,
The Ballroom Dance Pack.
London, Dorling Kindersley, (1991). 1st ptg. G in G DJ. No CD included. Includes step cards & feet templates for the cha-cha, rumba, samba, tango, quickstep, & waltz. DJ has damp stains at edges.
Crabtree's Collection Old BooksProfessional seller
Book number: BOOKS023297I
USD 10.00 [Appr.: EURO 9.75 | £UK 8.25 | JP¥ 1519]
Catalogue: Dancing

Leisner, Tony,
The Official Guide to Country Dance Steps.
NJ, Chartwell Books, (1980). 1st ptg. VG. Partial price stickers fep. The clothes, the hats & boots, and the dances.
Crabtree's Collection Old BooksProfessional seller
Book number: BOOKS011617I
USD 12.00 [Appr.: EURO 11.75 | £UK 9.75 | JP¥ 1822]
Catalogue: Dancing

Shaw, Lloyd, foreword by Thomas Hornsby Ferril,
The Round Dance Book: a century of waltzing.
Caldwell, ID, Caxton, 1950. G in G DJ ex-library. Over 100 old-time American round dances & circle mixers.
Crabtree's Collection Old BooksProfessional seller
Book number: BOOKS021500I
USD 15.00 [Appr.: EURO 14.5 | £UK 12.25 | JP¥ 2278]
Catalogue: Dancing

Walker, Kathrine Sorley, foreword by Dame alicia Markova,
Eyes on the Ballet.
NY, John Day Co, (1965). 2nd imp. VG.
Crabtree's Collection Old BooksProfessional seller
Book number: BOOKS012304I
USD 10.00 [Appr.: EURO 9.75 | £UK 8.25 | JP¥ 1519]
Catalogue: Dancing

Wright, Anita Peters and Dexter Wright,
How to Dance.
NY, New Home Library, (1943). Reprint. G. "We believe that everyone is a potential dancer - that if you can walk, you can learn how to dance." Simple and practical. mehtods found to be successful in teaching modern ballroom dancing at studios in New York and San Francisco. Blue binding, pink title square on spine, top of spine small dent, some tanning to back endpaper.
Crabtree's Collection Old BooksProfessional seller
Book number: BOOKS054681I
USD 16.00 [Appr.: EURO 15.5 | £UK 13 | JP¥ 2430]
Catalogue: Dancing

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