Charbo's Antiquariaat: Z. Reference books
gevonden: 31 boeken op 3 pagina's. Dit is pagina 1
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Közép-Dunamedence régészeti bibliográfiája, a legrégibb idöktöl a XI. századig. Archäologische Bibliographie des Mittel-Donau-Beckens von den frühesten Zeiten an bis zum XI.Jahrhundert. Bibliographie archéologique du Bassin danubien depuis des temps les plus éloignés jusqu'au XIe siècle.
Budapest, Akadémiai Kiadó, 1954. Large 8vo. 581 pp. Index. Hardcover. Or. cloth-backed boards. VG/--.
¶ Ca. 17,600 titles listed.
-- Charbo's AntiquariaatProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 33912
€  30.00
Trefwoorden: Bibliography Archeology. Donau Danube river Hungary . . 9999 1000

 BOLLAND, G.J.P.J. (compiler),,  Notes and gleanings: An explanatory list of names and titles relating to English institutions.
BOLLAND, G.J.P.J. (compiler),
Notes and gleanings: An explanatory list of names and titles relating to English institutions.
Batavia & Noordwijk, Ernst & Co., 1891. 301 pp. Softcover. Later stiff wrp. with or. printed part of frontcover mounted. Good.
-- Charbo's AntiquariaatProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 45267
€  45.00
Trefwoorden: naslagwerken Great Britain gp.j. 1891

 BORBA DE MORAES, RUBENS,,  Bibliographia Brasiliana. A bibliographical essay on rare books about Brazil from 1504 to 1900 and works of Brazilian authors published abroad before the independence of Brazil in 1822. Volume I.
Bibliographia Brasiliana. A bibliographical essay on rare books about Brazil from 1504 to 1900 and works of Brazilian authors published abroad before the independence of Brazil in 1822. Volume I.
Amsterdam/Rio de Janeiro, Colibris Editora, 1958. Large 8vo. XXI+(I)+427 pp. With b/w plates, ills. Hardcover. Or. buckram. VG/--.
¶ Vol. I (of 2) only.
-- Charbo's AntiquariaatProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 61226
€  30.00
Trefwoorden: Bibliography 1504 1900

 BOSSCHA, HERMAN,,  Bibliotheca classica sive lexicon manuale, quo nomina propria pleraque apud scriptores Graecos & Romanos maxime classicos obvia illustrantur.
Bibliotheca classica sive lexicon manuale, quo nomina propria pleraque apud scriptores Graecos & Romanos maxime classicos obvia illustrantur.
Deventer, Karsenberg & Brouwer, 1816. Editio altera auctior et emendatior (=2nd ed.). (VIII)+566 pp. Hardcover. Contemp. half calf with marbled boards. (Corners a bit bumped; lacks leaf before title (blank or half-title), final 50 pages a bit browned). Good.
-- Charbo's AntiquariaatProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 58561
€  75.00
Trefwoorden: Classical antiquity ancient history naslagwerken Roman Empire Greece 500

Catalogue des ouvrages concernant l'Orient. Livres de fonds et en nombre. Edition spéciale, illustrée de 34 portraits, offerte aux membres du XXIe Congrès International des Orientalistes, Paris 23-31 juillet 1948.
Leiden, Brill, 1948. 128 pp. With plts./portr. Softcover. Or.wrp. VG.
-- Charbo's AntiquariaatProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 46066
€  30.00
Trefwoorden: Bibliography Near Middle East Southwest Asia e.j. 1948

BRUIJN, J.V. DE (et al),
Annotated select bibliography on urbanization in the South Pacific. Part I: Alphabetical; Part II: Regional.
Noumea (New Caledonia), South Pacific Commission, Urbanization Research Information Centre, 1965. 4to. (IV)+152 pp. (printed from typescript). Softcover. (Ex-lib. copy: taped label on foot of spine, stamp on title). Good.
-- Charbo's AntiquariaatProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 59679
€  30.00
Trefwoorden: naslagwerken Melanesia . j.v. 1965

CIRKER, H. & B. (eds.),
Dictionary of American portraits: 4045 pictures of important Americans from earliest times to the beginning of the twentieth century.
New York, Dover Publ., 1968. (4th printing). Large 4to. XIV+756 pp. Bibliogr., indexes. Hardcover. Or.buckram. VG/--.
¶ Heavy item, requires extra shipping costs for destinations outside EU.
-- Charbo's AntiquariaatProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 11563
€  40.00
Trefwoorden: naslagwerken United States America USA Americas continent. . & . 1492 1905

Indice do Boletim das Colonias Nos. 1 a 200; Nos. 201-212; Nos. 213 a 224; Nos 225 a 236. (Por autores & por assuntos).
Lisboa, Agencia Geral das Colonias, 1942-1946. 4 vols. 630; 70;71;77 pp. Softcover. Or. wrp. (Top edge of frontcover vol. I sl. waterst.; paper sl. yellowed). VG.
¶ Heavy item, requires extra shipping costs for destinations outside EU.
-- Charbo's AntiquariaatProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 48265
€  40.00
Trefwoorden: naslagwerken Portuguese colonies colonial. Portugal 1942 1946

Glossary of aquaculture. Glossaire d'aquaculture. Glosario de acuicultura.
Rome, Food & Agricult.Org.of the U.N., 2008. 4to. XXII+401 pp. Softcover. Or. stiff wrp. Fine.
¶ Heavy item, requires extra shipping costs for destinations outside EU.
-- Charbo's AntiquariaatProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 58289
€  30.00
Trefwoorden: naslagwerken General world global 2008

Modern China. A bibliographical guide to Chinese works, 1898-1937.
Cambridge (Mass.), Harvard U.P., 1950. (1st ed.). Large 8vo. XVIII+608 pp. Index. Hardcover. Or. cloth. (Spine ends sl.bumped/dam.). VG/--. Harvard-Yenching Institute Studies, I.
-- Charbo's AntiquariaatProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 41212
€  45.00
Trefwoorden: Bibliography j.k. kwang ching 1898 1937

Instituições de fomento colonial estrangeiras. (Relatorio de uma missão oficial).
Lisboa, Tip. Universal, 1912. 130 pp. Hardcover. Later cloth-backed boards, with or. frontcover mounted. (Ex-lib. copy Koloniaal Museum Haarlem, with stamp on title; paper sl. yellowed). Good/--.
¶ Survey of colonial museums and institutes in France, Belgium, The Netherlands and Great Britain. - Copy with autograph dedication ("À Monsieur le directeur du Musée Colonial de Harlem, Dr. Dekker"), signed by the author.
-- Charbo's AntiquariaatProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 59529
€  35.00
Trefwoorden: naslagwerken exploration expansion. Europe general 1912

Index to the Yearbooks of the United States Department of Agriculture, 1901-1905, 1906-1910, 1911-1915.
Washington, Government Printing Office, 1908-1922. 3 vols. in 2. 166;146;178 pp. Blue cloth (1st & 2nd vols., bound in 1), or. printed wrp. (3rd vol.). (Lib. stamp on titles; title of 1st vol. a bit browned). VG.
-- Charbo's AntiquariaatProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 59011
€  75.00
Trefwoorden: naslagwerken agrarian rural. America USA . 1901 1915

A union list of periodicals, transactions and allied publications currently received in the principal libraries of the District of Columbia.
Washington, Government Printing Office, for the Library of Congress, Division of Bibliography, 1901. 4to. V+315 pp. (printed on rectos). Hardcover. Cloth-backed marbled boards, with or. printed front cover mounted. (Ex-lib. copy Koloniaal Instituut Amsterdam, with stamps (incl. cancel) on title; free endp. sl. browned). Good/--.
-- Charbo's AntiquariaatProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 44690
€  30.00
Trefwoorden: DC US.. .p.c. 1901

 GROSS, ALEXANDER,,  The complete guide to New York City Manhattan and Bronx. Authentic and complete information of streets, house numbers, transportation lines with clear guidance as to the nearest station and number of blocks and the direction to the street desired.
The complete guide to New York City Manhattan and Bronx. Authentic and complete information of streets, house numbers, transportation lines with clear guidance as to the nearest station and number of blocks and the direction to the street desired.
New York, Geographia Map Company, 1935-36. 16mo. 192 pp. With fold. col. map, printed on both sides, incl. street index. Softcover. Or. orange wrp., stapled. Fine.
-- Charbo's AntiquariaatProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 61182
€  30.00
Trefwoorden: (NY) US.A. 1935 1936

 COMISSAO EXECUTIVA DO V. CENTENARIO DA MORTE DO INFANTE D. HENRIQUE,,  Bibliografia Henriquina, vols. I & II. (&)  Catalogo Henriquino do Real Gabinete Portugues de Leitura do Rio de Janeiro.
Bibliografia Henriquina, vols. I & II. (&) Catalogo Henriquino do Real Gabinete Portugues de Leitura do Rio de Janeiro.
Lisboa, 1960. 3 vols. 4to. XI+325;(III)+383;60 pp. Index. Softcover. Or. stiff wrp. (Mark of sticker on spines; blank label on inside rear cover of Catalogo). VG.
-- Charbo's AntiquariaatProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 60554
€  65.00
Trefwoorden: Bibliography Portuguese colonies colonial. Portugal Brazil . in 1460 1960

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