Charbo's Antiquariaat: X. Linguistics
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El otomí de Santiago Mexquititlán. Desplazamiento lingüístico, préstamos y cambios gramaticales.
Amsterdam, IFOTT, 1995. XIV+262 pp. Bibliogr. Thesis Universiteit van Amsterdam. Spanish text, with summaries in English & Dutch. Softcover. Fine. Studies in Language and Language Use, 17.
Charbo's AntiquariaatProfessional seller
Book number: 50947
€  30.00 [Appr.: US$ 30.99 | £UK 25 | JP¥ 4694]
Catalogue: X. Linguistics
Keywords: dictionaries philology. Mexico ef.r. 1995

 HIDE, C.L.,,  Zakwoordenboek in drie talen: Nederlandsch - Duitsch - Russisch / Taschenwöterbuch in drei Sprachen: Deutsch - Niederländisch - Russisch.
Zakwoordenboek in drie talen: Nederlandsch - Duitsch - Russisch / Taschenwöterbuch in drei Sprachen: Deutsch - Niederländisch - Russisch.
Amsterdam, Westland, 1944. 16mo. (VII)+888 pp. Half cloth. Or. grey cloth. (Binding sl. stained; paper sl. browned, owner's signature on endp.). Good/--.
Charbo's AntiquariaatProfessional seller
Book number: 57932
€  95.00 [Appr.: US$ 98.13 | £UK 79.25 | JP¥ 14863]
Catalogue: X. Linguistics
Keywords: dictionaries philology. Nederland Netherlands Holland Dutch c.l. 1944

Dictionnaire lomongo-français. Vol. I: A-J.
Tervuren, 1957. Large 8vo. XXXI+917 pp. With ills. Softcover. Or. wrp. (Inked number on frontcover; topcorners a bit dog-eared). Good.
¶ Heavy item, requires extra shipping costs for destinations outside EU.
Charbo's AntiquariaatProfessional seller
Book number: 45678
€  40.00 [Appr.: US$ 41.32 | £UK 33.5 | JP¥ 6258]
Catalogue: X. Linguistics
Keywords: dictionaries philology. Zaire Belgian Congo Central Africa. . 1957

The Bedouin dialects of the Northern Sinai littoral. Bridging the linguistic gap between the Eastern and Western Arab world.
Amsterdam, 1999. 596 pp. + loose appendix (27 pp.) With 74 maps in appendix. Bibliogr. Thesis Universiteit van Amsterdam. English text, with summary in Dutch loosely inserted. Softcover. Or. printed wrp. (Frontcover sl. creased; lacks titlepage, but full title on frontcover). VG.
Charbo's AntiquariaatProfessional seller
Book number: 48800
€  40.00 [Appr.: US$ 41.32 | £UK 33.5 | JP¥ 6258]
Catalogue: X. Linguistics
Keywords: dictionaries philology. Israel 1999

Nederlands-Turks, Hollandaca-Türkçe. (&) Turks-Nederlands, Türkçe-Hollandaca. Woordenboek, sözlük.
Nijmegen, Etnicom, 1993. (3e druk). 2 vols. 1135;1070 pp. Hardcover. Or. red cloth. Fine/--
Charbo's AntiquariaatProfessional seller
Book number: 32883
€  30.00 [Appr.: US$ 30.99 | £UK 25 | JP¥ 4694]
Catalogue: X. Linguistics
Keywords: dictionaries philology. Turkey . 1993

Die sprachliche Struktur Finnlands 1880-1950. Veränderungen im sprachlichen Charakter der finnlandschwedischen Gebiete und deren bevölkerungs-, wirtschafts- und socialgeographische Ursachen.
Kobenhavn, Munksgaard, 1960. 365 pp. With 8 fold. maps, 63 figs. Softcover. Or. wrp. VG.
Charbo's AntiquariaatProfessional seller
Book number: 52007
€  30.00 [Appr.: US$ 30.99 | £UK 25 | JP¥ 4694]
Catalogue: X. Linguistics
Keywords: dictionaries philology. Finland klovekorn 1880 1950

Waarenkunde für den Kleinhandel. Ein Nachschlagebuch.
Weimar, Voigt, 1898. 4., gänzlich neu bearbeite Auflage, hrsg. von G. Güttinger. (IV)+192 pp. Hardcover. Or. brown cloth. (2 stamps on endp. & titlle; occas. light foxing). VG.
Charbo's AntiquariaatProfessional seller
Book number: 52045
€  30.00 [Appr.: US$ 30.99 | £UK 25 | JP¥ 4694]
Catalogue: X. Linguistics
Keywords: Reference books naslagwerken dictionaries philology. Germany . 1898

Yao-English dictionary.
Ithaca (NY), Cornell University, 1968. 4to. XVI+363+(12) pp., printed from typescript. Softcover. Or. wrp. (Ex-lib. copy: taped label on spine, stamp on front & half title). Good. Southeast Asia Program, Dept. of Asian Studies, Data paper Nr. 69.
Charbo's AntiquariaatProfessional seller
Book number: 58992
€  30.00 [Appr.: US$ 30.99 | £UK 25 | JP¥ 4694]
Catalogue: X. Linguistics
Keywords: Reference books naslagwerken dictionaries philology. Laos Vietnam . . 1968

 MEIJER, L.,,  L. Meijers Woordenschat, verdeelt in 1. Bastaardt-woorden. 2. Konst-woorden. 3. Verouderde woorden.
L. Meijers Woordenschat, verdeelt in 1. Bastaardt-woorden. 2. Konst-woorden. 3. Verouderde woorden.
Asd., Ratelband, 1745. 10e druk, alom veel vermeerdert en verbetert. 3 delen. Klein 8vo. (XXIV)+274;366;(II)+196 pp. Met gegrav. titel in 1e deel. Gebonden. 19e eeuws half perkament met gemarmerde platten. (Schutbladen verbruind). Goed ex.
Charbo's AntiquariaatProfessional seller
Book number: 58129
€  450.00 [Appr.: US$ 464.84 | £UK 375 | JP¥ 70403]
Catalogue: X. Linguistics
Keywords: Taalkunde woordenboeken grammatica. Nederland Netherlands Holland Dutch . 1745

 MEIJER, L.,,  L. Meijers woordenschat, vervattende, in drie deelen, 1. Basterd-woorden. 2. Kunstwoorden. 3. Verouderde woorden.
L. Meijers woordenschat, vervattende, in drie deelen, 1. Basterd-woorden. 2. Kunstwoorden. 3. Verouderde woorden.
Asd., Wed. Loveringh & Allart, 1777. 11e druk, verbeterd en vermeerderd door Ernst Willem Cramerus. 3 delen in 1 band. Klein 8vo. (IV)+284;401;215p. Gebonden. Perkament uit de tijd. (Band iets vlekkig, stukje uit onderkant rug, hoeken l. besch.). Goed ex.
Charbo's AntiquariaatProfessional seller
Book number: 58174
€  295.00 [Appr.: US$ 304.73 | £UK 245.75 | JP¥ 46153]
Catalogue: X. Linguistics
Keywords: Taalkunde woordenboeken grammatica. Nederland Netherlands Holland Dutch . 1777

 MOSER, FRIDERICH CARL [VON],,  Abhandlung von den europäischen Hof- und Staats-Sprachen.
Abhandlung von den europäischen Hof- und Staats-Sprachen.
FfM., Johann Benjamin Andreä, 1750. Small 8vo. (VIII)+432 pp. Hardcover. Contemp. paper over boards. (Spine & rear cover sl. rubbed; occas. foxing). VG.
¶ Provenance: bookplate on pastedown with printed text "Bibliotheck des Geh. R. u. C. &z. Carl Gerds v. Ketelhodt acquirirt zum allgemeinen Besten von Ludwig Friedrich Fürsten zu Schwarzburg Rud. 1804".
Charbo's AntiquariaatProfessional seller
Book number: 58152
€  495.00 [Appr.: US$ 511.32 | £UK 412.5 | JP¥ 77443]
Catalogue: X. Linguistics
Keywords: dictionaries philology. Europe general 1750

Grammatik des mecklenburgischen Dialektes älterer und neuerer Zeit. Laut- und Flexionslehre. Gekrönte Preisschrift.
Wiesbaden, Sändig, 1966. (Facs. reprint of the or.edition of 1869). XII+195 pp. Hardcover. Or.cloth. VG/--.
Charbo's AntiquariaatProfessional seller
Book number: 41740
€  30.00 [Appr.: US$ 30.99 | £UK 25 | JP¥ 4694]
Catalogue: X. Linguistics
Keywords: dictionaries philology. Prussia Northeast Germany 1869

 NIENABER, G.S.,,  Honderd jaar Hollands in Natal.
Honderd jaar Hollands in Natal.
Pretoria, de Bussy, 1933. 229 pp. Bibliogr., index. Hardcover. Or. gilt cloth. (Owner's name stamp on pastedown & title). VG/--.
Charbo's AntiquariaatProfessional seller
Book number: 56653
€  30.00 [Appr.: US$ 30.99 | £UK 25 | JP¥ 4694]
Catalogue: X. Linguistics
Keywords: dictionaries philology. South Africa. g.s. 1800 1933

English and German dialogues. A guide to conversation in both languages. With a collection of idioms. Englische und deutsche Gespräche. Ein Erleichterungsmittel für Anfänger. Nebst einer Sammlung besonderer Redensarten.
Hamburg, August Campe, 1827. 6th ed., 6. verbesserte Auflage. Small 8vo. VII+312 pp. Hardcover. Contemp. marbled boards. (Spine ends sl. dam., edges sl. rubbed; bookplate on pastedown; occas. light browning/foxing). Good.
Charbo's AntiquariaatProfessional seller
Book number: 58114
€  45.00 [Appr.: US$ 46.48 | £UK 37.5 | JP¥ 7040]
Catalogue: X. Linguistics
Keywords: dictionaries philology. Germany h.e. 1827

 ROUGE, E. [EMMANUEL] DE,,  Etude sur une stèle égyptienne appartenant à la Bibliothèque impériale.
Etude sur une stèle égyptienne appartenant à la Bibliothèque impériale.
Paris, Imprimerie Impériale, 1858. 222 pp. With fold. plate. Hardcover. Contemp. half morocco. (Top of spine dam., spine a bit rubbed, lower part a bit darkened). Good.
¶ Bound with 3 articles by SAMUEL BIRCH: On the lost book of Chaeremon on hieroglyphics (35 pp., from the Transactions of the Royal Society of Literature, vol. III, new series) + On the trilingual inscription at San (decree of Canopus), (47 pp. from vol. IX, new series) + Account of coffins and mummies discovered in Egypt on the occasion of the visit of H.R.H. the Prince of Wales in 1868-9 (29 pp., with fold. lithogr. plate). Also an article of VICTOR ANCESSI, Etudes de grammaire comparée: l'S causatif et le thème M dans les langues de Sem et de Cham (reproduction from manuscript, paged 53-147 (Paris, 1872).
Charbo's AntiquariaatProfessional seller
Book number: 58937
€  160.00 [Appr.: US$ 165.28 | £UK 133.5 | JP¥ 25032]
Catalogue: X. Linguistics
Keywords: dictionaries philology. Classical antiquity ancient history Egypt birch samuel ancessi victor 1858 1872

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