Charbo's Antiquariaat: R. Nature, biology
gevonden: 59 boeken op 4 pagina's. Dit is pagina 4
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 SCHOMBURGK, RICHARD,,  Catalogue of the plants under cultivation in the Government Botanic Garden, Adelaide, South Australia.
Catalogue of the plants under cultivation in the Government Botanic Garden, Adelaide, South Australia.
Adelaide, W.C. Cox, 1878. XXIII+285 pp. With 16 wood-engr. plates. Indexes. Hardcover. Or. cloth-backed printed boards. (Ex-lib. copy: mark on foot of spine, stamp on frontcover & title). VG/--.
-- Charbo's AntiquariaatProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 60305
€  125.00
Trefwoorden: Natural flora botany . 1878

Acridiodea Australica. Monographie der bisher von Australien bekannten Heuschrecken mith kurzen Fühlern.
Stockholm, Almquist & Wiksell, 1921. Large 4to. 318 pp. With 18 plts.(cont.456 figs.) & 24 text ills. Index. Hardcover. Later cl. (Libr.stamp & stain on title, else VG). Kungl.Svenska Vetenskapsakademiens Handlingar, 62, 3.
-- Charbo's AntiquariaatProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 34556
€  38.00
Trefwoorden: Zoology insects entomology Australia. sjostedt . 1921

SMITH, O.B. & BOSMAN, H.G. (eds.),
Goat production in the humid tropics; Proceedings of a workshop at the University of Ife, Ile-Ife, Nigeria, 20-24 July 1987.
Wageningen, Pudoc, 1988. 187 pp. Index. Hardcover. Or. boards. Fine.
-- Charbo's AntiquariaatProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 52857
€  30.00
Trefwoorden: Zoology mammals. tropical world ob. h.g. 1988

Solar and anthropogenic forcing of late-Holocene vegetation changes in the Czech Giant Mountains.
Amsterdam, 2000. (VII)+127+X+(2) pp. With num. graphs & tables (incl. 1 fold. loose in rear c over). Bibliogr. Thesis Universiteit van Amsterdam. English text. Softcover. Or. pict. wrp. Fine.
-- Charbo's AntiquariaatProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 52412
€  30.00
Trefwoorden: Natural . Czecho Slovakia o.m. 850

 STEPHENSON, JOHN & CHURCHILL, JAMES MORSS,,  Medical botany; or, illustrations and descriptions of the medicinal plants of the London, Edinburgh, and Dublin Pharmacopoeias. Comprising a popular and scientific account of poisonous vegetables indigenous to Great Britain. (3 vol. set).
Medical botany; or, illustrations and descriptions of the medicinal plants of the London, Edinburgh, and Dublin Pharmacopoeias. Comprising a popular and scientific account of poisonous vegetables indigenous to Great Britain. (3 vol. set).
London, John Churchill, 1834-1836. New edition, edited by Gilbert T. Burnett. 3 vols. Text unpaginated. With 186 hand-coloured engraved plates (of 187, lacking plate 29: Viola odorata), incl. 7 double-page; species 75 & 106 have 2 plates each. Indexes. Hardcover. Fine 20th-century half morocco with gilt-lettered spines. (Stamp on verso of titles; plates 168-185 with brown dampstain in topmargin, affecting a few images). VG/--.
-- Charbo's AntiquariaatProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 58582
€  1750.00
Trefwoorden: Natural flora medicine. 1834 1836

Das kleine botanische Practicum für Anfänger. Anleitung zum Selbststudium der mikroskopischen Botanik. Einführung in die mikroskopische Technik.
Jena, Gustav Fischer, 1893. 2., umgearb. Aufl. Large 8vo. VIII+228 pp. With 110 ills./figs. Indexes. Hardcover. cloth. (Light foxing to endp., 2 tears in index section closed). VG/--.
-- Charbo's AntiquariaatProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 41550
€  30.00
Trefwoorden: Natural flora botany plants Germany 1893

 SWAMMERDAM, JAN (et al),,  The natural history of insects, compiled from Swammerdam, Brookes, Goldsmith, &c. Intended as a companion to Buffon's natural history.
The natural history of insects, compiled from Swammerdam, Brookes, Goldsmith, &c. Intended as a companion to Buffon's natural history.
Perth (Scotland), R. Morison 1792. (IV)+210 pp. With 20 engr. plts. depicting num. insects. Hardcover. Or. full morocco, spine gilt. (Joints a bit weak/starting, binding rubbed, spine ends sl. dam.; occas. light foxing/browning). Good.
-- Charbo's AntiquariaatProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 58038
€  275.00
Trefwoorden: Zoologie dieren insecten. Zoology entomology Europe general Nederland Netherlands Holland Dutch 1650 1792

TALEKAR, N.S. (ed.),
Diamondback moth and other crucifer pests. Proceedings of the Second International Workshop Tainan, Taiwan, 10-14 December 1990.
Taipei, Asian Vegetable Research and Development Center, 1992. Large 8vo. 603 pp. With num. graphs & tables. List of participants, index. Hardcover. Or.cloth/dustj. VG/VG.
-- Charbo's AntiquariaatProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 43856
€  45.00
Trefwoorden: Zoology insects entomology Agriculture agrarian rural. Asia Formosa China 1990

 VALMONT DE BOMARE, J.C.,,  Algemeen en beredenerent woordenboek der natuurlyke historie; behelzende de historie der dieren, planten en mineralen, en die der hemelsche lichamen, der verhevelingen, en andere voorname verschynselen der natuur. Benevens de historie en beschryving der enkele drogeryen, welke de drie ryken opleveren; hun gebruik in de geneeskonst, in het gemeene leven, landbouw, konsten en handwerken.
Algemeen en beredenerent woordenboek der natuurlyke historie; behelzende de historie der dieren, planten en mineralen, en die der hemelsche lichamen, der verhevelingen, en andere voorname verschynselen der natuur. Benevens de historie en beschryving der enkele drogeryen, welke de drie ryken opleveren; hun gebruik in de geneeskonst, in het gemeene leven, landbouw, konsten en handwerken.
Dordrecht, Abraham Blussé, 1767-1770. 3 vols. 4to. XX+688;VIII+997+(3);(IV)+574+(2) pp. With engr. frontisp. by R. Vinkeles after D. Kuijpers in vol. III, 3 identical title-vignettes, 3 other vignettes. Bibliogr., index of authors, Latin & medical glossaries. Hardcover. Contemp. uniform half calf with marbled boards, spines gilt. (Edges of bindings rubbed, with some shelf-wear to lower edges; owner's name on endpapers). VG.
¶ First edition of the Dutch translation by Charles Papillon of Dictionnaire raisonné universel d'histoire naturelle, incl. the supplement (vol. III).
-- Charbo's AntiquariaatProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 58262
€  1250.00
Trefwoorden: Reference books naslagwerken . Natural science. France Europe general j.c. papillon charles 1767 1770

 VETH, P.J.,,  De leer der signatuur. Met een naschrift: De Mandragora.
De leer der signatuur. Met een naschrift: De Mandragora.
Leiden, Brill, 1894. 4to. 60 pp. Ingenaaid. Or. gedrukt omslag. (Rug gerep., voorzijde omslag wat vlekkig; watervlek in binnen bovenhoeken). Redelijk ex.
-- Charbo's AntiquariaatProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 60345
€  60.00
Trefwoorden: Medical medicine. Natural botany plants. Nederland Netherlands Holland Dutch Europe general p.j. 1894

 VOLKENS, GEORG,,  Der Kilimandscharo. Darstellung der allgemeineren Ergebnisse eines fünfzehnmonatigen Aufenthalts im Dschaggalande.
Der Kilimandscharo. Darstellung der allgemeineren Ergebnisse eines fünfzehnmonatigen Aufenthalts im Dschaggalande.
Berlin, Dietrich Reimer, 1897. (1st ed.). Large 8vo. (XI)+388 pp. With frontisp., 10 b/w plates & 28 ills., fold. col. lithogr. map in the rear. Index. Hardcover. Or. green cloth, marbled edges & endpapers. (Joints sl. rubbed; old owner's stamp & small number on title; occas. light foxing/browning). VG/--.
-- Charbo's AntiquariaatProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 60671
€  550.00
Trefwoorden: Natural . Tanzania East Central Africa. 1897

Die Rohstoffe des Pflanzenreiches. Versuch einer technischen Rohstoffenlehre des Pflanzenreiches.
Leipzig, Engelmann, 1873. (1.Aufl.). VI+846 pp. With 103 figs. Index. Hardcover. Later brown cloth, or. backstrip mounted. (Old lib.stamp on title; some light foxing). Good/--.
-- Charbo's AntiquariaatProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 15787
€  45.00
Trefwoorden: Natural flora botany plants General world global . 1873

Paleobotany and palynology of Neogene sediments from the high plain of Bogotá (Colombia). Evolution of the Andean flora from a paleoecological perspective.
Asd., 1996. (VIII)+370 pp. With 17 loose fold. graphs, 427 b/w ills. Indexes. Thesis Universiteit van Amsterdam. English text with summaries in Spanish & Dutch. Softcover. Or. stiff wrp. VG.
-- Charbo's AntiquariaatProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 46848
€  30.00
Trefwoorden: Natural botany plants v.m. 1996

 WOLSTEIN, JOHANN GOTTLIEB,,  Das Buch von innerlichen Krankheiten der Füllen, der Kriegs- und Bürger-Pferde.
Das Buch von innerlichen Krankheiten der Füllen, der Kriegs- und Bürger-Pferde.
Wien, Rudolph Gräffer, 1787. 359 pp. Hardcover. Contemp. half morocco with marbled boards. (Spine a bit weak, top of spine sl. dam.; paper sl. browned). Good.
-- Charbo's AntiquariaatProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 58706
€  195.00
Trefwoorden: Zoology mammals horses. Austria 1787

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