AN ADEPT [d. i. Charles JOHNSTONE].
Chrysal; or the Adventures of a Guinea: Wherein are exhibited Views of Several Striking Scenes; with interesting anecdotes of the most noted persons in every rank of life, through worse hands it has passed.
London, Samuel Richards & Co. 1822. 3 vols. 8°. VIII, 319; 2 Bll., 321; 2 Bll., 326 S. Mit 12 kolor. Aquatinta-Taf. Ldr. d. Zt. Mit Kopfgoldschn. Rückengoldpräg. Linien- u. Stehkantenvergold., zweifarb. Rückensch. Charles Johnston (ca. 1719-1800) was a novelist. Prevented by deafness from practising at the Irish Bar, he went in 1782 to India to follow a career as a journalist. His best-known novel, Chrysal, or the Adventures of a Guinea, a somewhat sombre satire.
Antiquariat Burgverlag
Professional sellerBook number: 0128-13
€ 600.00 [Appr.: US$ 656.34 | £UK 502.5 | JP¥ 97899]
Keywords: Literatur, Illustrierte Bücher