Yi jing. English.
The I Ching; or, Book of Changes. The Richard Wilhelm Translation Rendered Into English by Cary F. Baynes. Foreword by C.G. Jung. Preface to the Third Edition by Hellmut Wilhelm. Bollingen Series XIX
Princeton NJ, Princeton University Press, [1997]. 3rd ed.Revised . Hardcover. lxii, 740 p. ; 21 cm. Very good condition/good.

Brookline Village Books
Professional sellerBook number: 013819
USD 17.00 [Appr.: EURO 16.75 | £UK 14 | JP¥ 2583]
Keywords: Wilhelm, Richard, 1873-1930, Tr. : Baynes, Cary F. , Tr. ; Philosophy Chinese Thought Mythology Jung, Carl