Brookline Village Books: Philosophy
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Ethical Addresses and Ethical Record, Vol. 14, No. 7, March 1907
Philadelphia, 1907. Magazine. 199 - 226 p. Good condition, front wrapper chipped Includes The Conflict of the Catholic Church with the French Republic, by William M. Salter & The Russian Situation, by Alexis Aladin & Nicholas Tchaykovsky.
Brookline Village BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 38944
USD 13.00 [Appr.: EURO 12.75 | £UK 10.75 | JP¥ 2032]
Keywords: Ethics International Relations

Zen Buddhism; an Introduction to Zen with Stories, Parables and Koan Riddles
Mount Vernon, NY, Peter Pauper Press, c1962. Hardcover. 61 p. illus. 19 cm. Ill.: Jeff Hill. Very good condition/good.
Brookline Village BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 46472
USD 12.00 [Appr.: EURO 11.75 | £UK 10 | JP¥ 1876]
Catalogue: Philosophy
Keywords: Zen Buddhism Jeff Hill

Alexander, of Aphrodisias
On Aristotle's Meteorology 4
Ithaca, N.Y. Cornell University Press, 1996. Hardcover. 186pp. 24 cm. Very good condition/good.
Brookline Village BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 38131
USD 35.00 [Appr.: EURO 34.25 | £UK 28.75 | JP¥ 5471]

Amadio, Nadine
Pacifica: Myth, Magic and Traditional Wisdom from the South Sea Islands. Photographs by John Tristram
Sydney, Australia, Angus & Robertson, c1993. First printing. Hardcover. Oversize. 160 p. illus. Very good condition/good.
Brookline Village BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 28502
USD 22.00 [Appr.: EURO 21.5 | £UK 18.25 | JP¥ 3439]
Keywords: Photography Mythology, Oceanic Oceania - Social Life & Customs

Andrews, Charles M., compiler
Ideal Empires and Republics : Rousseau's Social Contract, More's Utopia, Bacon's New Atlantis, Campanella's City of the Sun
New York, William H. Wise, c1901. Hardcover. 317p. Good condition, top of spine worn .
Brookline Village BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 25573
USD 16.00 [Appr.: EURO 15.75 | £UK 13.25 | JP¥ 2501]
Keywords: Philosophy Utopias

Arnold, A. James (Albert James)
Monsters, Tricksters, and Sacred Cows : Animal Tales and American Identities New World studies
Charlottesville, University Press of Virginia. Hardcover. 291pp. 24 cm. Very good condition .
Brookline Village BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 38132
USD 16.00 [Appr.: EURO 15.75 | £UK 13.25 | JP¥ 2501]
Keywords: Folk Tales Folklore

Bacon, Francis
The Essays or Counsels, CIVIL and Moral
Englewood Cliffs, NJ, Peter Pauper, 1963. Hardcover. 228 pages. Very good condition Reprinted from the Deluxe artists' editions of the Peter Pauper Press." .
Brookline Village BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 41535
USD 13.00 [Appr.: EURO 12.75 | £UK 10.75 | JP¥ 2032]
Keywords: Philosophy English Literature Essays

Baeumler, Alfred
ästhetik Von Alfred Baeumler Handbuch der Philosophie
München , Druck und Verlag von R. Oldenbourg, 1934. Paperback. 99p. Good condition, tpo corners lightly bumped .
Brookline Village BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 44922
USD 21.00 [Appr.: EURO 20.5 | £UK 17.25 | JP¥ 3282]
Catalogue: Philosophy
Keywords: Aesthetics, German--18th Century.

Ben-Amos, Dan
Sweet Words : Storytelling Events in Benin
Philadelphia, Institute for the Study of Human Issues, 1975. Hardcover. 93pp. 24 cm. Very good condition/good.
Brookline Village BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 41526
USD 16.00 [Appr.: EURO 15.75 | £UK 13.25 | JP¥ 2501]
Keywords: Bini Tales Folk Tales Story-Telling

Bennett, Arnold
The Human Machine, by Arnold Bennett
New York, G.H. Doran company, [1911]. Author's edition. Hardcover. 123 p. 20 cm. Very good condition .
Brookline Village BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 28780
USD 22.00 [Appr.: EURO 21.5 | £UK 18.25 | JP¥ 3439]
Keywords: Philosophy

Berndt, Ronald Murray
The Speaking Land : Myth and Story in Aboriginal Australia
Victoria, Australia, Penguin Books, [1989]. Paperback. 438pp. 22 cm. Very good condition .
Brookline Village BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 37252
USD 16.00 [Appr.: EURO 15.75 | £UK 13.25 | JP¥ 2501]
Keywords: Folk Tales Aborigines, Australian Folklore

Bratton, Fred Gladstone
Myths and Legends of the Ancient Near East
New York, Crowell, 1970. Hardcover. 188p. ilus.geneal. tables, map. 24 cm. Very good condition/good.
Brookline Village BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 41933
USD 17.00 [Appr.: EURO 16.75 | £UK 14 | JP¥ 2657]
Keywords: Mythology Near East - Antiquities

Brown, Leonard
Our Own Columbia That Is to Be, by Leonard Brown... Ye Old Schoolmaster of Ye Olden Time
Des Moines, Ia, E.T. Meredith, 1908. Hardcover. 608 p. front. (port.) 24 cm. Very good condition, blue cloth binding with raised spots .
Brookline Village BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 42717
USD 23.00 [Appr.: EURO 22.5 | £UK 19 | JP¥ 3595]
Catalogue: Philosophy

Bulfinch, Thomas
Bulfinch's Mythology: The Age of Fable, the Age of Chivalry, Legends of Charlemagne
New York, Modern Library, [196-?]. Hardcover. 778 p. Good condition .
Brookline Village BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 29570
USD 8.00 [Appr.: EURO 8 | £UK 6.75 | JP¥ 1250]
Keywords: Mythology Legends Folk Lore

Bulfinch, Thomas
Bulfinch's Mythology: The Age of Fable. With a Foreword by Robert Graves
Garden City, NY, International Collector's Library, c1968. Hardcover. 383p. Good condition, t.p. illus & lettering inked.
Brookline Village BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 29781
USD 8.00 [Appr.: EURO 8 | £UK 6.75 | JP¥ 1250]
Keywords: Mythology Legends Folk Lore

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