Hall, Basil.
Fragments of Voyages and Travels, Including Anecdotes of a Naval Life: Chiefly for the Use of Young Persons. In Three Volumes.
Edinburgh, Robert Cadell, 1831. First edition. Hardcover. 3 vols. (338, 371, 319 p.) 15.5 cm. Very good condition, in3/4 calf and marbled boards, spines with two black skivers, some foxing and light soiling A second series published in 1832, and a third in 1833. Hall was a Scottish naval officer and author of travel books, who retired from the navy in 1823 and wrote about his voyages of exploration and scientific enquiry.

Brookline Village Books
Professional sellerBook number: 30229
USD 288.00 [Appr.: EURO 278 | £UK 231.5 | JP¥ 44230]
Keywords: Juvenile History Voyages & Travels Memoirs Naval History Great Britain. Navy.