Brookline Village Books: International Relations
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Barnet, Richard J.
Intervention and Revolution; the United States in the Third World
New York, World Pub. Co. c1968. Hardcover. vii, 302 p. 22 cm. Very good condition/good.
Brookline Village BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 29038
USD 13.00 [Appr.: EURO 12.75 | £UK 10.75 | JP¥ 2031]
Keywords: U.S. - Foreign Relations

Bell, Edward Price
Pillars of World Peace : Mackenzie King, Prime Minister of Canada, Discusses the Problem of the Pacific and Gives a Formula for Inter-Racial Good Relations Chicago Daily News Reprints, no. 20
Chicago, Chicago Daily News, 1925. PAMPHLET. 12p. Ex-library, Very good condition, in pamphlet binder .
Brookline Village BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 38439
USD 13.00 [Appr.: EURO 12.75 | £UK 10.75 | JP¥ 2031]
Keywords: World Politics

Bell, Edward Price.
World Chancelleries: Sentiments, Ideas, and Arguments Expressed by Famous Occidental & Oriental Statesmen Looking to... International Peace.
Chicago, Chicago Daily News, 1926. Hardcover. 191 p. illus. A limited edition of complimentary copies presented by the Chicago Daily News. Contains interviews of world leaders including Benito Mussolini and Calvin Coolidge, then U.S. President, who wrote the introduction. Ex-library, Very good condition .
Brookline Village BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 30398
USD 13.00 [Appr.: EURO 12.75 | £UK 10.75 | JP¥ 2031]
Keywords: Limited Editions World Peace Statesmen World Politics

Blaustein, Arthur I.
Man Against Poverty: World War III; a Reader on the World's Most Crucial Issue
New York, Random House, c1968. Hardcover. xviii, 456 p. 22 cm. Very good condition/good.
Brookline Village BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 29040
USD 10.00 [Appr.: EURO 9.75 | £UK 8.25 | JP¥ 1562]
Keywords: Peace Poverty

Blum, Yehuda Zvi
The Juridical Status of Jerusalem Jerusalem papers on peace problems ; 2
Jerusalem, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Leonard Davis Institute for International Relations, 1974. PAMPHLET. 32 p. ; 24 cm. Very good condition .
Brookline Village BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 41779
USD 23.00 [Appr.: EURO 22.5 | £UK 19 | JP¥ 3593]
Keywords: United Nations -Jerusalem Jerusalem - International Status Peace

Bolingbroke, Henry St. John, Viscount
Letters on the Spirit of Patriotism, on the Idea of a Patriot King, and on the State of Parties, at the Accession of King George the First
London, A. Millar, 1752. Hardcover. 280p. Very good condition, bound in later green pebbled leather, With this is bound the author's Reflections concerning innate moral principles. Written in French by the late Lord Bolingbroke. And tr. into English. London, Printed for S. Bladon, 1752. 83 p. 1 p. of ad.
Brookline Village BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 41892
USD 403.00 [Appr.: EURO 391 | £UK 330 | JP¥ 62964]
Keywords: Ethics; Political Parties - Great Britain; Patriotism Patriotism Kings and Rulers - Duties Political Parties - Great Britain Great Britain - Politics and Government - 1727-1760

Bowden, Mark
Guests of the Ayatollah : The First Battle in America's War with Militant Islam
New York, Atlantic Monthly Press, 2006. First printing. Hardcover. 680pp. 24 cm. Very good condition/good.
Brookline Village BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 36662
USD 16.00 [Appr.: EURO 15.75 | £UK 13.25 | JP¥ 2500]
Keywords: United States - Foreign Relations - Iran Iran Hostage Crisis, 1979-1981

Brennan, Donald G., editor
Arms Control, Disarmament, and National Security
New York, G. Braziller, c1961. Hardcover. 475 p. map. 25 cm. Very good condition/good.
Brookline Village BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 29041
USD 13.00 [Appr.: EURO 12.75 | £UK 10.75 | JP¥ 2031]
Keywords: Nuclear Disarmament Nuclear Arms Control

Chamberlain, Neil W.
The West in a World without War
New York, McGraw-Hill, c1963. Hardcover. 85 p. 21 cm. Ex-library, Good condition .
Brookline Village BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 29182
USD 7.00 [Appr.: EURO 7 | £UK 5.75 | JP¥ 1094]
Keywords: World Politics

Chase, Stuart & Tyler, Marian.
The New Western Front.
New York, Harcourt, Brace & Co. c1939. First edition. Hardcover. 196 p. Good condition .
Brookline Village BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 30376
USD 13.00 [Appr.: EURO 12.75 | £UK 10.75 | JP¥ 2031]
Keywords: World War 2 United States - Foreign Relations Europe - History

Cohen, Raymond & Stuart
Peace Conferences--the Formal Aspects [by] Raymond Cohen and Stuart Cohen Jerusalem papers on peace problems ; 1
Jerusalem, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Leonard Davis Institute for International Relations, 1974. PAMPHLET. 28 p. ; 24 cm. Very good condition .
Brookline Village BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 41778
USD 23.00 [Appr.: EURO 22.5 | £UK 19 | JP¥ 3593]
Keywords: Peace Peace Treaties

De Roussy de Sales, Raoul Jean Jacques Francois
The Making of Tomorrow [by] Raoul de Roussy de Sales
New York, Reynal & Hitchcock, c1942. Hardcover. 340p. Very good condition, spine faded .
Brookline Village BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 44639
USD 9.00 [Appr.: EURO 8.75 | £UK 7.5 | JP¥ 1406]
Keywords: World Politics; World War, 1939-1945

Destler, I. M.; Gelb, Leslie H. & Lake, Anthony.
Our Own Worst Enemy : The Unmaking of American Foreign Policy
New York, Simon and Schuster, 1984. Hardcover. 319pp. 25 cm. Very good condition/good.
Brookline Village BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 45715
USD 10.00 [Appr.: EURO 9.75 | £UK 8.25 | JP¥ 1562]
Keywords: United States--Foreign Relations--1945-1989.

Dore, Isaak I. (Isaak Ismail)
International Law and the Superpowers : Normative Order in a Divided World
New Brunswick, N.J. Rutgers University Press, 1984. Hardcover. 202pp. 24 cm. Very good condition/good.
Brookline Village BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 38094
USD 16.00 [Appr.: EURO 15.75 | £UK 13.25 | JP¥ 2500]

Feis, Herbert
The China Tangle; the American Effort in China from Pearl Harbor to the Marshall Mission
Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1953. Hardcover. x, 445 p. maps. 25 cm. Very good condition/good.
Brookline Village BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 29821
USD 16.00 [Appr.: EURO 15.75 | £UK 13.25 | JP¥ 2500]
Keywords: United States - Foreign Relations China - Foreign Relations

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