Jameson, James S. (James Sligo)
The Story of the Rear Column of the Emin Pasha Relief Expedition, by the Late James S. Jameson, Ed. By Mrs. James S. Jameson; Illus. By C. Whymper from the Author's Original Sketches, with New Map and Facsimile Letter from Tippu Tib. Natural History Appendix: Birds, by R.R. Bowdler Sharpe. Coleoptera, by H.W. Bates, Lepidoptera, Rhopalocera and Heterocera by Osbert Salvin, F. Du Cane Godman, H. Druce
New York, United States Book Co. [1891?]. Hardcover. xxxii, 455 p. incl. illus. plates. front. plates, ports. fold. map, fold. facsims. 25 cm. 2 folded maps of the Congo at end. Blank plate between p. 124/125 as issued. Ill.: C. Whymper. Good condition, clean and tight.
Brookline Village Books
Professional sellerBook number: 010048
USD 167.00 [Appr.: EURO 157.5 | £UK 131.25 | JP¥ 25896]
Keywords: Birds--Africa; Insects--Africa; Congo--Description and Travel C. Whymper Africa Gt. Brit. - Hist. Military