New York, Tor Books. 1995, First Edition. (ISBN: 0312862180) Paperback. Book, Bradley broadens her range with an entertaining tale of contemporary "magick" and self-discovery that combines gothic romance, urban fantasy and horror. Truth Jourdemayne, parapsychologist and illegitimate child of celebrated vanished occultist Thorne Blackburn, decides to write a book about her much-hated father; to begin her research, she visits his estate, Shadow's Gate, nestled in the Hudson River valley. There Truth meets a group continuing Blackburn's occult "Work," led by the exciting and mysterious Julian Pilgrim. The narrative employs gothic props such as hidden parentage, a secret book, underground passages and intricate alliances, and it isn't shy about flashing occult wonders either, but the emphasis is on Truth's growth toward greater understanding and wisdom. With a strong, though not feminist, heroine and a sophisticated treatment of magick, this novel overcomes myriad cliches?including the charismatic occult leader and an apparently haunted mansion?to offer intelligent, if somewhat giddy, diversion. Very Good.

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Keywords: 0312862180 Fantasy