A Book for all Reasons, ibooknet & PBFA: Humour
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 Ableman, Paul (Arthur Wilson ed.),, DAD'S ARMY - The Defence of a Front Line English Village.
Ableman, Paul (Arthur Wilson ed.),
DAD'S ARMY - The Defence of a Front Line English Village.
BBC Books, London, 1989, 1st edn., 127pp, numerous ills. in line and half tone, col'd pictorial laminated bds., the discovery of Capt. Mainwaring personal archives lead Sgt. Wilson's nephew, Arthur Wilson MA, already commissioned to write a book in commemoration of the outbreak of WW2, to combine them with his uncle's letters to produce a background to some of the well known episodes of the long running TV and Radio series, sl. slant to spine, lightly bumped at top edges, no dustwrapper, very good,
A Book for all ReasonsProfessional seller
Book number: 22421
GBP 5.50 [Appr.: EURO 6.75 US$ 6.92 | JP¥ 1054]
Catalogue: Humour
Keywords: humour humor tv radio tie-in ww2

Ableman, Paul (Arthur Wilson ed.),
DAD'S ARMY - The Defence of a Front Line English Village.
BBC Books, London, 1989, 1st edn., 127pp, numerous ills. in line and half tone, col'd pictorial laminated bds., the discovery of Capt. Mainwaring personal archives lead Sgt. Wilson's nephew, Arthur Wilson MA, already commissioned to write a book in commemoration of the outbreak of WW2, to combine them with his uncle's letters to produce a background to some of the well known episodes of the long running TV and Radio series, lightly bumped at cnrs., no dustwrapper, very good plus,
A Book for all ReasonsProfessional seller
Book number: 22422
GBP 5.50 [Appr.: EURO 6.75 US$ 6.92 | JP¥ 1054]
Catalogue: Humour
Keywords: humour humor tv radio tie-in ww2

Ableman, Paul (Arthur Wilson ed.),
DAD'S ARMY - The Defence of a Front Line English Village.
BBC Books, London, 1989, 1st edn., 127pp, numerous ills. in line and half tone, col'd pictorial laminated bds., the discovery of Capt. Mainwaring personal archives lead Sgt. Wilson's nephew, Arthur Wilson MA, already commissioned to write a book in commemoration of the outbreak of WW2, to combine them with his uncle's letters to produce a background to some of the well known episodes of the long running TV and Radio series, lightly bumped at cnrs., no dustwrapper, very good plus,
A Book for all ReasonsProfessional seller
Book number: 22423
GBP 5.50 [Appr.: EURO 6.75 US$ 6.92 | JP¥ 1054]
Catalogue: Humour
Keywords: humour humor tv radio tie-in ww2

 Bretecher, Claire,, LES FRUSTRES 3.
Bretecher, Claire,
Mohn-Éridé, Barcelona, 1978, paperback, 71pp, [i] blank, line drawings throughout, large format (11.5 x 8.5 inches approx.), coloured pictorial upper wrapper, cartoon strip stories mainly one per page with captions in french (en français), lightly rubbed at tips, faint creasing at cnrs., very good,
A Book for all ReasonsProfessional seller
Book number: 41419
GBP 5.50 [Appr.: EURO 6.75 US$ 6.92 | JP¥ 1054]
Catalogue: Humour
Keywords: humour cartoon

Buchwald, Art,
Victor Gollancz, London, 1958, 1st edn. UK, 192pp, maroon cloth gilt, a sequel to 'I Chose Caviar', and described as 'the greatest living American humorist', the author's anecdotes of experiences in Russia, Britain, France, Italy, Germany and America, bumped and lightly rubbed at cnrs., top edge dusty, front free endpaper creased, a few fox marks, dustwrapper: rubbed at extrems., sev. short tears at spine ends, spine sunned, a little soiled and foxed, very good in a good dustwrapper,
A Book for all ReasonsProfessional seller
Book number: 19108
GBP 5.50 [Appr.: EURO 6.75 US$ 6.92 | JP¥ 1054]
Catalogue: Humour
Keywords: travel exploration humour

Buckman, Rob,
Heinemann / Quixote Press, London, 1980, 1st edn., 139pp, illustrated in line bt Martin Honeysett, brown paper covered boards gilt, Dr. Buckman is a regular contributor to radio chat shows and entertainment, presents some more of his zany humour, v. sl. rubs and bumps to tips, dustwrapper: sl. rubbing to extrems., short tear lower panel, very good in a very good dustwrapper,
A Book for all ReasonsProfessional seller
Book number: 19102
GBP 5.50 [Appr.: EURO 6.75 US$ 6.92 | JP¥ 1054]
Catalogue: Humour
Keywords: doctor humour martin honeysett

 Busch, Wilhelm,, ALBUM - Jubiläumsausgabe mit 1700 farbigen Bildern.
Busch, Wilhelm,
ALBUM - Jubiläumsausgabe mit 1700 farbigen Bildern.
Falken Verlag, Germany, 1979, 405pp, [iii] blank, coloured frontis portrait, coloured strip cartoons throughout, large heavy format (11.5 x 9 inches approx.), yellow cloth lettered in maroon at spine, decorative head and tail bands, coloured pictorial dustwrapper, anniversary edition with 1700 colour images, text in German, a collection of the German caricaturist's pictures and verse, edges tanned, dustwrapper: a little rubbed at extrems., several short nicks to lower edge of lower panel, some light creasing, very good in a good plus dustwrapper,
A Book for all ReasonsProfessional seller
Book number: 41105
GBP 6.00 [Appr.: EURO 7.25 US$ 7.55 | JP¥ 1150]
Catalogue: Humour
Keywords: humor humour cartoon art verse german busch

 Carlinsky, Dan,, THE VERY NICE JEWISH QUIZ BOOK (originally published as The Jewish Quiz Book).
Carlinsky, Dan,
THE VERY NICE JEWISH QUIZ BOOK (originally published as The Jewish Quiz Book).
Bell Publishing, New York, 1987, 1st edn. thus, viii, 123pp, in text line drawings, red cloth lettered in gilt at spine, decorative head and tail bands, coloured lettered dustwrapper, a fun book of more than eleven hundred questions and answers about who's Jewish and what's Jewsish for anyone who eats bagels and cream sheese on Sunday mornings, upper edge very faintly foxed, dustwrapper: unpriced, very lightly rubbed at tips, very good plus in a very good plus dustwrapper,
A Book for all ReasonsProfessional seller
Book number: 34037
GBP 6.00 [Appr.: EURO 7.25 US$ 7.55 | JP¥ 1150]
Catalogue: Humour
Keywords: humour jewish puzzles quizzes

 Brother Choleric,, CRACKS IN THE CLOISTER.
Brother Choleric,
Sheed and Ward, London, 1956, 3rd imp., unpaginated [60pp], coloured and half tone ills. throughout, line drawings at endpapers, orange cloth lettered in silver at spine, pictorial dustwrapper, the sardonic humour of Brother Choleric as he surveys his ecclesiastical world with light-hearted detachment, edges tanned, dustwrapper: lightly rubbed at tips, faint mark upper panel, two short tears upper edge lower panel with adjacent creasing, repaired to reverse, near fine in a very good dustwrapper,
A Book for all ReasonsProfessional seller
Book number: 43080
GBP 5.50 [Appr.: EURO 6.75 US$ 6.92 | JP¥ 1054]
Catalogue: Humour
Keywords: humour

 Cooper, Jilly,, TURN RIGHT AT THE SPOTTED DOG  And Other Diversions.
Cooper, Jilly,
Methuen, London, 1988, reprint, paperback, 176pp, pictorial upper wrapper by Susan Hellard, sl. slant to spine, light creasing vertically at spine and at upper hinge and lower cnr. upper wrapper, good plus,
A Book for all ReasonsProfessional seller
Book number: 34870
GBP 5.50 [Appr.: EURO 6.75 US$ 6.92 | JP¥ 1054]
Catalogue: Humour
Keywords: humour

Cusack, Helen,
Arrow Books, London, 1985, 1st edn., paperback original, unpaginated, 40 leaves, illustrated in line by Helen Cusack, landscape format, pictorial comments on the lot of woman, very good plus,
A Book for all ReasonsProfessional seller
Book number: 19092
GBP 5.50 [Appr.: EURO 6.75 US$ 6.92 | JP¥ 1054]
Catalogue: Humour
Keywords: humour feminism feminist women cartoon helen cusack

Demong, Phyllis,
J. M. Dent, London, 1980, 1st edn. UK, unpaginated, 64 leaves, illustrated throughout in line, some 2 colour, by author, red paper covered boards gilt, an unexbeargated, combearhensive incompbearable book celebrating in drawings the bears hidden in our language, dustwrapper: v. sl. rubbed at extrems., 1/2" tear upper panel, very good plus in a very good dustwrapper,
A Book for all ReasonsProfessional seller
Book number: 19123
GBP 5.50 [Appr.: EURO 6.75 US$ 6.92 | JP¥ 1054]
Catalogue: Humour
Keywords: pun cartoon bear humour

 Dennys, Joyce,, HENRIETTA'S WAR: News From The Home Front 1939-1942.
Dennys, Joyce,
HENRIETTA'S WAR: News From The Home Front 1939-1942.
Penguin, Harmondsworth, 1987, 1st in imprint, trade paperback, 167pp, title and numerous in text line drawings by the author, [viii] ads., coloured pictorial upper wrapper, a humourus fictional account in the form of letters about life on the rural Home Front, first published as articles in the magazine 'Sketch' and a selection from the first two years now edited for this publication in book form, a little rubbed at extrems., edges tanned, top cnr. half title clipped and ink. inscr. and ownership label inside upper wrapper and onto half title, good plus,
A Book for all ReasonsProfessional seller
Book number: 41014
GBP 5.50 [Appr.: EURO 6.75 US$ 6.92 | JP¥ 1054]
Catalogue: Humour
Keywords: humour fiction war home front

 Galton, Ray and Simpson, Alan (intro. by Peter Black),, HANCOCK'S HALF HOUR.
Galton, Ray and Simpson, Alan (intro. by Peter Black),
Woburn Press, 1974, 1st edn., 136pp, numerous in text half tone photo ills., coloured pictorial laminated boards, the scripts of five shows from 1960/61: 'The Missing Page', The Reunion Party', 'Hancock Alone', 'The Bowmans' and 'The Blood Donor', illustrated with blow-ups from the original recordings and an interview with Galton and Simpson, lightly rubbed at extrems., spine sl. sunned, top cnr. front free endpaper clipped, no dustwrapper, very good,
A Book for all ReasonsProfessional seller
Book number: 34065
GBP 5.50 [Appr.: EURO 6.75 US$ 6.92 | JP¥ 1054]
Catalogue: Humour
Keywords: humour hancock comedy drama scripts

 Galton, Ray and Simpson, Alan (intro. by Peter Black),, HANCOCK'S HALF HOUR.
Galton, Ray and Simpson, Alan (intro. by Peter Black),
Woburn Press, London, 1974, 1st edn., 136pp, numerous in text half tone photo ills., large format (10 x 8 inches approx.), coloured pictorial laminated boards, the scripts of five shows from 1960/61: 'The Missing Page', The Reunion Party', 'Hancock Alone', 'The Bowmans' and 'The Blood Donor', illustrated with blow-ups from the original recordings and an interview with Galton and Simpson, light tanning and faint foxing to edges, no dustwrapper, near fine,
A Book for all ReasonsProfessional seller
Book number: 40474
GBP 5.50 [Appr.: EURO 6.75 US$ 6.92 | JP¥ 1054]
Catalogue: Humour
Keywords: humour hancock performing arts comedy drama scripts

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