Comoediae Sex, Cum Interpretatione Donati E/T Calphurnii, Et Commentario Perpetuo Curavit Arn. Henr. Westerhovius
The Hague, Holland, Isaacum Vander Kloot, 1732. Hardcover. pp. 1322, 46. Very thick 8vo. Title page printed in red and black with vignette. This volume is bound in contemporary mottled calf with gilt decorated spine and boards. Rear hinge is weak but still intact. Front hinge cracked: now close to detaching from text block. Overall, the binding is scuffed and rubbed. Marbled endpapers with old armorial bookplate on front pastedown, the bookplate being that of the Rev. Jasper Hume Nicolls (1818-1877) who, in 1845, was appointed the first Principal of Bishop's College (now Bishop's University) in Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada. Contents clean, with slight age-darkening and a few early marginal notations. It would be a simple matter for a competent bookbinder to strengthen the joints and repair the hinges, while retaining the original binding. Terence (died 159 BC?) was a Roman writer of comedy. He wrote six plays during his short life: 'Andria', 'Hecyra', 'Heauton timorumenos', Eunuchus', 'Phormio' (from which the expression 'fortis fortuna adiuvat' is derived ['fortune favours the brave']), and 'Adelphoe'. They were widely known and studied in the Middle Ages, and much read in England in the sixteenth century. Terence's influence can be traced in early English comedy and again in the comedy of manners of the Restoration (Oxford Companion to Classical Literature). Ill.: copper plate frontispiece.
Bison Books
Professional sellerBook number: 9900009454
USD 112.50 [Appr.: EURO 109.5 | £UK 92.25 | JP¥ 17695]
Keywords: Comedies;Plays;Drama;Rome;Romans;Classics;Latin;; copper plate frontispiece