Barthou, Louis
Bibliotheque de M. Louis Barthou de L'Academie Francaise (Four Volumes)
Paris, Auguste Blaizot & Fils, 1936. Paperback. 4to. Black and white plates, and facsimiles of autographs. Bindings are falling apart and should be replaced, contents are readily legible; sold as is. A good reference copy of this important sale catalogue. A richly illustrated complete set of the sale catalogue. .
Bison Books
Professional sellerBook number: 061282
USD 65.00 [Appr.: EURO 59 | £UK 49.75 | JP¥ 9177]
Keywords: catalog; estate; auction; Lucien Gougy; Hotel Drouot; manuscripts; association copies; first editions; fine bindings; bibliography; french reference; library; catalogue