Braun, Isabella; Paula Didruksen (trans.)
The Little Actors Theater; Four Plays to Act out with Three - Dimensional Scenes and Characters That Really Move
New York, Philomel Books, 1981. Hardcover. Unpaginated. 4to. Reproduction of an antique book. Light shelfwear, slant to spine; very good. "This charming book has been carefully reproduced from the antique original, first published in 1883 by the J. F. Schreiber Company of Esslingem, Germany. The four plays for children to act out are attributed to Isabella Braun, and the artist who drew the delightful scehes was Paul Wagner. Unknown, however, is the name of the remarkably clever paper engineer who devised a way of bringing the drawings to life as three - dimensional miniature stage settings, with the added fascination of parts that actually move. A marvel in its own time, the book invites children today to participate actively in the world of Victorian childhood, and provides a visual delight for young and old alike. .
Bison Books
Professional sellerBook number: 086388
USD 15.00 [Appr.: EURO 14.5 | £UK 12.25 | JP¥ 2338]