: Paganism
trouvé: 3 livres

Masks of Dionysus
Cornell University Press, 1993. Softcover. ISBN: 0801480620. Minor edgewear with laminate lighting along edges. Scholar's name to ffep (Bonnie Maclachlan [née Ward]). ; Twelve Essays address such subjects as the influence of Dionysus on Greek tragedy and art, his connection with mystery religions and concepts of the afterlife, and the spread of his cult to Etruria. ; Myth and Poetics; 344 pages. Very Good .
Ancient World BooksVendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 37528
USD 57.00 [Appr.: EURO 55 | CHF 51.5]
Catalogue: Paganism
Mots-clés: 0801480620 Dionysus Paganism Greek History Mystery Religions Classical Greek & Roman Mythology

Eleusis Archetypal Image of Mother and Daughter
Pantheon Books, 1967. Hardcover. Minor shelfwear to book. Scholar's name stamped to ffep (Stéphane Krésic). DJ is somewhat tattered with tears and chipping. ; The Sanctuary of Eleusis, near Athens, was the center of a religious cult that endured for nearly two thousand years and whose initiates came from all parts of the civilized world. Looking at the tendency to 'see visions,' C. Kerenyi examines the Mysteries of Eleusis from the standpoint not only of Greek myth but also of human nature. ; Bollingen Series LXV, Vol 4; 257 pages. Very Good+ in Fair dust jacket .
Ancient World BooksVendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 37494
USD 70.00 [Appr.: EURO 67.5 | CHF 63.5]
Catalogue: Paganism
Mots-clés: Mythology Eleusis Paganism Classical Greek & Roman Greek History

Honor Thy Gods Popular Religion in Greek Tragedy
The University of North Carolina Press, 1991. Softcover. ISBN: 0807843482. Creasing to front upper corner of wraps and spine. Scholar's name to ffep (Bonnie Maclachlan [née Ward]). ; 376 pages; In Honor Thy Gods Jon Mikalson uses the tragedies of Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides to explore popular religious beliefs and practices of Athenians in the fifth and fourth centuries B. C. And examines how these playwrights portrayed, manipulated, and otherwise represented popular religion in their plays. He discusses the central role of honor in ancient Athenian piety and shows that the values of popular piety are not only reflected but also reaffirmed in tragedies. Mikalson begins by examining what tragic characters and choruses have to say about the nature of the gods and their intervention in human affairs. Then, by tracing the fortunes of diverse characters—among them Creon and Antigone, Ajax and Odysseus, Hippolytus, Pentheus, and even Athens and Troy—he shows that in tragedy those who violate or challenge contemporary popular religious beliefs suffer, while those who support these beliefs are rewarded. The beliefs considered in Mikalson's analysis include Athenians' views on matters regarding asylum, the roles of guests and hosts, oaths, the various forms of divination, health and healing, sacrifice, pollution, the religious responsibilities of parents, children, and citizens, homicide, the dead, and the afterlife. After summarizing the vairous forms of piety and impiety related to these beliefs found in the tragedies, Mikalson isolates "honoring the gods" as the fundamental concept of Greek piety. He concludes by describing the different relationships of the three tragedians to the religion of their time and their audience, arguing that the tragedies of Euripides most consistently support the values of popular religion.. Very Good .
Ancient World BooksVendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 37527
USD 30.00 [Appr.: EURO 29 | CHF 27.5]
Catalogue: Paganism
Mots-clés: 0807843482 Paganism Greek Literature Poetry & Poets Tragedies Plays & Drama Classical Greek & Roman

| Pages: 1 |