: Greek Literature
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The Iliad of Homer Vol. I: (Books I-Xii) Edited with General and Grammatical Introductions Notes, and Appendices.
MacMillan & Co, 1959. Hardcover. Spine cover missing. Scholar's name to ffep (Bonnie Maclachlan [née Ward]). Many pencil notes to text with some ink underlining. Working copy only. ; Greek text with English commentary. ; Volume 1 Only. ; Vol. 1; 567 pages. Fair with no dust jacket .
Ancient World BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 37544
USD 20.00 [Appr.: EURO 19.5 | £UK 16.25 | JP¥ 3029]
Catalogue: Greek Literature
Keywords: Homer Iliad Homeric Epic Greek Literature Poetry & Poets

The Iliad of Homer Vol. Ii: (Books Xiii-Xxiv) Edited with General and Grammatical Introductions Notes, and Appendices.
MacMillan & Co, 1924. Hardcover. Former owner's name on ffep. Many pencil notes to text with some ink underlining. Dampstaining to some pages. Working copy only. ; Greek text with English commentary. ; Volume 2 Only; Vol. 2; 634 pages. Fair with no dust jacket .
Ancient World BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 37545
USD 23.00 [Appr.: EURO 22.5 | £UK 18.75 | JP¥ 3483]
Catalogue: Greek Literature
Keywords: Homer Iliad Homeric Epic Greek Literature Poetry & Poets

The Etymology and Usage of Peirar in Early Greek Poetry a Study in the Interrelationship of Metrics, Linguistics and Poetics
American Philological Association, 1975. Softcover. Scholar's name to ffep (D. Gerber). Else fine. ; American Classical Studies 22; 5.9 X 0.7 X 8.9 inches; 208 pages. Near Fine .
Ancient World BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 37585
USD 23.00 [Appr.: EURO 22.5 | £UK 18.75 | JP¥ 3483]
Catalogue: Greek Literature
Keywords: Poetry & Poets Greek Literature Literary Criticism

Euripides: Heracles with Introduction and Commentary
Oxford Clarendon Press, 1988. Softcover. ISBN: 0198140606. Very light shelfwear. ; Extensive English Commentary and Introduction with Greek Text and Latin apparatus. ; 448 pages. Near Fine .
Ancient World BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 37565
USD 70.00 [Appr.: EURO 68 | £UK 56.5 | JP¥ 10602]
Catalogue: Greek Literature
Keywords: 0198140606 Euripides Plays & Drama Theater & Theatre Greek Literature Tragedies

Ten Selected Orations of Lysias Edited with Notes
Allyn and Bacon, 1892. Hardcover. Small tear to titlepage ~1cm. Very light pencilling. ; 174 pages. Very Good with no dust jacket .
Ancient World BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 37566
USD 21.00 [Appr.: EURO 20.5 | £UK 17 | JP¥ 3181]
Catalogue: Greek Literature
Keywords: Lysias Speeches Legal And Law Legal History Greek Literature

Tragica Elucidations of Passages in Greek Tragedy
University of Canterbury, 1968. Hardcover. Scholar's name to ffep (D. Gerber). Faint tanning to pages. Minor chipping to DJ. ; University of Canterbury Publications No. 8; 179 pages. Very Good in Very Good dust jacket .
Ancient World BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 37482
USD 37.00 [Appr.: EURO 36 | £UK 30 | JP¥ 5604]
Catalogue: Greek Literature
Keywords: Greek Tragedy Plays & Drama Literary Criticism Greek Literature

A Commentary on Quintus Smyrnaeus Posthomerica Xii
E. J. Brill, 1981. Paperback. ISBN: 9004065024. Very faint shelfwear else fine. ; Mnemosyne. Bibliotheca Classica Batava. Supplementum; 219 pages. Near Fine .
Ancient World BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 19156
USD 80.00 [Appr.: EURO 77.5 | £UK 64.5 | JP¥ 12116]
Catalogue: Greek Literature
Keywords: 9004065024 Poetry & Poets Greek Literature Quintus Smyrnaeus

A Commentary on Quintus Smyrnaeus Posthomerica Xii
E. J. Brill, 1981. Paperback. ISBN: 9004065024. Very minor shelfwear to wraps. Scholar's name to ffep (D. Gerber). ; Mnemosyne. Bibliotheca Classica Batava. Supplementum; 219 pages. Very Good+ .
Ancient World BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 37598
USD 80.00 [Appr.: EURO 77.5 | £UK 64.5 | JP¥ 12116]
Catalogue: Greek Literature
Keywords: 9004065024 Poetry & Poets Greek Literature Quintus Smyrnaeus

Lysias: Selected Speeches
Cambridge University Press, 1993. Softcover. ISBN: 0521269881. Creasing to wraps. Many Pencil notes to about 15 pages. Scholar's name to ffep (Bonnie Maclachlan [née Ward]). Ffep creased. Faint dampstaining to a couple of pages. ; Cambridge Greek and Latin Classics; 248 pages; The Greek writer Lysias is a fascinating source for the study of Athenian law, society and history in the late fifth century B.C. Six of his professional legal speeches are included in this new edition, both for their intrinsic interest and for the accessibility of their language. In his introduction, Dr. Carey discusses Lysias' life and place in the evolution of Greek prose style and in the development of Greek rhetoric. He approaches the speeches as attempts to secure a verdict favorable to the speaker and assesses how effectively the selection and deployment of arguments promote this end. He addresses textual issues and problems of Lysias' style and syntax, while focusing particularly on literary concerns: Lysias' use of rhetorical devices, his marshalling of fact and argument and his manipulation of contemporary values and prejudices.. Good+ .
Ancient World BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 37593
USD 20.00 [Appr.: EURO 19.5 | £UK 16.25 | JP¥ 3029]
Catalogue: Greek Literature
Keywords: 0521269881 Lysias Oratory Speeches Greek Literature

Folk Tale, Fiction and Saga in the Homeric Epics
University of California Press, 1958. Softcover. Spine a little discolored. Scholar's name to ffep (D. Gerber). ; Looks at the oral tradition of Homeric epic and its origins. ; 198 pages. Very Good .
Ancient World BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 37533
USD 6.00 [Appr.: EURO 6 | £UK 5 | JP¥ 909]
Catalogue: Greek Literature
Keywords: Homeric Epic Homer Classical Greek & Roman Greek Literature Greek Poetry Folk Tales Mythology Greek Epic Poetry

Paulusdruckerei Freiburg (Schweiz), 1941. Softcover. Minor creasing to front corner of wraps. Pages tanned. Scholar's name to ffep (D. Gerber). ; 91 pages. Very Good .
Ancient World BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 37548
USD 20.00 [Appr.: EURO 19.5 | £UK 16.25 | JP¥ 3029]
Catalogue: Greek Literature
Keywords: Simonides Poetry & Poets Greek Literature

Medea Essays on Medea in Myth, Literature, Philosophy, and Art
Princeton University Press, 1997. Softcover. ISBN: 0691043760. Minor pencilling to a couple of pages. Creasing to lower corner of front wrap. Scholar's name to ffep (Bonnie Maclachlan [née Ward]). ; 6 X 0.98 X 9 inches; 376 pages. Very Good .
Ancient World BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 37582
USD 50.00 [Appr.: EURO 48.5 | £UK 40.5 | JP¥ 7573]
Catalogue: Greek Literature
Keywords: 0691043760 Myth And Mythology Greek Literature Philosophers And Philosophy Medea

Aeschylus' Prometheus Bound a Literary Commentary
University of Toronto Press, 1980. Softcover. ISBN: 0802064167. Creasing to upper corner of front wrap. Newspaper clipping from TLS tipped in. ; Canadian University Paperbooks; 0.38 x 7.84 x 5.06 Inches; 198 pages; Provides a throrough analysis of the literary and non-literary aspects of Aeschylus' Prometheus Bound essential for an understanding of the play.. Very Good .
Ancient World BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 37577
USD 10.00 [Appr.: EURO 9.75 | £UK 8.25 | JP¥ 1515]
Catalogue: Greek Literature
Keywords: 0802064167 Greek & Roman Drama Greek Theatre Tragedies Classics Classical Greek & Roman Critical Theory Greek Literature Aeschylus

Aeschylus' Oresteia a Literary Commentary
University of Toronto Press, 1989. Softcover. ISBN: 0802067476. Creasing to lower corner of rear wrap. Else very minor shelfwear. Spine slightly sunned. ; 0.7 x 8.96 x 5.96 Inches; 229 pages; Comprehensive study of the three plays of Aeschylus' Oresteia.. Very Good .
Ancient World BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 37578
USD 55.00 [Appr.: EURO 53.25 | £UK 44.5 | JP¥ 8330]
Catalogue: Greek Literature
Keywords: 0802067476 Aeschylus Oresteia Poetry & Poets Classical Greek & Roman Greek Theatre Tragedies Drama

Aeschylus: The Earlier Plays and Related Studies
University of Toronto Press, 1996. Softcover. ISBN: 0802071554. Spine sunned. ; 0.75 x 9.5 x 6.5 Inches; 194 pages; This volume complements D. J. Conacher's two earlier studies of Aeschylus, Aeschylus' `Prometheus Bound' (1980) and Aeschylus' `Oresteia' (1987) , and completes his literary commentary on the extant plays of Aeschylus. In this volume Conacher provides a detailed running commentary on the three earlier plays (The Persians, The Seven against Thebes, and The Suppliants) , as well as an analysis of their themes, structure and dramatic techniques and devices. In two more general studies he reviews Aeschylus' dramatic uses of the chorus and of imagery. Conacher's close readings of the text and sensitive analysis of the main problems in the plays will be of benefit to students, especially those encountering these plays for the first time, either in Greek or in translation. He also provides a thorough overview of the various interpretative and philological problems and opinions encountered in Aeschylean scholarship, which will be of interest to senior scholars as well as students.. Very Good+ .
Ancient World BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 37579
USD 12.00 [Appr.: EURO 11.75 | £UK 9.75 | JP¥ 1817]
Catalogue: Greek Literature
Keywords: 0802071554 Greek & Roman Drama Dramatical Poetry & Poets Aeschylus Classical Greek & Roman Greek Literature

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