Harteveld Rare Books Ltd.: Woodcuts Gravures sur bois Holzstiche
trouvé: 4 livres

Faust. - OWENS, Harry J.:
Doctor Faust A Play - based upon old German puppet versions. With woodcuts by Fritz Kredel. Layout by Victor Hammer, presswork by Jacob Hammer and binding by Elizabeth Kner.
The Caxton Club, 1953, lg. in-8vo, 36 ll. (72 p.) + 3 white, with the origial 2 ll. pre-publication prospectus, one of 350 printed copies only, Ex-Lris John E.-Ward & hw. dedication dated 1964 on first fly by Harry J. Owens the author, orig. h.-cloth
¶ Please notify before visiting to see a book. Prices are excl. VAT/TVA (only Switzerland) & postage.
Harteveld Rare Books Ltd.Vendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 77928
CHF 70.00 [Appr.: EURO 73.75]
Mots-clés: presse-privé German literature litterature-allemand Kredel, Fritz

Wood-Engravings and Woodcuts.
The Studion Publications, 1944, in-8vo, 96 p., richement ill. n./b., reliure en toile originale.
¶ Please notify before visiting to see a book. Prices are excl. VAT/TVA (only Switzerland) & postage.
Harteveld Rare Books Ltd.Vendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 133203
CHF 20.00 [Appr.: EURO 21.25]
Mots-clés: engraving, engravings gravure fine art, fine arts art wood bois

MÜNSTER, Sebastian 1488- 1552. (Geneava- Switzerland)
Double page (p. 98/99) woodcut view of Geneva from Sebastian Münster's famous "Cosmographia". Civitas Genevensis apud allobroges populos... " Clarissini¾ civitatis Genevensis situs & figuratio, latusque eius meridianum..
Basileae Henricum Petri, 1552, 15.5x35.5 cm (Vue), original Handcolored copy; Latin title to verso / Vue de Genève gravés sur bois, sur 2 feuilles, coloriés d'époque, Feuille N° 98/99. 1 feuille 32x40 cm.
¶ The woodcut view shows the city from across Lake Geneva/ Lac Léman with the covered bridge joining the two parts of the city. Coat of arms to upper left corner ; text below. Good dark impression; minor show through of text from verso; small hole to upper and lower margin from binding; light spotting to centre of view & light damp stain to lower blank margin, below text; lower centre fold split, repaired to verso; old ink under linings and corrections to text Please notify before visiting to see a book. Prices are excl. VAT/TVA (only Switzerland) & postage.
Harteveld Rare Books Ltd.Vendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 130722
CHF 250.00 [Appr.: EURO 263]
Mots-clés: helvetica, Switzerland helvetica Suisse-Romande, Switzerland-french, Schweiz-französich Genève, Geneva, Genf Genève, Genf graphic, graphics graphique

SHAW, Bernhard:
The adventures of the black girl in her search for god. Woodcuts by John Farleigh
Constable, 1932, in-8vo, 75 p., illustrated with woodcuts by John Farleigh. ex-libris John-E. Ward, orig. ill. boards. Fine.
¶ Please notify before visiting to see a book. Prices are excl. VAT/TVA (only Switzerland) & postage.
Harteveld Rare Books Ltd.Vendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 77945
CHF 25.00 [Appr.: EURO 26.5]
Mots-clés: illustrations, illustrations, illustrated illustre english literature litterature-anglaise Farleigh, John

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