Aunt Louisa's Toy Book New Series No.21
London & New York, Frederick Warne & Co. 1875 approx. Colour pages (12) with text and music printed by Dalziel Bros, Camden Press . Quarto [285 x 246mm] "Varnished" Pictorial card covers with black children at the seaside in a roundelle + mother and girls, one on a donkey in a square, & title on a black diagonal. Back cover with nursery rhymes & fairy tale roundelles depicted on a fan with a squirrel eating an acorn on the fan's handle and a List of Aunt Lousia's toy Books New Series with this title at No.21 of 23 in the series (spine rebacked in cloth/slight chipping along spine) [12]pp + full music and words to inside of covers. Interior without inscriptions and clean white paper -no tears, no foxing entirely crisp.

Abbey Antiquarian Books
Professional sellerBook number: P75051
GBP 275.00 [Appr.: EURO 329.5 US$ 341.78 | JP¥ 51902]
Keywords: toy book colour illustrations black interest