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The Aberdeen Grammar School Magazine January 1946
The Aberdeen Grammar School, 1946. Soft Cover. Printed for The Former Pupil's Club at the University Press Vo.XLIX, No.1 Januaury 1946. 88p+ adverts. Extensive notices of former pupils, marriages, war records, Japanese captives, obituaries and etc. Clean and unmarked. See scans. . Very Good +
-- Creaking Shelves BooksProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 010749
GBP 24.00 [Appr.: EURO 28.5]

The Aberdeen Grammar School Magazine July 1946
The Aberdeen Grammar School, 1946. Soft Cover. Printed for The Former Pupil's Club at the University Press Vo.XLIX, No.2 July 1946. p.89-176p+ adverts. Extensive notices of former pupils, marriages, war records, Interment in Sumatra and Indonisia, obituaries and etc. Clean and unmarked. See scans. . Very Good +
-- Creaking Shelves BooksProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 010750
GBP 24.00 [Appr.: EURO 28.5]

The Aberdeen Grammar School Magazine Dec 1946
The Aberdeen Grammar School, 1946. Soft Cover. Printed for The Former Pupil's Club at the University Press Vo.L No.1 Dec 1946. p.104p+ adverts. Extensive notices of former pupils, marriages, war records in Malaya, obituaries and etc. Clean and unmarked. See scans. . Very Good +
-- Creaking Shelves BooksProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 010751
GBP 24.00 [Appr.: EURO 28.5]

The Aberdeen Grammar School Magazine July 1947
The Aberdeen Grammar School, 1947. Soft Cover. Printed for The Former Pupil's Club at the University Press Vo.L No.2 July 1947 p.104-208p+ adverts. Extensive notices of former pupils, marriages, Antarctic whaling , India, obituaries and etc. Clean and unmarked. See scans. . Very Good +
-- Creaking Shelves BooksProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 010753
GBP 24.00 [Appr.: EURO 28.5]

The Aberdeen Grammar School Magazine Dec 1947
The Aberdeen Grammar School, 1947. Soft Cover. Printed for The Former Pupil's Club at the University Press Vo.LI No.1 Dec 1947 p.102p+ adverts. Extensive notices of former pupils, marriages, Prisoners of War, Aberdeenshire, India, obituaries and etc. Clean and unmarked. See scans. . Very Good +
-- Creaking Shelves BooksProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 010754
GBP 24.00 [Appr.: EURO 28.5]

 n.n, [Als er een ongeluk gebeurt. - wiebelogenboek
[Als er een ongeluk gebeurt. - wiebelogenboek
Place of publication unknown Mulder s.a., s.a. 4 dik kartonnen bladen met elk een uitsparing voor de ogen. ( ogen zitten op achterste blad geplakt. plastic met beweegbare pupil en lichtgevende achtergrond ) Achterzijde Mulder holland - Nr 815 C - Brandweerman - Politieagent - conducteur - Kapitein. Zeer goed.
-- De KantlijnProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 77279
€  50.00
Catalogus: Prentenboeken

The Amusing Instructor, or, Tales and fables in prose and verse, for the improvement of youth: with useful and pleasing remarks on different branches of science... adorned with cuts.
London: Printed for F. Newbery, 1777. Second edition, 12mo, [4], 198pp., engraved frontispiece and 7 engraved plates, 3 full-page wood-engraved, 1 illustration within the text, some offsetting from plates, a couple of gatherings standing proud, cont. calf, joints cracked, untitled spine with raised bands outlined in gilt, corners bumped, head and foot of spine chipped. "Philander, a rich gentleman, sick of dissipation and amusement, retires to the country to devote himself to benevolence, taking as his motto "Virtue alone is happiness below." Hen entertains each Monday six young gentlemen—Master Steady, Master Featherbrain, Master Speakwell, etc.—and each Thursday six young ladies—Miss Allgood, Miss Prattle, Miss Haughty, etc. After one of them has told a story or recited a poem, the remainder of the visit is devoted to the study of the sciences in which each pupil speaks his piece in nauseating sententiousness interlarded with piety."—NBL. Provenance: Early ownership signature of Ann & Elizabeth Harrison on front paste-down. Roscoe, J12; NBL 446; First published in 1769, both edition are rare, ESTC locating four copies of the first (L, O; CLU-S/C, CtY-BR) and five of this second edition (L, O, LEu; CaOHM, CLU-S/C).
-- Forest BooksProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 34463
GBP 403.13 [Appr.: EURO 478.5]

Autograph letter signed from Jan Ingenhousz to 'den Heer [Jan] van Breda tot Delft', signed and dated 'J.Housz Wenen den 8 Maart 1786'. Ingenhousz lived in Vienna for many years [1768 - 1789], in the service of Empress Maria Theresa as Court Physician. The letter starting 'Mijn Heer & waarde Vriend', discusses a letter he encloses to the 'secretaris te Uytrecht' to which he has added some changes and additions. He can't help it that the secretary or other 'heren directeuren' [Provinciaal Genootschap Utrecht?] feel ill-will towards Barneveld [who wrote a book on medical electricity in 1785] and feels his demands are fair. The Count Wassenaar has already found 2 of his friends prepared to discuss the letter in the april 3 meeting. Ingenhousz says his experiments in electricity cause a stir in France. The Academy in Dijon, Bertholon and Achard he feels will not be pleased. A friend read his correspondence with Senebier of whom Ingenhousz states that he is quite wrong.
Wenen, Autograaf, 1786. 4to. 1 leaf folded twice. [18.5 x 23 cm]. Jan Ingen-Housz, Medical doctor and famous phycisist and plant physiologist, phycisist [1730 - 1799]. DSB, vol. VII pp. 11 - 16: Studied medicine and science at Leuven university and graduated there in 1753. Studied at Leiden where he attended lectures by Gaubius [pupil of Boerhaave], B.S.Albinus and Peter van Musschenbroek. Studied abroad in France and England. In Edinburgh and London he met William and John Hunter, Monroe, Benjamin Priestley [then very much interested in electricity] and his life long friend Benjamin Franklin. Ingenhousz became involved in inoculation and in 1768 travelled to Austria where he inoculated the Royal Family. Empress Maria Theresa appointed him court physician at 5000 guilders per annum for the rest of his life. He became a member of the Royal Society in 1778 and started his famous experiments on photosynthesis in 1779, in all probability based on Priestley's publication on the subject. '... the discovery of both photosynthesis and plant respiration belongs to Ingenhousz alone...'. Priestley and Senebier are often credited with the discovery, but '... neither of the two had even a vague understanding of this process before the publication of Ingenhousz..'He remained in Vienna until 1789, 3 years after the letter offered here. DMB, c. 952 - 956: The other important names from Ingenhousz' scientific circle and mentioned in this letter include Willem Barneveld [1757 - 1826], who was a founder of electrotherapy and wrote the three vol. work 'Geneeskundige Electriciteit' [1785 - 1789], follower of Nollet, Priestley and Franklin. Senebier [Jean, 1742 - 1809], plant physiology and photosynthesis research. Bertholon de Saint Lazare, Pierre [1741 - 1800], experiments w. electricity, publ. 1780, 1783, 1787. The 'Professor Moscati' mentioned in line 11, not traced.
-- Antiquariaat B.M.Israel B.V.Professionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 13352
€  1150.00
Trefwoorden: Brk ordner anatomy Marriott2019 letters signature autographs ordnerBrk

 , Automne - Paul Berthon, 1895-1900
Automne - Paul Berthon, 1895-1900
Automne lithograph by Paul Berthon, from "Les Maîtres de l'Affiche: publication mensuelle contenant la reproduction des plus belles affiches illustrées des grands artistes, français et étrangers". printed in colours published between 1895-1900. Size (paper): 40 x 29 cm. Paul Berthon (1872 - 1910) was an artist who produced primarily posters and lithographs. Berthon's work is in the style of Art Nouveau, much like his contemporary Alphonse Mucha. Berthon studied as a painter in Villefranche-sur-Saône before moving to Paris. He later enrolled at the Ecole Normale d'Enseignement de Dessin and received lessons in painting from Luc-Olivier Merson and lessons in decorative arts from Eugene Grasset.Grasset had a far greater influence on him, and he may be regarded as his pupil. His study of the decorative arts influenced his print making, influencing the strong lines and natural details that guided his art. The vast majority of Berthon's lithographed posters -like this "Automne"- did not include advertisements and were meant to stand on their own. The Maitres de l'Affiche series was the direct result of international interest in posters and poster artists that reached its height in the mid-1890s in Europe and America. The masterpieces of artists like Jules Chéret, Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, and Alphonse Mucha transformed commercial advertisements into an esteemed art form worthy of public adoration and scholarly pursuit. Along with the decade's wave of poster journals, books, and exhibitions came a serious desire to collect the artworks for personal enjoyment and study -- but the sheer size of posters made storage awkward and often times impossible. The Maitres de l'Affiche ("Masters of the Poster") series was born of this dilemma. By offering subscribers reductions of the era's most important posters, collectors and enthusiasts were able to build miniature archives of posters from around the world. The complete Maitres de l'Affiche series boasted 256 expertly produced miniature lithographic plates representing the best of the Belle Époque. During its five-year run from late 1895 to 1900 the series was hugely successful, and it continues to be popular today, offering experts and novices alike a convenient and dazzling overview of some of the finest achievements in poster art. It is not surprising that the exquisite Maitres de l'Affiche collection was the brainchild of Jules Chréret, inventor of the three-stone lithographic process and virtual founder of the modern poster.  As early as the 1860s, Chréret's magnificent creations brought elegance and colour to the urban landscape of Paris and soon generated an international industry.  By 1866, Chréret opened his own print shop, which would eventually become a branch of the large French publisher Imprimerie Chaix.  His role as artistic director at Chaix provided Chréret with the platform and resources necessary to launch the Maitres series. The first four plates were released in December of 1895 and featured posters by Chréret, Toulouse-Lautrec, Julius Price, and Dudley Hardy.  The series would continue for a total of sixty months, ending in November of 1900 -- truly spanning the peak of the poster craze.  In the end, there were a total of 240 regular plates and 16 bonus plates. The Maitres de l'Affiche series operated much like a contemporary magazine.  A poster enthusiast had the option of purchasing the current month's four plates from a specialized dealer, or he could choose to subscribe to the series for the length of one year.  In France, a one-year subscription cost 27,- francs, equivalent to roughly five to ten original full-sized versions of the posters highlighted in the Maitres series. The first plate of every month was a poster by Chréret himself, making him the most frequently represented artist in the series.  As a matter of fact, Chréret's 60 regular and seven bonus plates comprise nearly 25-percent of the entire collection.  All in all, 97 artists from around the world were represented in the Maitres de l'Affiche series, though more than half of them were French.  In contrast, only four were from Italy, six from Germany and eight from England. A range of popular styles are evident in the collection, including the classic Art Nouveau of Alphonse Mucha and Privat Livemont, the illustrations of Edward Penfield and Adolphe Willette, and the graphic qualities of Toulouse-Lautrec and Pierre Bonnard. The original, full-sized posters and the Maitres prints they inspired were never considered in competition with one another; rather, they were viewed as two entirely different entities.  While posters were large and bold, prints were beloved for their exquisite size and detail.  In addition, posters were often printed on inexpensive newsprint due to their anticipated short lifespan. Prints, on the other hand, were made on very fine paper using printing techniques too intricate for larger items.  Print collecting was an extremely popular hobby in its own right well before posters became fashionable.  Chréret introduced the modern poster, but it was not until Toulouse-Lautrec's Moulin Rouge in 1891 that posters were elevated to an art form print collectors deemed worthy of their attention.  In many ways, the Maitres series can be seen as the successful marriage of the poster and print crazes. In his preface to Volume I of the Maitres series, Roger Marx, a notable 19th-century art historian and critic, described the streets of Paris as 'a museum in the breeze.' He wrote that 'the poster has a precarious fate... it gleams in sun, fades in the mist, dangles sadly in shreds, [and] sways in the wind after a heavy shower.'  Although innately ephemeral in its purpose, the poster was saved by its beauty and charm.  Les Maitres de l'Affiche, in its convenient format, has certainly stood the test of time. Price: Euro 275,-
-- Inter-Antiquariaat Mefferdt & De JongeProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 25366
€  275.00

9789089756831 Wilson Boldewijn 163191, Big Mike. Hoe Mike Passenier de bekendste kickbokstrainer ter wereld werd
Wilson Boldewijn 163191
Big Mike. Hoe Mike Passenier de bekendste kickbokstrainer ter wereld werd
Just Publishers. Paperback. Pp: 256. Big Mike Hoe Mike Passenier de bekendste kickbokstrainer van Nederland werd. Met medewerking van Joeri Mes, Melvin Manhoef, Murthel Groenhart en Badr Hari. Voor het eerst het ware verhaal over de hardheid, de opoffering, de glorie en het verdriet achter de schermen van de kickbokswereld. Big Mike is het levensverhaal van een Amsterdamse volksjongen die zijn dromen en ambities waarmaakt zonder zijn afkomst te verloochenen. Mike Passenier groeit op in Amsterdam Betondorp. Als puber zoekt hij de grenzen op, maar hij blijft altijd net aan de goede kant van de wet. Al sinds zijn eerste kickboksgala is de jonge Mike verkocht aan de ringsport. Hij wil niet zelf de ring in, maar besluit dat zijn toekomst in het trainen ligt. Binnen tien jaar werkt Mike Passenier zich op van een onbekende trainer tot de godfather van het Nederlandse en het internationale kickboksen. Met zijn eerste pupil Joeri Mes stoot Mike door tot de top van het middengewicht kickboksen. Met Melvin Manhoef, Murthel Groenhart en Badr Hari verovert hij de wereld. Zijn roem als trainer brengt hem naar de Verenigde Staten, Japan en Rusland. Naast de glorie in de ring zijn er ook tegenslagen. Mike`s eerste sportschool brandt tot de grond toe af. Er vloeien tranen als freefighter Hans Nijman, een van zijn beste vrienden, wordt geliquideerd. Ook zijn er spanningen. Want naast atleten vragen ook onderwereldfiguren Mike om privé-trainingen, waaronder Willem Holleeder en Gwenette Martha. Als hij niet te vinden is in zijn sportschool staat Mike de talloze vechters uit zijn stal bij. Overal waar hij komt ter wereld gaat de loper voor Mike uit en wordt hij geroemd om de hoeveelheid kampioenen die hij aflevert. De ring is zijn leven. Wilson Boldewijn (1975) werkte o.a. AT5 nieuws en bij RTL 4. Sinds 2017 is hij te zien bij Telegraaf VNDG, het online videoplatform van De Telegraaf. Hij is de auteur van Meesterdief, over de bekendste inbreker van Nederland, Van Gogh-rover Okkie Durham. ISBN: 9789089756831. Cond./Kwaliteit: Goed.
-- De SlegteProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 1939373
€  12.50
Catalogus: Sport
Trefwoorden: 9789089756831

Boerhaave with engraved portrait of Boerhaave in a forest.
Extract 224-227pp. large engraved portrait of Boerhaave in a forest by W. van Borselen/C.L. van Kesteren, no binding.Herman Boerhaave (31 December 1668 - 23 September 1738) was a Dutch botanist, chemist, Christian humanist, and physician of European fame. He is regarded as the founder of clinical teaching and of the modern academic hospital and is sometimes referred to as "the father of physiology," along with Venetian physician Santorio Santorio (1561-1636). Boerhaave introduced the quantitative approach into medicine, along with his pupil Albrecht von Haller (1708-1777) and is best known for demonstrating the relation of symptoms to lesions. He was the first to isolate the chemical urea from urine. He was the first physician to put thermometer measurements to clinical practice. His motto was Simplex sigillum veri: 'Simplicity is the sign of the truth'. He is often hailed as the "Dutch Hippocrates"
-- Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 69117
€  34.50
Catalogus: Biography

 , Boerhaave: portrait
Boerhaave: portrait
Extract from a calender: Hermannus Boerhaave with text in Dutch 19th century. 9,5x9,5cm. Herman Boerhaave (31 December 1668 - 23 September 1738) was a Dutch botanist, chemist, Christian humanist, and physician of European fame. He is regarded as the founder of clinical teaching and of the modern academic hospital and is sometimes referred to as "the father of physiology," along with Venetian physician Santorio Santorio (1561-1636). Boerhaave introduced the quantitative approach into medicine, along with his pupil Albrecht von Haller (1708-1777) and is best known for demonstrating the relation of symptoms to lesions. He was the first to isolate the chemical urea from urine. He was the first physician to put thermometer measurements to clinical practice. His motto was Simplex sigillum veri: 'Simplicity is the sign of the truth'. He is often hailed as the "Dutch Hippocrates"
-- Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 69127
€  28.75
Catalogus: Prints

 , H. Boerhaave: portrait
H. Boerhaave: portrait
Lithograph portrait possibly by L. Springer of Herman Boerhaave. 22x15cm including margins, Herman Boerhaave (31 December 1668 - 23 September 1738) was a Dutch botanist, chemist, Christian humanist, and physician of European fame. He is regarded as the founder of clinical teaching and of the modern academic hospital and is sometimes referred to as "the father of physiology," along with Venetian physician Santorio Santorio (1561-1636). Boerhaave introduced the quantitative approach into medicine, along with his pupil Albrecht von Haller (1708-1777) and is best known for demonstrating the relation of symptoms to lesions. He was the first to isolate the chemical urea from urine. He was the first physician to put thermometer measurements to clinical practice. His motto was Simplex sigillum veri: 'Simplicity is the sign of the truth'. He is often hailed as the "Dutch Hippocrates"
-- Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 69128
€  86.25
Catalogus: Prints

 , Boerhaave: portrait
Boerhaave: portrait
Engraved portrait, 12,5x8cm, no margins, pasted on later paper, of Herman Boerhaave (31 December 1668 - 23 September 1738) who was a Dutch botanist, chemist, Christian humanist, and physician of European fame. He is regarded as the founder of clinical teaching and of the modern academic hospital and is sometimes referred to as "the father of physiology," along with Venetian physician Santorio Santorio (1561-1636). Boerhaave introduced the quantitative approach into medicine, along with his pupil Albrecht von Haller (1708-1777) and is best known for demonstrating the relation of symptoms to lesions. He was the first to isolate the chemical urea from urine. He was the first physician to put thermometer measurements to clinical practice. His motto was Simplex sigillum veri: 'Simplicity is the sign of the truth'. He is often hailed as the "Dutch Hippocrates". Muller 505g.
-- Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 69130
€  143.75
Catalogus: Prints

A.A. (Lenoir, Marie Antoinette)
La Compagne de la Jeunesse, ou Entretiens d'une Institutrice avec son élève.
Londres, Edwards, Libraire, Pall-Mall, 1791. 2 Volumes. Full, mottled calf with gilt spines and decorated covers, XII, 254+4; (II), 258+2pp. Ca. 16 x 10,5 cm.Written as a dialogue between a female teacher and her pupil. A little browned throughout; good copy of this rare item!
-- Antiquariaat SecundusProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 27975
€  125.00
Catalogus: Achttiende eeuw
Trefwoorden: Achttiende eeuw Franse literatuur Gedrag Jeugdliteratuur Opvoeding Oude boeken Pedagogiek Zw 2023

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