found: 5 books

 [CATHOLIC PRESS IN BEYROUTH], Three catalogues with works printed at the Catholic Mission Press. Bound together in one volume. Beyrouth, 1878, 1888 and 1904.
Three catalogues with works printed at the Catholic Mission Press. Bound together in one volume. Beyrouth, 1878, 1888 and 1904.
. The Catholic Press in Beirut, founded and operated by the Jesuit order, was transferred to the Université Saint-Joseph in 1875 and appears to have been active until about 1974. The Press published religious works, dictionaries, classicals and periodicals. Here a selection of works offered by the Press: 1. Catalogue de l'Imprimerie catholique des PP. missionaires de la compagnie de Jésus en Syrie. Beyrouth 1878. Pp. 11 French text and pp. (i), 13 with Arabic text. Original printed blue wrappers with bound. 2. Catalogue de l'Imprimerie catholique des PP. missionaires de la compagnie de Jésus en Syrie. Beyrouth 1888. Pp. 38 text in French and Arabic + 15 lvs "Spécimens des caractères". Includes front printed wrapper. 3. Catalogue Spécial de l'Imprimerie catholique à Beyrouth (Syrie). 1903-1904. Edition jubilaire. Beyrouth 1904. Pp. 67, iii, (3). Contains works printed in Arabic, French and Syriac. Original wrappers printed in colours.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 121247
€  2200.00 [Appr.: US$ 2429.85 | £UK 1855.25 | JP¥ 343049]
Catalogue: Near East
Keywords: Near East, lebanon, libanon, syriac, asia, asie, asien, asiatic, missionary, catholic,

The Women of the Arabs. New York, Dodd & Mead, (1873).
. Pp. (ii), x, 372. With frontispiece and thirteen wood engraved plates protected by tissue guards. Publisher's decorated brown cloth printed in gold and black, with some very light wear. Old ownership signature on front paste down. A few pages and the plates with light foxing. First edition, extremely rare. This work dealing with the role of women in society and female education in Lebanon and Syria is one of the earliest of its kind. Henry Harris Jessup (1832-1910) was an American missionary who came to Syria (now Lebanon) in 1855 where he stayed and worked until his death. He served as acting pastor of the Syrian Church of Beirut for more than thirty years. He functioned as secretary of the Asfuriyeh Hospital for the Insane from its establishment and also becoming missionary editor of the Arabic Journal, El Nesrah. Jessup writes about the situation for women in the Mohammedan world in general but he also explains about the Druze religion; the extreme Shi'ite group Nusayriyyah; missionary schools for girls in Syria (and Lebanon); Druze women; Beduin Arabs; the cities of Homs and Aleppo; and at last there is a chapter written for children. Smith J21.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 120685
€  1600.00 [Appr.: US$ 1767.16 | £UK 1349.25 | JP¥ 249490]
Catalogue: Near East
Keywords: Near East, arabia, arabic, syria, lebanon, syrian, lebanese, asia, asie, asien, asiatic, women, middle east, islam, mohemmedan, religion, religious

La Syrie d'aujourd'hui. Voyages dans la Phénicie, le Liban, et la Judée (1875-1880). Paris, Librairie Hachette, 1884.
. 4to. Pp. (iv), 675. With one large coloured map of Palestine, 8 other maps and 364 illustrations. Partly with some minor browning or staining. Publisher's red cloth, richly decorated in gilt, red calf spine with raised bands, lettered and decorated in gilt. Marbled endpapers, g.e. First edition of this beautifully illustrated work of travels to Lebanon, Palestine and Syria by Dr. Lortet, a member of the Faculty of Medicine at Lyon. In 1875 he was sent on a mission to collect botanical and zoological material for the Muséum d'histoire naturelle (in Lyon). Several of the illustrations are engraved from original photographs taken by the French firm Maison Bonfils in Beirut. A lovely copy. Röhricht 3377.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 41036
€  1600.00 [Appr.: US$ 1767.16 | £UK 1349.25 | JP¥ 249490]
Catalogue: Near East
Keywords: Near East, syria, lebanon, palestine, holy land, egypt, travels, travel, exploration, explore, asia, asie, asien, asiatic, east, eastern,

Dissertatio de religione Galilaeorum ex ore Germani Conti Maronitae. Lund, Berlingianis, 1808.
. 4to. Pp. 9. Text in Arabic and Latin. Disbound. Norberg and the Italian Count Conti believed that this sect of the Galilaens or Nazareans who were resident near Latakia in Lebanon were the disciples of St. John the Baptist and also a branch of the Mandaeans. However this was later considered false. Marklin 123.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 120451
€  240.00 [Appr.: US$ 265.07 | £UK 202.5 | JP¥ 37423]
Catalogue: Near East
Keywords: Near East, syria, asia, asie, asiatic, religion, religious, lebanon, syriac, nazarene, mandaean, mandaeism, aramaic, sabians,

 PUGET DE SAINT PIERRE:, Histoire des Druses, peuple du Liban, formé par une colonie de Francois. Divisé en trois livres; contenant leur origine, leur agrandissement, l'histoire de l'émir Facardin, leur état actuel & la nature de leur commerce. Avec de notes politiques et géographiques. Paris, Cailleau, 1763.
Histoire des Druses, peuple du Liban, formé par une colonie de Francois. Divisé en trois livres; contenant leur origine, leur agrandissement, l'histoire de l'émir Facardin, leur état actuel & la nature de leur commerce. Avec de notes politiques et géographiques. Paris, Cailleau, 1763.
. 12mo. Pp. (iv), xii, 1-221, 224-310, pp. 335-358 (table + errata). Pagination wrong but text complete. With beautiful engraved extra title, one folding engraved map and four engraved plates. Contemporary speckled calf, covers ruled in gilt, spine decorated in gilt with five raised bands and red title label, mabled endpapes. Binding lightly rubbed. A thorough study of the Druze people, a relatively small religious sect based on an eclectic system of doctrines originated from the Near East. Deals with the origin of the Druses, their history and the expansion of their faith. Contains a description of their commerce including trade relations with Europe (Florence, Venice and Marseille). A lovely copy. Brunet IV, 960. Chadenat 5598. Röhricht 1476.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 121078
€  1900.00 [Appr.: US$ 2098.51 | £UK 1602.25 | JP¥ 296269]
Catalogue: Near East
Keywords: Near East, lebanon, libanon, druze, druses, asia, asien, asatic, asie, middle east, east, eastern, travel, voyage, exploration, explore,

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