Fly Me To the Moon And Back Make Love Last
Page Addie 2012 Paperback, 136pp. Make love last forever and a day. It's the sexiest, savviest relationship book ever to squeeze between the covers of thousands of other relationship books. Even if you read a hundred books on couples, love, relationships, sex and marriage- this magazine style book is a refreshing new way to look at relationships. Make Love Last Forever and a day makes you go; Yeah that's so right, I get it. Staying together forever is not a dream or a wishful thought. It’s not difficult or mysterious. As a couple, you invest emotional time and energy. When you share your life with your partner, you fall in love so many times and always with the same lover. You expect to share your love and life forever. To make love last. And you can. There’s no secret to how to make love last, it’s not hard to do…once you both know how. You can keep the passion alive, understand each other better, get what you want and need out of your relationship. You wake up and look around and know that someone is your lover, best friend and companion too. That you are two people who belong together in the world. A total of two, equal and permanent. Make Love Last forever and a day. shows couples how to fight less and love more, renew intimacy, revive love and create the long term relationship most couples dream about. And you know when you've got a fulfilling relationship, when reality is better than your dreams. To make a real love-changing relationship book, it takes a real couple in a successful long term relationship to know how to make a relationship work. It’s not about questionnaires and other couples relationships. It’s about your relationship.The happiness of your partner is essential to your own. This book is written from the combined experience and know-how of a successful creative married couple. They’ve been living, loving and working together for 39 years and that’s where real experience helps. It’s been fought over and dragged out and sorted out. They understand how to take difficult relationship issues and make them easier to talk about. They worked out a simple system that works for even the most longstanding arguments. Each chapter is entertaining and real. It's Couple Reflective: you both get the picture right away. All the chapters add up to making love last. The authors', Blanshard & Blanshard know what makes a successful relationship. If you spend time with ‘Make Love Last forever and a day’ doing some R&R (reading and repairing) you will be on your way to becoming lovers and soul-mates forever!, (ISBN: 9780980715507). Good.
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