ERIK TONEN BOOKS: Literatuurwetenschappen ; Literary Studies ; r Sciences ; Literary Studies
trouvé: 416 livres sur 28 pages. Ceci est page 6
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 Anne Spicher, Perfectionner mes écrits professionnels : Exercices, méthodes, conseils, exemples
Anne Spicher
Perfectionner mes écrits professionnels : Exercices, méthodes, conseils, exemples
Ellipses, 2015 Paperback, 263 pages, Texte en Francais, 240 x 165 mm, tres bon etat, illustrations en n/b. ISBN 9782340004634.
¶ Bien communiquer, c'est d'abord savoir s'adapter à son destinataire. Trop d'écrits professionnels méconnaissent ce principe et souffrent à la fois de maladresses d'expression et d'un excès de formalisme. Vous est-il arrivé de demeurer perplexe face à un courrier dont vous étiez destinataire ? Vous êtes-vous demandé si vos correspondants, lorsqu'ils reçoivent vos messages, connaissent la même réaction ? Si la rédaction de vos écrits professionnels vous pèse, sachez qu'il existe des techniques à la fois simples et efficaces permettant d'écrire avec clarté, d'être lu, d'être compris et de convaincre. Cet ouvrage a été pensé pour vous permettre de les assimiler et de les appliquer au quotidien, dans votre pratique professionnelle. Vous y découvrirez comment maîtriser lettres, courriers électroniques, notes et rapports. L'analyse de cas précis ainsi que des exercices d'application vous permettront de découvrir comment économiser votre temps et celui de vos interlocuteurs. Vous développerez votre talent pour l'écriture et saurez comment bien communiquer dans vos écrits professionnels.
Erik Tonen BooksVendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 59801
€  19.50 | CHF 19]
Mots-clés: Beaux Arts Geschiedenis History Literature Weer culture histoire livre ècle Artiste peintre photo fotografie War architectuur Mode Nostalgie/ Flemish art/ Vlaamse kunst keramiek antiqu beeldhouwkunst beelden sculpturen oorlog Kunst

Anne-France Morand, Eric Crégheur, Karine Laporte, Gaëlle Rioual (eds)
Regards croisés sur la pseudépigraphie dans l'Antiquité / Perspectives on Pseudepigraphy in Antiquity
Brepols, 2024 Paperback, 304 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:2 b/w, Language(s):French, English. ISBN 9782503602608.
¶ Summary Qu'il s'agisse d'écrire sous le nom de Pythagore, d'Orphée, de la Pythie, ou encore de Paul de Tarse ou d'Énoch, les Anciens usaient de noms d'emprunt célèbres pour s'exprimer. Phénomène fondamental de l'Antiquité, la pseudépigraphie n'a cependant fait l'objet d'aucune monographie avant les années 1970, avec le livre de Wolfgang Speyer, Die literarische Fälschung im heidnischen und christlichen Altertum (1971), et les Entretiens de la Fondation Hardt, Pseudepigrapha I. Pseudopythagorica - Lettres de Platon - Littérature pseudépigraphique juive (1972). Le sujet a alors suscité les critiques de plusieurs savants. Plus récemment, la somme que Bart Ehrman a consacrée à la question, Forgery and Counterforgery (2013), par les vives réactions qu'elle a provoquées - parfois critiques, parfois élogieuses - a contribué à relancer le débat. Le présent volume se propose de revenir sur ces importantes synthèses, en les abordant sous l'angle de figures précises, ainsi que d'époques, de langues et de régions diverses. Il vise aussi à élargir la recherche en mettant à l'épreuve les différentes théories énoncées dans la littérature savante. Il est désormais devenu essentiel d'étendre et de remodeler cette notion de pseudépigraphie qui touche également à celles d'« auctorialité », d'inspiration poétique, d'intention des auteurs antiques et de genres littéraires. TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction (Anne-France Morand) Literary Deceit in Greek, Roman, Jewish, and Christian Antiquity (Bart D. Ehrman) Authenticité auctoriale ou fidélité au message ? Le cas des textes pseudépigraphiques bibliques juifs et chrétiens (Pierluigi Piovanelli) Entre authenticité et relectures : l'autorité du Patriarche Hénoch, destinataire des révélations sur le destin des anges, des justes/élus et des pécheurs (Matteo Silvestrini) What are the Old Testament Pseudepigrapha? (Gavin McDowell) Rôle et fonction de la pseudépigraphie dans les Oracula Sibyllina (Jean-Michel Roessli) Les fonctions des notices personnelles dans les épîtres pastorales (1 Timothée, 2 Timothée, Tite) (Priscille Marschall) Qui est le Cébès du Tableau de Cébès ? (Gaëlle Rioual) « Celui qui ne s'est pas séparé de Babylone » : les Samaritains dans les Paralipomènes de Jérémie (Jonathan Bourgel) Les Hymnes orphiques à l'aune de la pseudépigraphie (Anne-France Morand) Orphée chez les païens tardifs : un marqueur de la compétition religieuse (fin IVe-début Ve siècle) (Francesco Massa) Bal masqué aux temps apostoliques : la pseudépigraphie dans les Homélies pseudo-clémentines (Philippe Therrien) La pseudépigraphie dans la littérature arménienne ancienne et médiévale (Valentina Calzolari) Bibliographie sélective (Karine Laporte & Anne-France Morand) Index.
Erik Tonen BooksVendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 63428
€  70.00 | CHF 67]
Mots-clés: theory OT & NT Apocrypha & & exegesis Literature: history & criticism Comparative literature (general) Schilderkunst kunst paint schilder Beaux Arts antique antiek deco beeldhouwkunst beelden sculpturen & Architecture schilderen Kunst Fotografie Art Histo

 P. Arblaster, G. Juhasz, G. Latre (eds.);, Tyndale's Testament,
P. Arblaster, G. Juhasz, G. Latre (eds.);
Tyndale's Testament,
Turnhout, Brepols, 2002 Hardback, 195 p., 22 x 28 cm. ISBN 9782503514116.
¶ Tyndale's Testament tells you the story of how an Oxford scholar gave knowledge and a voice to "the boy that driveth the plough," and how his legacy survives in the world's leading language for international communication, and in the political structures of our modern age. In the era of the early Reformation many influential texts were printed in Antwerp. Not the least of these were the biblical translations of William Tyndale (c. 1494-1536). Despite the relative tolerance of Antwerp's magistrates, which made such pubications possible, Tyndale was eventually seized by officers of Charles V and was executed as a heretic in Vilvoorde, north of Brussels. Tyndale's translations of the New Testament (Worms, 1526; Antwerp, 1534, 1535, 1536) and of the Pentateuch (Antwerp, 1530) were profoundly to shape future English bibles, and through them the language and culture of the English-speaking world. Tyndale's Testament, a volume with contributions by leading international scholars, puts the achievement of Tyndale into its broad cultural and intellectual context, in which Erasmus and Luther were the key figures, and into its immediate commercial and technological location in sixteenth-century Antwerp. It also sketches the transmission of Tyndale's work to future English translations through the Coverdale Bible (Antwerp, 1535), and traces the development of his present-day recognition as the father of modern English Bible translation and of the Anglo-American Evangelical tradition. Languages : English.
Erik Tonen BooksVendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 40179
€  44.00 | CHF 42]
Mots-clés: book history manuscript manuscrit geschiedenis histoire du livre paleography religion religie godsdienst

L. D'Arcens, J. Ruys (eds.);
Maistresse of My Wit Medieval Women, Modern Scholarship,
Turnhout, Brepols, 2004 Hardback, X+384 p., 160 x 240 mm. ISBN 9782503511658.
¶ This volume explores the reciprocal relationships that can develop between medieval women writers and the modern scholars who study them. Taking up the call to 'research the researcher', the authors indicate not only what they bring to their study from their own personal experience, but how their methodologies and ways of thinking about and dealing with the past have been influenced by the medieval women they study. Medieval women writers discussed include those writing in the vernacular such as Christine de Pizan and Margaret Paston, those writing in Latin such as Hildegard of Bingen, Heloise, and Birgitta of Sweden, and the works transcribed from women mystics such as Margery Kempe, Hadewijch, and Julian of Norwich. Attention is also given to medieval women as the readers, consumers and patrons of written works. Issues considered in this volume include the place of ethics, interestedness and social justice in contemporary medieval studies, questions of alterity, empathy, essentialism and appropriation in dealing with figures of the medieval past, the permeable boundaries between academic medieval studies and popular medievalism, questions of situatedness and academic voice, and the relationship between feminism and medieval studies. Linked to these issues is the interrelation between medieval women and medieval men in the production and consumption of written works both for and about women and the implications of this for both female and male readers of those works today. Overarching all these questions is that of the intellectual and methodological heritage - sometimes ambiguous, perhaps even problematic - that medieval women continue to offer us. Languages : English.
Erik Tonen BooksVendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 39437
€  82.50 | CHF 79]
Mots-clés: letteren letterkunde literatuur litterature literature middeleeuwen moyen age

 L. D'Arcens;, Old Songs in the Timeless Land: Medievalism in Australian Literature 1840-1910,
L. D'Arcens;
Old Songs in the Timeless Land: Medievalism in Australian Literature 1840-1910,
Turnhout, Brepols, 2011 Hardback, XIV+216 p., 15 b/w ill., 156 x 234 mm. ISBN 9782503535661.
¶ This volume is the first close examination of the rich and diverse body of medievalist texts produced in late colonial and early Federal (ie post-1901) Australia. It examines the many ways in which early Australian novelists, poets, and dramatists drew on the motifs, events, and personages of the medieval past, and places particular emphasis on how they used the European past to illuminate their sense of the Australian present. Broadly stated, the book argues that a study of early Australian medievalist literature and theatre uncovers a rich and revealing drama in which the forces of cultural nostalgia and cultural amnesia sometimes contended against one another, and sometimes harmonised, to produce a unique and distinctive corpus. The book significantly extends current knowledge about nineteenth-century literary and theatrical medievalism by offering an exploration of how medievalist discourses and idioms came to be taken up within a major, but as yet under-examined, branch of Anglophone literature. It aims also to broaden the cultural ambit of nineteenth-century medievalism by offering analyses of popular and ephemeral instances alongside more ?serious? medievalist texts. The study balances an interest in how this medievalism responded to local conditions with an interest in its international complexion, examining how Australian medievalist novels, poems, and plays, participated in imperial and transpacific intellectual and entertainment circuits. While the emphasis of the volume is on close, historically-contextualising interpretations of texts, it has woven through its arguments a series of meditations on such theoretical matters as how we determine the boundaries of medievalism, how we might develop an account of colonial medievalism as non-derivative, whether medievalist discourses are equally amenable across gender, class, and ideological lines, and how the premodern past is evoked as a means for formulating the present and the future. Languages : English.
Erik Tonen BooksVendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 39440
€  60.50 | CHF 58]
Mots-clés: letteren letterkunde literatuur litterature middeleeuwen moyen age

 Arend Fokke Simonsz, editie Lotte Jensen en Alan Moss;, moderne Helicon (1792),
Arend Fokke Simonsz, editie Lotte Jensen en Alan Moss;
moderne Helicon (1792),
Nijmegen, Vantilt, paperback, 13,5x21,5 cm, geillustreerd, 120 pagina's. nieuw ISBN 9789460040573.
¶ In De moderne Helicon (1792) neemt Arend Fokke Simonsz zijn schrijvende tijdgenoten genadeloos op de hak. Het verhaal gaat over de Griekse god Apollo, die een winkel in poezie heeft geopend. Schrijvers komen van heinde en verre om daar poetisch taalgebruik en metaforen te kopen. De vreemdste attributen staan in de vitrines: van kloppende harten tot lillende ingewanden en ledematen van suiker. En voor de gevoelige dichter is er een groot assortiment zilte tranen. Fokke bekritiseert het belabberde peil van de eigentijdse dichtkunst en stelt en passant allerlei maatschappelijke waarden en normen ter discussie. Intussen steekt hij zijn eigen geleerdheid niet onder stoelen of banken en lardeert hij zijn tekst met hoogdravende aantekeningen, waarin hij zijn kennis van de klassieke mythologie en de geschiedenis etaleert. De moderne Helicon is een van de scherpste satires uit de Nederlandse letterkunde.
Erik Tonen BooksVendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 37833
€  14.00 | CHF 13.5]
Mots-clés: science cultuur cultuurwetenschap literatuur litterature literature literatuurwetenschap letteren

 F.-J. Arlinghaus, M. Ostermann, O. Plessow, G. Tscherpel, Transforming the Medieval World Uses of Pragmatic Literacy in the Middle Ages. A CD-ROM and Book
F.-J. Arlinghaus, M. Ostermann, O. Plessow, G. Tscherpel
Transforming the Medieval World Uses of Pragmatic Literacy in the Middle Ages. A CD-ROM and Book
Brepols - Harvey Miller, 2006 Hardcover. X 312 p., CD, 160 x 240 mm, Languages: English, German, Fine copy. Including an index. ISBN 9782503511665.
¶ When viewed retrospectively, the period between the eleventh and the fifteenth centuries was a phase of European history that was characterized by a radical and fundamental media transformation. Before this time, the vast majority of the population had never encountered the written word in their day-to-day activities. From the beginning of the second millennium, however, texts began to appear in, and influence, almost every sphere of human life. Medieval written texts were subject to revision, copying, embellishments, and deletions; they were read silently and aloud, and they were recited in a variety of contexts. This CD-ROM and book, Transforming the Medieval World, presents these changes dynamically by linking texts and images from this period, and by providing detailed commentaries on each of them. The multimedia environment offered on the CD visualizes these textual transformations and illustrates the adaptability and dynamism of writing and its reception. The uses of writing in this early phase of intensive European literacy are analysed in eleven separate multimedia presentations, which are almost all based on research carried out by the Special Research Unit (SFB) between 1986 and 1999. The CD also contains an anthology of important essays, which provide the user with further reading materials, as well as a general bibliography. The book which accompanies the CD-ROM facilitates the use of the CD itself, and provides the various multimedia presentations in written format. As such, Transforming the Medieval World will be invaluable to both scholars and students interested in medieval literacy.
Erik Tonen BooksVendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 44826
€  61.60 | CHF 59]
Mots-clés: Manuscript Palaeography Modern (Indo ) Literatures Comparative cultural through literature Renaissance : main subdisciplines Cultural intellectual

H. Atsma, S. Barret, J. Vezin (eds.);
plus anciens documents originaux de l'abbaye de Cluny Tome II. Documents n?° 31 a 60, Paris, Bibliotheque nationale de France, Collection de Bourgogne, vol. 77, n?° 33 a 61,
Turnhout, Brepols, 2000 Hardback, 158 p., incl 82 ill., 30,5 x 44. ISBN 9782503508948.
¶ Edition en fac-simile a grandeur d'original, sous les auspices de l'Academie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres, avec le concours de l'Ecole pratique des Hautes Etudes, IVe section (Sorbonne) et de l'Institut historique allemand de Paris. La serie complete comptera 7 volumes in-folio. Languages : French.
Erik Tonen BooksVendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 40289
€  295.90 | CHF 282.5]
Mots-clés: manuscript manuscrit book histoy histoire du livre boekgeschiedenis bibliographie bibligraphy paleographu

H. Atsma, S. Barret, J. Vezin (eds.);
plus anciens documents originaux de l'abbaye de Cluny Tome III. Documents n?° 61 a 90, Paris, Bibliotheque nationale de France, Collection de Bourgogne, vol. 77, n?° 62 a 89,
Turnhout, Brepols, 2000 Hardback, 140 p., incl. ill., 30,5 x 44. ISBN 9782503511887.
¶ Edition en fac-simile a grandeur d'original, sous les auspices de l'Academie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres, avec le concours de l'Ecole pratique des Hautes Etudes, IVe section (Sorbonne) et de l'Institut historique allemand de Paris. La serie complete comptera 7 volumes in-folio. Languages : French.
Erik Tonen BooksVendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 40290
€  269.50 | CHF 257.5]
Mots-clés: manuscript manuscrit book histoy histoire du livre boekgeschiedenis bibliographie bibligraphy paleographu

H. Atsma, S. Barret, J. Vezin (eds.);
plus anciens documents originaux de l'abbaye de Cluny Tome II. Documents n?° 31 a 60, Paris, Bibliotheque nationale de France, Collection de Bourgogne, vol. 77, n?° 33 a 61,
Turnhout, Brepols, 2000 Hardback, 158 p., incl 82 ill., 30,5 x 44. ISBN 9782503508948.
¶ Edition en fac-simile a grandeur d'original, sous les auspices de l'Academie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres, avec le concours de l'Ecole pratique des Hautes Etudes, IVe section (Sorbonne) et de l'Institut historique allemand de Paris. Languages : French.
Erik Tonen BooksVendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 40308
€  297.00 | CHF 283.5]
Mots-clés: manuscript manuscrit book histoy histoire du livre boekgeschiedenis bibliographie bibligraphy paleographu

H. Atsma, S. Barret, J. Vezin (eds.);
plus anciens documents originaux de l'abbaye de Cluny Tome III. Documents n?° 61 a 90, Paris, Bibliotheque nationale de France, Collection de Bourgogne, vol. 77, n?° 62 a 89,
Turnhout, Brepols, 2000 Hardback, 140 p., incl. ill., 30,5 x 44. ISBN 9782503511887.
¶ Edition en fac-simile a grandeur d'original, sous les auspices de l'Academie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres, avec le concours de l'Ecole pratique des Hautes Etudes, IVe section (Sorbonne) et de l'Institut historique allemand de Paris. Languages : French.
Erik Tonen BooksVendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 40309
€  269.50 | CHF 257.5]
Mots-clés: manuscript manuscrit book histoy histoire du livre boekgeschiedenis bibliographie bibligraphy paleographu

W. o. Auvergne;
Selected Spiritual Writings Why God Became Man; On Grace; On Faith,
Turnhout, Brepols, 2011 Paperback, VII+127 p., 150 x 230 mm. ISBN 9780888443007.
¶ This volume contains translations of three of William of Auvergne's shorter more spiritual works: Cur Deus homo (Why God Became Man), De gratia (On Grace), and De fide (On Faith). Each work touches upon the understanding of the relation between nature and grace, the moral and theological virtues, and of the need for our redemption by Christ and its character. The introduction situates the treatises within William's many works and within the thought of the early thirteenth century. Languages : English.
Erik Tonen BooksVendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 39574
€  16.50 | CHF 16]
Mots-clés: science literatuur litterature geschiedenis histoire social history language linguistiek religion godsdienst

 AVERMAETE, Roger;, letterkundige als sociale getuige
letterkundige als sociale getuige
Brussel, De Wilde Roos, 1933 Oorspronkelijk uitgevers omslag, pagina's 157-189.
¶ Reeks maandelijkse uitgave 11e jaargang Nr. 6 Juni 1933.
Erik Tonen BooksVendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 51359
€  20.00 | CHF 19.5]
Mots-clés: letteren literatuur geschiedenis histoire

 R. Bacon;, Art and Science of Logic A translation of the Summulae dialectices with notes and introduction,
R. Bacon;
Art and Science of Logic A translation of the Summulae dialectices with notes and introduction,
Turnhout, Brepols, 2009 Paperback, XXVII+256 p., 150 x 230 mm. ISBN 9780888442970.
¶ Early in the 1240s the university of Paris hired a recent graduate from Oxford, Roger Bacon by name, to teach the arts and introduce Aristotle to its curriculum. Along with eight sets of questions on Aristotle's natural works and the Metaphysics he claims to have authored another eight books before he returned to Oxford around 1247. Within the prodigious output of this period we find a treatise on logic titled Summulae dialectices, and it is this that is here annotated and presented in translation. The book is unique in several respects. First, there is the breadth of its sources. Not only do we find explicit reference to the usual authors such as Aristotle, Plato, Boethius, Porphyry, and Priscian, we also find unexpected reference to Augustine, Bernardus Silvestris, Donatus, Terence, and Themistius, along with mention of the Muslim philosophers Algazel and Ibn Rushd. Second, it is clear that Bacon is drawing on or reacting to an extraordinarily wide variety of medieval sources: Garland the Computist, Hugh of St. Victor, Master Hugo, Hugutius of Pisa, Isidore of Seville, Nicholas of Damas, Nicholas of Paris, Richard of Cornwall, Robert Kilwardby, Robert of Lincoln, and Robert the Englishman. Third, it unexpectedly presents a full-blown treatment of Aristotle's theory of demonstration. And finally, Bacon reveals a highly unorthodox view of the signification of common terms. Bacon, here, takes his students and us deeper into medieval sources and controversy than any of his rivals do. Languages : English, Latin.
Erik Tonen BooksVendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 39570
€  38.50 | CHF 37]
Mots-clés: literatuur litterature geschiedenis histoire social history language linguistiek religion godsdienst

 R.N. Bailey;, England's Earliest Sculptors The Stone Carvings of Anglo-Saxon England,
R.N. Bailey;
England's Earliest Sculptors The Stone Carvings of Anglo-Saxon England,
Turnhout, Brepols, 2000 Hardback, XX+155 p., 32 colour ill., 17 x 25,5. ISBN 9780888449054.
¶ The work provides an overview of Anglo-Saxon sculpture from its tentative beginnings in the seventh century to the Norman Conquest. The author identifies and illustrates the major influences on early English sculpture - the Christian Mediterranean, Merovingian, Carolingian and Scandinavian traditions - and shows how these combined with native English elements to create the particular aesthetic synthesis that is Anglo-Saxon carving in stone. Languages : English.
Erik Tonen BooksVendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 41490
€  49.50 | CHF 47.5]
Mots-clés: histoire history geschiedenis science literatuur litterature literature letteren letterkunde literair linguistiek taalkunde language

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