Antiquariaat Spinoza: Jewish history
trouvé: 181 livres sur 13 pages. Ceci est page 3
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Bindman, Yirmeyahu
Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzatto His Life and Works
Northvale, Jason Aronson, 1996. X,186 pp. Name on halftitle. Else clean and fine. Hardcover with dustjacket. Judaism. Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzatto, prominent Italian Jewish rabbi, also known as the Ramchal, was a kabbalist, Hebrew poet, accomplished linguist, and leader of a group of religious thinkers who were primarily interested in the problems of redemption and messianism. Modern Jewish History. ISBN: 9781568212937
Antiquariaat SpinozaVendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 54282
€  31.61 | CHF 30]

Geschiedenis van de joden in Nederland. ISBN 9789460034374
Amsterdam, Balans, 2017. 620 pp. illustr. Nieuwstaat. Orig. hardcover with dustjacket. Het standaardwerk in geheel herziene en vermeerderde uitgave. Dutch language. History of the Jews in the Netherlands. ISBN: 9789460034374
Antiquariaat SpinozaVendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 48522
€  45.78 | CHF 43.5]

Hebrews of the Portuguese nation. Conversos and community in early modern Amsterdam. ISBN 9780253213518
Indiana University Press, 1997. XIV, 219 pp. Good copy. Softcover. An engaging introduction to the tortuous plight faced by exiled conversos in Amsterdam and their methods of response. -Choice In this skillful and well-argued book Miriam Bodian explores the communal history of the Portuguese Jews... who settled in Amsterdam in the seventeenth century. -Sixteenth Century Journal Drawing on family and communal records, diaries, memoirs, and literary works, among other sources, Miriam Bodian tells the moving story of how Portuguese new Christian immigrants in 17th-century Amsterdam fashioned a close and cohesive community that recreated a Jewish religious identity while retaining its Iberian heritage. Sephardic history. Sephardim. Sefardic. ISBN: 9780253213518
Antiquariaat SpinozaVendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 45538
€  20.71 | CHF 20]

Jewish Life in Renaissance Italy
London, Univ. of California Press, 1994. XIV, 320 pp. Very good copy. Hardcover, with dustjacket. With this heady exploration of time and space, rumors and silence, colors, tastes, and ideas, Robert Bonfil recreates the richness of Jewish life in Renaissance Italy. He also forces us to rethink conventional interpretations of the period, which feature terms like 'assimilation' and 'acculturation'. Questioning the Italians' presumed capacity for tolerance and civility, he points out that Jews were frequently uprooted and persecuted, and where stable communities did grow up, it was because the hostility of the Christian population had somehow been overcome. After the ghetto was imposed in Venice, Rome, and other Italian cities, Jewish settlement became more concentrated. Bonfil claims that the ghetto experience did more to intensify Jewish self-perception in early modern Europe than the supposed acculturation of the Renaissance. He shows how, paradoxically, ghetto living opened and transformed Jewish culture, hastening secularization and modernization. Bonfil's detailed picture reveals in the Italian Jews a sensitivity and self-awareness that took into account every aspect of the larger society. His inside view of a culture flourishing under stress enables us to understand how identity is perceived through constant interplay - on whatever terms - with the Other. ISBN: 9780520073500
Antiquariaat SpinozaVendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 51415
€  21.80 | CHF 21]
Catalogue: Jewish history

Bonnell, Andrew G.
Shylock in Germany: Antisemitism and the German Theatre from the Enlightenment to the Nazis
London, Tauris, 2008. 254 pp. Very good copy. Hardcover with dustjacket. How did the catastrophic development of antisemitism in Germany interact with the portrayal of Shylock on the German stage? Here Andrew Bonnell gives us the first cultural history of this tragic character from Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice as performed on the German stage from the late eighteenth century to the end of World War II. In addition to analysing the performances of the most famous German actors in the role from 1777 to 1944, Shylock in Germany looks at the rising and falling popularity of The Merchant of Venice across Germany in this period, and the extent to which the role's history reflects changes in the situation of Jews in Germany and Austria.It follows the evolution of Shylock in nineteenth century and Imperial Germany, from the formative years of the modern German theatre as a cultural (and civic) institution; through the Weimar Republic, an epoch remembered for innovation and experiment, but also a period marked by an estrangement between an aggressively modernist metropolitan culture and a provincial cultural life which clung more to continuity; and, finally, considers the impact of the Nazi period with its murderous state-ordained antisemitism. ISBN: 9781845115579
Antiquariaat SpinozaVendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 51997
€  81.75 | CHF 77.5]

The contribution of the Jews to the culture in the Netherlands. La contribution des Juifs à la culture des anciens Pays-Bas. Ed. by Hans Bots & Jan Roegiers. Offprint from: Lias 16, part 2. ISBN 9789030210993
Amsterdam / Maarssen, APA, 1989. 159-362 pp. As new. Softbound. J.W. Wesselius about Johannes Drusius. Offenberg about visit Menasseh ben Israel to Christina of Sweden at Antwerp. H.P. Salomon on `the oldest account concerning the origin of Portuguese Judaism at Amsterdam' and other articles. ISBN: 9789030210993
Antiquariaat SpinozaVendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 5718
€  22.89 | CHF 22]

BRASZ, CHAYA and Y. Kaplan (eds.)
Dutch Jews as perceived by themselves and by others. Proceedings of the Eight International Symposium on the History of the Jews in the Netherlands. ISBN 9789004117051
Leiden, Brill, 2001. XIV, 457 pp. And plates. Fine copy. Orig. cloth with dustjacket. How did Jews in the Netherlands view themselves and how were they viewed by others? This is the single theme around which the twenty-five essays in this volume, written by scholars from the Netherlands, Israel and other countries, revolve. The studies encompass a variety of topics and periods, from the beginning of the Jewish settlement in the Dutch Republic through the Shoah and its aftermath. They include examinations of the Sephardi Jews in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, the Jews in the periods of Emancipation and Enlightenment, social and cultural encounters between Jews and non-Jews throughout the ages, the image of the Jew in Dutch literature in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, and the churches' attitudes toward Jews. Also highlighted are the second World War and its consequences, Dutch Jews in Israel and Israelis in the contemporary Netherlands. ISBN: 9789004117051
Antiquariaat SpinozaVendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 41600
€  70.85 | CHF 67]

Removing the yellow badge. The struggle for a jewish community in the postwar Netherlands 1944-1955.
Jerusalem, Institute for Research on Dutch Jewry., 1995. 144 pp. Illustrated. As new. Softcover. Modern Jewish History. ISBN: 9789652226242
Antiquariaat SpinozaVendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 17555
€  18.53 | CHF 18]

Brechenmacher, Thomas
Der Vatikan und die Juden: Geschichte einer unheiligen Beziehung
München, Beck C. H., 2005. 326 pp., fine copy. Hardcover with dustjacket. ISBN: 9783406529030
Antiquariaat SpinozaVendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 52804
€  16.35 | CHF 15.5]

Brocke, Michael (et al.)
Neuer Anbruch: Zur deutsch-jüdischen Geschichte und Kultur (minima judaica 1)
Berlin, Metropol Verlag, 2001. 339 pp., Fine copy. Paperback. German. Jewish history in Germany. ISBN: 9783932482779
Antiquariaat SpinozaVendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 53256
€  17.44 | CHF 16.5]
Catalogue: Jewish History

Ongewenste gasten. Joodse vluchtelingen en migranten in de dertiger jaren in Belgie
Brussel, VUB Press, 1993. 303 pp. Blindstamp previous owner on halftitle. Else internally very good. Paperback, sl. bumped corners. Dutch language. About jewish refugees and migrants in pre-war Belgium. ISBN: 9789054870258
Antiquariaat SpinozaVendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 51980
€  43.60 | CHF 41.5]

Gans Israël II. Voetiaanse en Coccejaanse visies op de joden gedurende de zeventiende en achttiende eeuw. ISBN 9023919262
Zoetermeer, Boekencentrum, 2006. 658 pp. Illustrated. As new. Hardcover. Dutch language with English summary. The study focuses on seventeenth/ and eigteenth/century Dutch Protestant theologians, in particular the followers of Gisbertus Voetius (1589-1676) and Johannes Coccejus (1603-1669) and their veiws on the Jews.
Antiquariaat SpinozaVendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 41965
€  32.70 | CHF 31]

Cesarani, David
The Jewish Chronicle and Anglo-Jewry, 1841 1991
Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2005. xiv, 329 pp., Fine copy. Paperback. Founded in 1841, The Jewish Chronicle is the oldest continuously published Jewish newspaper in the world. A force for change, a forum for debate and a shaper of Jewish identity, it has played a central part in the development of modern Anglo-Jewry. More than just a mirror of Anglo-Jewish mores, registering waves of immigration and social change, The Jewish Chronicle has been an active player in historical events. Its editors have intervened decisively in communal history and debated with British statesmen. No historian can understand the inner life of British Jews without looking at the social reports, the sports column, the arts and cultural coverage and the advertising that the paper has carried. This book, written by a noted historian of Jewish social affairs, gives an insight into the working of a newspaper, the struggles between editors and directors, and the boardroom politics. It is the story of a publishing adventure that became an institution and helped to shape the destiny of an entire community. ISBN: 9780521019132
Antiquariaat SpinozaVendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 52765
€  38.15 | CHF 36.5]

Between East and West. A history of the Jews of North Africa. Transl. from the French by M. M. Bernet.
New York, Atheneum, 1973. XXII, 376 pp. Paperback. Jewish history, covers a period of more than two thousand years. Also discussed are history of modern Algerian, Tunisian and Moroccan Jewish communities.
Antiquariaat SpinozaVendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 9785
€  19.62 | CHF 19]
Catalogue: Jewish History

Studien zur Geschichte der Juden in den mittelalterlichen Niederlanden. ISBN 3775256199
Hannover, Verlag Hansche Buchhandlung, 2000. VII, 495 pp. including the 6 separate maps in rearpocket. Hardcover. German lanugage. Middle Ages. Jewish history in the Netherlands. ISBN: 9783775256193
Antiquariaat SpinozaVendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 43692
€  65.40 | CHF 62]

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