Antiquariaat Spinoza: Holocaust
gevonden: 261 boeken op 18 pagina's. Dit is pagina 8
Vorige pag. - Volgende pag.

Schicksale jüdischer und 'staatsfeindlicher' Ärztinnen un Ärzte nach 1933 in München.
München, Liste Demokratischer Ärztinnen un Ärzte München., 1988. 140 pp., illustrated after photographs. Very good. Orig. wraps.
-- Antiquariaat SpinozaProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 45577
€  11.99
Catalogus: German/Holocaust

Precautions against death.
Oakville, Ontario, Mosaic Press, 1983. 74 pp. Good. Orig. wraps. As a girl of 13 Maria Jacobs was active in the concealment and care of Jews sought by the Germans in occupied Holland. The experience made a lasting experience and stayed with her throughout married life in Canada.
-- Antiquariaat SpinozaProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 879
€  16.35
Catalogus: Holocaust

Embattled Selves: An Investigation into the Nature of Identity Through Oral Histories of Holocaust Survivors
New York, Atlantic Monthly Press, 2003. 358 pp. Very good condition. Hardcover with dustjacket. Nazi Germany's Final Solution confronted Jews caught in its web with the ultimate challenge to identity - all those who fit the Nazis' purportedly racial notion of Jew were placed under sentence of death, irrespective of how they lived, what they believed, or who they took themselves to be. Their very origins having become an inexorable threat to their existence, these people were forced to come to grips - consciously or unconsciously, in word or deed - with their Jewishness. Embattled Selves presents the life stories of fifteen men and women who discovered, concealed, embraced, or rejected their Jewishness as a result of Nazi persecution. Theirs are atypical stories, the stories of people whose physical and spiritual survival came to depend on the mutability of the self. ISBN: 9780871135711
-- Antiquariaat SpinozaProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 48347
€  16.35
Catalogus: Holocaust

Anne Frank war nicht allein. Lebensgeschichten deutscher Juden in den Niederlanden
Berlin, Dietz, 1988. 253 pp. Name on halftitle. Paperback. German language. Holocaust. German Jewish refugees in the Netherlands. Second World War. ISBN: 9783801230258
-- Antiquariaat SpinozaProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 52186
€  26.16
Catalogus: Holocaust

Janusz Korczak.
Warsaw, Wydawnictwo Interpress, 1973. 12mo. 153 pp. and (8) leaves of plates after photographs; slihgtly dogeared, otherwise internally good. Orig. decorated wraps., minor wear and soil, tiny pieces lacking from ends of spine. In Polish.
-- Antiquariaat SpinozaProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 25261
€  22.34
Catalogus: Holocaust/Poland

De deportatie van de Amsterdamse joden 1940-1945 in tekeningen en schilderijen. - In nacht verloren.
Amsterdam, Heiermann en Co, 1985. 54 pp. Illustr. Oblong. Good copy. Orig. cloth with dustjacket. The deportation of the Amsterdam jews in drawings and paintings. Dutch language. ISBN: 9789070568030
-- Antiquariaat SpinozaProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 2996
€  9.81
Catalogus: Holocaust/Dutch

Je maintiendrai. 1. Een jaar Nazi-tyrannie in Nederland (1941) 2. Het tweede jaar (1942). 3. Het derde jaar (1944). 4. Het vierde jaar.
London, The Netherlands Publ. Comp., 1941-1945. First edition. 4 volumes together. A good set. Or. cloth. Illustrated with many photographic plates. Vols. 3 and 4 with or. but damaged dustjackets. Vol.1: binding stamped. Account by the journalist and reporter of Radio Oranje in London, who after the war became the director of the "Rijksinstituut van Oorlogsdocumentatie".
-- Antiquariaat SpinozaProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 4656
€  42.51
Catalogus: Holocaust

Julius H. Schoeps (Hrsg.)
Leben im Land der Täter.
Berlin, Jüdische Verlagsanstalt, 2001. 349 pp. Very good copy. Paperback. Juden im Nachkriegsdeutschland (1945-1952). Hrsg. von Julius H. Schoeps. 19 Beiträge behandeln den Neubeginn jüdischen Lebens im Nachkriegsdeutschland, gegliedert in die Themenfelder: Jüdische Displaced Persons in Deutschland; Geschichte jüdischer Gemeinden in Deutschland; Deutsche Politik im Spannungsfeld zwischen Antisemitismus und Wiedergutmachung; Die Debatte um die Rückkehr nach Deutschland. Mit einem Exkurs von Julius H. Schoeps über den Umgang der Universität Erlangen mit dem Remigranten Hans-Joachim Schoeps. Der Band geht auf eine Tagung des Moses Mendelssohn Zentrums in Potsdam zurück. Mit Beiträgen von Werner Bergmann, Y. Michael Bodemann, Josef Foschepoth, Angelika Königseder, Wolfgang Kraushaar, Ina S. Lorenz, Lothar Mertens, Ulrike Offenberg, Julius H. Schoeps, Juliane Wetzel ISBN: 9783934658172
-- Antiquariaat SpinozaProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 53096
€  21.80
Catalogus: Holocaust

Between Dignity and Despair. Jewish Life in Nazi Germany
Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1998. 290 pp. Very good copy. Hardcover with dustjacket. Slight traces of use to dustj. A prize-winning account draws on the memoirs, diaries, interviews, and letters of Jewish men and women to paint an intimate portrait of Jewish daily life in Germany just before the Holocaust, when Nazi violence was irregular and unpredictable. ISBN: 9780195115314
-- Antiquariaat SpinozaProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 52158
€  20.71
Catalogus: Holocaust

Conscience and Memory: Meditations in a Museum of the Holocaust. ISBN: 9780226424163
Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1994. XVI, 213 pp. Fine copy. Hardcover with dustjacket. The author insists the Holocaust be viewed not only in terms of personal ethics but modern political ethics as well: for Kaplan the affirmative legacy of the Holocaust is its focus on the dangers of nationalism, racism and all forms of separatist group identities. ISBN: 9780226424163
-- Antiquariaat SpinozaProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 47450
€  16.35
Catalogus: Holocaust

Unbekannt wohin verzogen. Jüdinnen und Juden in Gevelsberg. Mit Zeichnungen von Helmut Ziegner und zahlreichen Abbildungen und Fotos.
Gevelsberg, Reiner Padligur Verlag, 1991. 135 pp. Illustr. As new. Hardcover. German Judaica. Local Jewish History Germany. ISBN: 9783922957317
-- Antiquariaat SpinozaProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 47673
€  43.60
Catalogus: Holocaust

Joods verzet. Terugblik op de periode rond de tweede wereldoorlog.
Amsterdam, Stadsdrukkerij van Amsterdam, 1981. 116 pp., with many photographs Very good copy. Orig. wraps. Dutch language. On Jewish resistance in Holland during the second world war.
-- Antiquariaat SpinozaProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 1969
€  11.99
Catalogus: Holocaust/Dutch

Juden in Deutschland
Wien, Löwit, 1935. 154 pp. Orig. blanc wraps. with dustjacket, dustjacket worn at spine and without rearside. First edition. WL 3, 92.
-- Antiquariaat SpinozaProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 25883
€  21.80
Catalogus: German/Holocaust

KEHR, HELEN (Compiler)
WIENER LIBRARY. Catalogue series no.4: After Hitler. Germany 1945-1963.
London, 1963. 261 pp. Very good copy. Or. cloth. Bibliography. arranged according to subject. With index.
-- Antiquariaat SpinozaProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 41451
€  8.72
Catalogus: Holocaust

Kellenbach, Katharina von
Von Gott reden im Land der Täter. Theologische Stimmen der dritten Generation seit der Shoah.
Darmstadt, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2001. 303 pp. Very good copy. Paperback. German language. Holocaust. ISBN: 9783534157709
-- Antiquariaat SpinozaProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 53290
€  21.80
Catalogus: Holocaust

Vorige pag. | Pagina's: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | - Volgende pag.