ERIK TONEN BOOKS: Geesteswetenschappen ; Philosophy ; Philosophie ; Geisteswissenschaften
trouvé: 369 livres sur 25 pages. Ceci est page 9
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 Gert-Jan van der Heiden, uitschot en de geest Paulus onder filosofen
Gert-Jan van der Heiden
uitschot en de geest Paulus onder filosofen
vantilt uitgeverij, 2018 paperback, 14 x 22 cm, 288 pagina's. nieuw. ISBN 9789460043673.
¶ De apostel Paulus staat sinds de eeuwwisseling in het middelpunt van de filosofische belangstelling. Denkers als Taubes, Badiou, Agamben en ?i'ek ? en eerder al Heidegger ? vinden in Paulus? brieven grondwoorden voor een nieuwe manier van denken over de wereld, de tijd en de geschiedenis, maar ook over de levenskunst, het recht en de politiek. Zij laten tevens zien hoe Paulus? brieven niet alleen aan de basis staan van ervaringen die kenmerkend zijn voor onze cultuur, zoals het nihilisme en de dood van God, maar ook de politiek-sociale agenda van emancipatie en gelijkheid hebben gevormd. Bovendien wordt hun interpretatie van Paulus geboren uit een intensieve discussie met denkers als Hegel, Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, Schmitt en Foucault. Het uitschot en de geest ontsluit deze boeiende internationale filosofische discussie over Paulus nu ook in het Nederlandse taalgebied en biedt daarmee een fascinerende blik achter de schermen van de belangrijkste thema's en spelers in de hedendaagse continentale filosofie.
Erik Tonen BooksVendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 51247
€  19.00 | CHF 18.5]

 P. Gignoux (ed.);, Ressembler au monde . Etude sur le microcosme et le macrocosme dans l'Antiquite orientale,
P. Gignoux (ed.);
Ressembler au monde . Etude sur le microcosme et le macrocosme dans l'Antiquite orientale,
Turnhout, Brepols, 1999 Paperback, 250 p., 155 x 240 mm ISBN 9782503508986.
¶ La theorie du micro-macrocosme qui etablit des similitudes de toutes sortes entre les elements du monde et ceux qui composent l'homme, a constitue dans les civilisations orientales l'une des grandes representations de l'etre humain face au cosmos.Elle a perdure dans toutes les ecoles de pensee de l'Antique au Moyen Age. L'etude de ce theme dans differentes cultures religieuses de la Mediterranee Orientale a l'Inde peut permettre une approche comparative a partir du present volume. Aux innombrables homologies que les brahmanes se sont appliques a construire, repondent les speculations que les Odes de Salomon, les psaumes manicheens ou les nouveaux documents sur le marcionisme fournissentsur ce meme theme, aussi bien qu'un poeme syriaque jusqu'ici inedit d'un auteur du 13eme siecle, G. Warda. Sans doute la Chine ou le Tibet, comme la Grece ou la culture arabe, pourraient nous apporter bien d'autres elements de comparaison, mais un seul volume ne pouvait contenir un ensemble de representations religieuses aussi riche de sens. Languages: French.
Erik Tonen BooksVendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 34716
€  43.00 | CHF 42]
Mots-clés: filoso philoso religious science religieu religiewetenschap devot

 E. Gilson;, Christian Philosophy. An Introduction,
E. Gilson;
Christian Philosophy. An Introduction,
Turnhout, Brepols, 1994 Paperback, 165 p., 135 x 230 mm. ISBN 9780888447173.
¶ The theology of a theologian worthy of the name cannot be anything but the very movement of his mind and love as he seeks the truth about God in the teaching of sacred scripture and in the study of his creatures. Such is the theology of St.Thomas Aquinas. Some of the propositions (in which theology is expressed) are set forth here for meditation. Their choice is entirely my own. The writer who reports them has never been able to reread them without having the impression of their leading him as close to God as is possible for a human mind to approach him while meditating on the meaning of his word. My only desire is to share that experience with others. It will never be a question of demonstrating, but only of showing, leaving to each reader the task of finding his own way and trying in his own fashion to approach the sublime mysteries whose neglect would be the death of metaphysics as well as of theology, and whose meditation, in the humility of love, is a work of piety no less than of wisdom. Language : English.
Erik Tonen BooksVendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 38110
€  21.90 | CHF 21.5]
Mots-clés: histoire history geschiedenis filosofie wijsbegeerte religie religion godsdienst theologie

E. Gilson;
Thomism. The Philosophy of Thomas Aquinas. A translation of Le Thomisme, Sixth and final edition,
Turnhout, Brepols, 2002 Hardback, XVI+454 p., 150 x 230 mm. ISBN 9780888447241.
¶ Etienne Gilson published six editions of his book devoted to the philosophy of Thomas Aquinas. The appearance of these editions, the first in 1917 and the last in 1965, covers much of the scholarly life of their author. As he says in his Preface, the book was his lifelong companion. The editions represent a sustained effort to set forth his developing views on the philosophy of the man who, in Gilson's opinion, most profoundly sought out the heart of reality: being, understood as the act of existing (esse). Gilson presents his thoughts on this subject with new clarity and precision in his revised sixth and final edition, which is here put into English for the first time. While probing into Thomas's philosophy, Gilson measures it against the views of his predecessors: notably Plato, Aristotle, Plotinus, and the Pseudo-Dionysius among the Greeks, and Avicenna and Averroes in the Islamic world. Among the Latins, he pays particular attention to the views of Augustine, Boethius, Anselm, and in his own century to those of Alexander of Hales and Bonaventure. Gilson sees Aquinas as retrieving much of the long tradition of philosophy in which he was schooled, but surpassing it with his original insights and developments. Most important, in Gilson's opinion, is that Thomas goes beyond the essentialist ontology bequeathed to the Middle Ages by Augustine, among others, and reaches a 'new ontology' which is truly existential. With this leitmotif, in Part 1 Gilson explores Thomas's notions of the existence and nature of God and our access to them. Part 2 examines the emanation of the world from God and the hierarchy of creatures, culminating in the human person. Part 3 contains Gilson's fullest treatment of Thomas's moral doctrine, featuring the human act, its principles, and the personal, social, and religious life. While stressing the strictly rational character of Thomistic philosophy in the way it reaches its conclusions, this edition, like its predecessors, emphasize its development within Thomas's theology and the guidance it receives from the Christian faith. Language : English.
Erik Tonen BooksVendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 38112
€  82.50 | CHF 80]
Mots-clés: histoire history geschiedenis filosofie wijsbegeerte religie religion godsdienst theologie

GLEUCK, Bernard;
Antwerpen, De Vries, Gebonden. 45 pagina's Met illustraties ISBN 9789062690107.
¶ Een onderzoek.
Erik Tonen BooksVendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 30253
€  8.00 | CHF 8]
Mots-clés: TRANSCEDENTE psych ther meditat Religie & Filosofie Spiritualiteit Body Mind

 Goossens, Werner., Origines de l'Eucharistie. Sacrement et Sacrifice. *** dedicace de l 'auteur
Goossens, Werner.
Origines de l'Eucharistie. Sacrement et Sacrifice. *** dedicace de l 'auteur
Gembloux : J. Duculot, Paris : G. Beauchesne, 1931, 1931 Broche, cartonnage illustre de l'editeur. XXIII, 309 pp + table.
¶ (= Universitas Catholica Lovaniensis (.); Series II. Tomus 22). *** dedicace de l 'auteur / SIGNE. par Goossens, Werner.
Erik Tonen BooksVendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 52434
€  25.00 | CHF 24.5]