Pemberley Natural History Books: Entomology,Orthoptera
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 Finot, A., Les Orthoptères de la France Perce-oreilles, blattes, mantes, criquets, sauterelles et grillons
Finot, A.
Les Orthoptères de la France Perce-oreilles, blattes, mantes, criquets, sauterelles et grillons
E. Deyrolle 1883 199, 1 engraved plate. . PB. 8vo, orig. wrappers, soiled, very worn, front wrapper detached, spine taped, stitching broken, sections separating. From the library of orthopterist, H.B. Johnston, with his ownership stamp.. Text French..
-- Pemberley Natural History BooksProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: S57682
GBP 15.00 [Appr.: EURO 18]
Trefwoorden: France; Western Europe; Europe; Orthoptera; Grasshoppers; Crickets

 Fischer, J.; Steinlechner, D.; Zehm, A.; Poniatowski, D., Die Heuschrecken Deutschlands und Nordtirols: Bestimmen - Beobachten - Schützen
Fischer, J.; Steinlechner, D.; Zehm, A.; Poniatowski, D.
Die Heuschrecken Deutschlands und Nordtirols: Bestimmen - Beobachten - Schützen
Quelle & Meyer 2020 372, 1000+ col photos, 85 maps. 190x120mm. HB. NEW. . Text German. 2nd corrected and updated edition. Photographic guide enabling identification of all grasshopper species found in Germany and North Tyrol. Main characteristics for identification are emphasized for ease of use in the field. Species accounts include photographs with information on habitat, characteristics and song. Distribution maps provide an overview of the regions in which the species can be found. Includes a quick identification card.German description: Mit diesem Werk, das für die 2. Auflage umfassend aktualisiert worden ist, können alle Heuschrecken Deutschlands und Nordtirols anhand von hervorragenden Bildvergleichen bestimmt werden. Es hebt die Hauptmerkmale durch Vergrößerungen, Hinweise und Pfeile präzise hervor und ist damit ausgezeichnet für den Einsatz im Feld geeignet. Auch kleinste Details sind gut zu erkennen und erlauben den direkten Vergleich zwischen ähnlichen Arten. Schließlich wird jede Art mit Angaben zu Lebensraum, Merkmalen und Gesängen porträtiert. Eigens erstellte aktuelle Verbreitungskarten ermöglichen einen Überblick, in welchen Regionen die Arten zu finden sind. Das Buch erlaubt somit einen einfachen, aber tiefgehenden Einstieg in die vielfältige Welt der Heuschrecken.. [9783494016702]
-- Pemberley Natural History BooksProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: N33131
GBP 33.00 [Appr.: EURO 39.5]
Trefwoorden: Field Guide; Germany; Western Europe; Europe; Grasshoppers; Crickets; Bush Crickets; Orthoptera; RESConsign 2017-11

 Fishelson, L., Orthoptera: Acridoidea Fauna Palaestina. Insecta III
Fishelson, L.
Orthoptera: Acridoidea Fauna Palaestina. Insecta III
Israel Academy of Sciences 1985 vi, 230, frontis, 232 figs, 5 plates, 1 map. . HB. NEW. . . [9789652080592]
-- Pemberley Natural History BooksProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: N17255
GBP 47.00 [Appr.: EURO 56]
Trefwoorden: 15935; Entomology; Israel; Orthoptera; Sinai

 Fontana, P. et al, Grasshoppers, Locusts, Crickets & Katydids of Mexico: Photographic GuideChapulines, Langostas, Grillos y Esperanzas de Mexico: Guia Fotografica
Fontana, P. et al
Grasshoppers, Locusts, Crickets & Katydids of Mexico: Photographic GuideChapulines, Langostas, Grillos y Esperanzas de Mexico: Guia Fotografica
World Biodiversity Association 2008 272, 393 col photos. 220x150mm. PB. NEW. . Text English/Spanish. Over 350 species illustrated.. [9788890332302]
-- Pemberley Natural History BooksProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: N18770
GBP 54.00 [Appr.: EURO 64.5]
Trefwoorden: 15371; Entomology; Mexico; Orthoptera

 Fontana, P.; Buzzetti, F.M.; Marino-Perez, R.; Castellanos-Vargas, I.; Monge-Rodriguez, S.; Cano-Santana, Z., Orthopterans of Oaxaca: Photographic Field Guide - Ortopteros de Oaxaca Guia fotografica de campo
Fontana, P.; Buzzetti, F.M.; Marino-Perez, R.; Castellanos-Vargas, I.; Monge-Rodriguez, S.; Cano-Santana, Z.
Orthopterans of Oaxaca: Photographic Field Guide - Ortopteros de Oaxaca Guia fotografica de campo
WBA 2017 208, col photos. 210x150mm. PB. NEW. . Text English/Spanish. This photographic field guide to Orthoptera of Oaxaca [Mexico] provide scientifically rigorous yet easy-to-comprehend descriptions of about one hundred Oaxacan orthopterans. Excellent photos reveal diagnostic characters making the guide a helpful and user-friendly tool for the species identification. In the text, an emphasis is made on less studied and rare orthopterans, which need protection.Esta guía fotográfica de los Orthoptera de Oaxaca nos ofrece descripciones de alrededor de cien ortópteros oaxaqueños que a pesar de ser científicamente rigurosas, son fáciles de comprender. Sus excelentes fotos revelan caracteres diagnósticos haciendo de esta guía una herramienta útil y de fácil uso para la identificación de las especies. En el texto se hace énfasis en los ortópteros raros y poco estudiados, los cuales necesitan de protección.. [9788890332371]
-- Pemberley Natural History BooksProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: N40824
GBP 26.50 [Appr.: EURO 31.75]
Trefwoorden: Grasshoppers; Acrididae; Orthoptera; Identification guide; Mexico; Central America; America

 Goldfuss, Friedrich, Symbolae ad orthopterorum quorundam oeconomiam
Goldfuss, Friedrich
Symbolae ad orthopterorum quorundam oeconomiam
Typis Caroli Georgii 1843 vi, [2], 24, 1 litho plate. . HB. 4to, cont. moiré covered boards, rubbed, spine worn with some loss; some foxing. Good.. Dissertatio inauguralis quam auctoritate atque consensu gratiosi Medicorum Ordinis in Alma Litterarum Universitate Regia Fridericia Guilelmia Rhenana. Text Latin. Dissertation on the anatomy of the locust.Horn-Schenkling 8085.
-- Pemberley Natural History BooksProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: A30604
GBP 40.00 [Appr.: EURO 47.75]

 Golding, F.D., The Acrididae (Orthoptera) of Nigeria
Golding, F.D.
The Acrididae (Orthoptera) of Nigeria
Royal Entomological Society 1948 72, 18 maps. . PB. Wrappers. Vg.. Trans. R. Ent. Soc., Vol. 99(16): 517-587.
-- Pemberley Natural History BooksProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: R26269
GBP 10.00 [Appr.: EURO 12]
Trefwoorden: Africa; West Africa; Nigeria; Orthoptera; Acrididae

 Greathead, D.J. et al, Les ennemis naturels des criquets du Sahel
Greathead, D.J. et al
Les ennemis naturels des criquets du Sahel
CILSS-DFPV 1994 147, . . PB. Vg.. Text French. Collection Acridologie Operationnelle no.8.. [9782876141599]
-- Pemberley Natural History BooksProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: S3828
GBP 10.00 [Appr.: EURO 12]
Trefwoorden: Acrididae; Africa; B1197; Entomology; Orthoptera; Pest control

 Greathead, D.J.; Kooyman, C.; Launois-Luong, M.H.; Popov, G.B., Les ennemis naturels des criquets du Sahel
Greathead, D.J.; Kooyman, C.; Launois-Luong, M.H.; Popov, G.B.
Les ennemis naturels des criquets du Sahel
CIRAD-GERDAT-PRIFAS 1994 147, 47 text figs. . PB. Vg.. Collection Acridologie Opérationnelle no. 8. Text French.. [9782876141599]
-- Pemberley Natural History BooksProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: S57519
GBP 10.00 [Appr.: EURO 12]
Trefwoorden: Natural Enemies; Sahel Region; Africa

 Greathead, D.J., A Review of the insect enemies of Acridoidea (Orthoptera)
Greathead, D.J.
A Review of the insect enemies of Acridoidea (Orthoptera)
Royal Entomological Society 1963 81, 66 text figs. . PB. Vg.. Trans. R. Ent. Soc. Lond. 114(14): 437-517..
-- Pemberley Natural History BooksProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: R15493
GBP 10.00 [Appr.: EURO 12]
Trefwoorden: Acridoidea; B9732; Entomology; Insect Relationships; Orthoptera

 Guilding, L., The Natural History of Phasma cornutum, and the Description of a new Species of Ascalaphus
Guilding, L.
The Natural History of Phasma cornutum, and the Description of a new Species of Ascalaphus
Linnean Society 1823 5, 1 plate. . Unbound. 4to, unbound in later card folder. Vg.. Trans. Linn. Soc., Vol. 14(1): 137-141. Text Latin..
-- Pemberley Natural History BooksProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: A40973
GBP 30.00 [Appr.: EURO 35.75]
Trefwoorden: Stick Insects; Phasmatodea

 Gurney, A.B.; Brooks, A.R., Grasshoppers of the Mexicanus Group, Melanoplus (Orthoptera: Acrididae)
Gurney, A.B.; Brooks, A.R.
Grasshoppers of the Mexicanus Group, Melanoplus (Orthoptera: Acrididae)
Smithsonian Institution 1959 93, 5 plates, 18 figs. A5. PB. Vg in wrapper. Proc. U.S.Nat.Mus Vol.110.
-- Pemberley Natural History BooksProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: S17762
GBP 5.00 [Appr.: EURO 6]
Trefwoorden: Acrididae; C1529; Entomology; Orthoptera

 Haes, E.C.M.; Harding, P.T., Atlas of Grasshoppers, Crickets and Allied Insects in Britain and Ireland
Haes, E.C.M.; Harding, P.T.
Atlas of Grasshoppers, Crickets and Allied Insects in Britain and Ireland
TSO 1997 61, distribution maps. 297x210mm. PB. Vg.. ITE Research Publication no. 11.. [9780117021174]
-- Pemberley Natural History BooksProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: S52769
GBP 30.00 [Appr.: EURO 35.75]
Trefwoorden: Cockroaches; Crickets; Dermaptera; Dictyoptera; Distribution Atlas; Earwigs; Grasshoppers; Great Britain; Ireland; Mantids; Orthoptera; Phasmida; Phasmids; Stick Insects

 Hamilton, A.G., Further studies on the relation of humidity and temperature to the development of two species of African Locusts
Hamilton, A.G.
Further studies on the relation of humidity and temperature to the development of two species of African Locusts
Royal Entomological Society 1950 59, 34 figs. . PB. Vg.. Trans. R. Ent. Soc. Lond. Vol.101(1): 1-58..
-- Pemberley Natural History BooksProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: R26800
GBP 9.00 [Appr.: EURO 10.75]

 Hamilton, A.G., The Relation of Humidity and Temperature to the Development of three species African Locusts - Locusta migratoria migratorioides  Locusta migratoria migratorioides (R. & F.), Schistocerca gregaria (Forsk.), Nomadacris Septemfasciata (Serv.)
Hamilton, A.G.
The Relation of Humidity and Temperature to the Development of three species African Locusts - Locusta migratoria migratorioides Locusta migratoria migratorioides (R. & F.), Schistocerca gregaria (Forsk.), Nomadacris Septemfasciata (Serv.)
Royal Entomological Society 1936 60, 2 plates, 26 text figs. . PB. Good ex-lib copy with stamp to front wrapper.. Trans. R.E.S. Vol. 85 (1)..
-- Pemberley Natural History BooksProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: S19936
GBP 10.00 [Appr.: EURO 12]
Trefwoorden: Acrididae; C3130; Development; Entomology; Locusts; Orthoptera

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