Moore, Jos., Paymaster; Guernsey, Lt. Col. William B.; et al
Us Colored Troops Document, Related to Lt. Col. William B. Guernsey
Hilton Head, South Carolina, By the authors, 1864. Printed document, partially filled in manuscript; 11 x 17; inconspicious repairs to an old vertical split through middle; minor wear and spotting; in very good condition. A scarce document from the 26th Regiment United States Colored Infantry and a glimpse into one of the lesser-known aspects of the Civil War, it listed payments for two months of service, July and August of 1864, for both Guernsey and two of his African-American servants. Lieutenant Colonel William B. Guernsey, born in Norwich, Connecticut in one of Norwich's founding families, would lead the 26th Regiment himself just a few months later (starting in June of 1865) after the death of the original Colonel, William C. Silliman, due to a mortal wound received in battle at Georgia Farms, South Carolina. The regiment was an African-American combat unit, one of three New York "colored troops" segments, organized at Riker’s Island by the Union League Club of New York. The unit would see extensive action in South Carolina during the last year of the war. The document, filled by Guernsey himself and certified by Paymaster Moore, apart from listing the former's own money to be received, also described the physical characteristics of his servants and their payments. Very good .
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