FONTANA - Huizing, Colin & Anuschka Blommers & Niels Schumm:
Lucio Fontana. The Conquest of Space | De verovering van de Ruimte.
10 2021, (17 x 24 cm), 176 pp., 100 fulll colour ills., softcover Lucio Fontana (1899-1968) is one of the most important avant-garde artists of the twentieth century and continues to inspire artists, designers and architects. He is known for his iconic monochromatic paintings with vertical cuts. Lucio Fontana: The Conquest of Space highlights the ideas of Fontana's Concetto spaziale and shows how these spatial notions took shape not only in his slashed canvases, but also in his sculpture, jewellery and installations. For Fontana, there was no fundamental distinction between the visual arts, architecture and design: he was a sculptor by trade and did not allow himself to be limited by disciplines in his conception of space. He was one of the first visual artists to create spatial installations with floating sculptures and neon lights, and to collaborate with architects and designers. With photography by Anuschka Blommers and Niels Schumm, and texts by Colin Huizing and Paulo Campiglio, this publication is an indispensable overview of Fontana's innovative spatial views on art.
Scriptum Art Books v.o.f.
Professional sellerBook number: 7948
€ 24.95 [Appr.: US$ 25.62 | £UK 21.25 | JP¥ 4005]