Huizing, Herman Gerardus Jacobus
Geomorfologische Problemen in het Zuid-Oosten van Belgie (Omgeving van Florenville). Een Beschouwing op Grond ...
n.p. n.p. 1967. orig.wrappers. 27x19cm, (6), 195 pp, University of Amsterdam doctoral dissertation.. textual map,drawings,graphs. Rubbed. Good
¶ Full title concludes: "...op Grond van Mineralogisch en Geochemisch Onderzoek". ["Geomorphological Problem of South-eastern Belgium ( Florenville region). A Consideration based on Mineralogical & Geochemical Investigations"]. Concerns the Semois Catchment area of the Ardennes. Includes a 13-page English and a 4-page French summary; textual maps, graphs,charts & diagrams + 5 folding maps & charts in rear pocket.
Expatriate Bookshop of Denmark
Professional sellerBook number: BOOKS003672I
USD 48.00 [Appr.: EURO 45.5 | £UK 37.75 | JP¥ 7196]
Keywords: Geomorphology, Belgium, Ardennes, Geology, Geochemistry, Physical Geography, Mineralogy, ,