Walton,Izaak (1593-1638) THE LIVES OF DR. JOHN DONNE, SIR HENRY WOTTON, MR. RICHARD HOOKER, MR. GEORGE HERBERT, AND DR. ROBERT SANDERSON. To which are added, the autographs of those eminent men, now first collected; an index, and illustrative notes.
Wright,Billy in collaboration with Bryon Butler ONE HUNDRED CAPS AND ALL THAT
Sigaud de la Fond, M. [Joseph] (1730-1810) LECONS DE PHYSIQUE EXPERIMENTALE par M. Sigaud De Lafond, Demonstrateur de Physique Experimentale, & Maitre de Mathematiques
Orell, Füssli (Publishers) CENT VUES SUISSES remarquables par leur Situation, ou par des Faits Historiques. Dessinnées et gravées par Hess, Hegui [sic], König, Lory, Meyer, Wetzel etc.
Elmes,James (Architect and civil engineer) PRACTICAL TREATISE ON ECCLESIASTICAL AND CIVIL DILAPIDATIONS, RE-INSTATEMENTS, WASTE &c. With an appendix containing cases decided, precedents of notices to repair, examples of valuations, surveys, estimates,&c.
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 Cover: Hardcover
 Dustjacket: Yes