"; if (!isset($Language)) $Language="en"; include($Language); include ("conv2usd.txt"); include(Conversion); /* start-variabelen */ if (!isset($Page)) $Page = 1; $Limit=25; $Offset = $Limit * ($Page-1); $lim=" limit $Offset, $Limit"; include "/data/phpincludes/connect.txt"; db_dusty(); include "/data/phpincludes/getbooksellerinfo.php"; getbooksellerinfo($owner_id); // if ($sKeyword && $Page == 1) { if ($sKeyword) { $lim=""; /* start-variabele keyword */ $sKeyword=cleanup($sKeyword); if (strchr ($sKeyword, " ")) { // zijn er meer dan een trefwoorden? $sKeyword=" ".$sKeyword." "; $KeywordNoNo=" the het een der die das den une uno una van des und ein eine der die von and strq from durch for vol with his her its les voor sur par "; $sKeywordTmp = explode(" ", trim($sKeyword)); $MaxKeyword=count($sKeywordTmp); $n=0; for ($i=0; $i 2) { $sKeywordAr[$n] = $sKeywordTmp[$i]; $n++; } } /* for */ $MaxKeyword=count($sKeywordAr); if ($MaxKeyword > 1) { // uit tweede en volgende woorden in sKeywordAr diacritics vervangen door underscore $n=0; for ($i=1; $i"; db_dusty(); if ($Page == 1) { $countresult=@mysql_db_query("antiqb", "select count(*) ".$Query); $countrow = @mysql_fetch_array($countresult); $BooksFound = intval($countrow[0]); @mysql_free_result($countresult); } $MaxPages = $BooksFound/$Limit; $MaxPages = round($MaxPages + 0.49); settype($MaxPages, 'integer'); if ($alpha) {$MaxPages = 1;} $StartOnPage=(($Page-1) * $Limit) + 1; $EndOnPage=$StartOnPage + 9; if ($EndOnPage > $BooksFound) {$EndOnPage=$BooksFound;} ?>
1) { $Prev=$Page-1; echo "  previous page"; } ?> next page  "; } ?>
dot dot
dot     dot

provided by AntiQbook's database
$BooksFound) {$EndOnPage=$BooksFound;} echo "
"; if ($sKeyword) { echo ""; } if (($BooksFound > 50) || ($alpha) || ($sKeyword)) { echo ""; } if ($MaxPages == 1) { $nrofpages="page"; } else { $nrofpages="pages"; } echo ""; // echo ""; echo "
Selection with keyword(s): $sKeyword$menu"; if ($alpha) { echo "you selected $BooksFound authors starting with $alpha
"; } else { echo "This selection contains ".$BooksFound." title(s) on ".$MaxPages." $nrofpages.
This is page ".$Page." with nrs. ".$StartOnPage. " to ".$EndOnPage; } echo "
"; // echo("

Zoekstring wordt nu: "); // echo "select * from books, ".$Query.$Orderby." $lim"; // echo("

"); // exit; echo ""; echo ""; $result=mysql_db_query("antiqb", "select distinct * ".$Query); $teller=0; while($row=@mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { extract($row); $Currency=$valuta; echo ""; } /* while */ @mysql_free_result($result); @mysql_close(); ?>
"; $teller=$teller+1; echo ""; // ---------- if (!empty($illustration_url)) { image($illustration_url,$owner_id); } echo ""; echo($author . "  " . $title.""); if (ereg("",$description)) { $description=ereg_replace("", "
", $description); } else { echo "
"; } $description=nl2br($description); $description=str_replace("¶" , "
   ¶", $description); echo($description); echo "
"; if ($price <= "0.00") { echo $InformeerSVP; } else { if ($Currency=="EUR") { $showcurrency="€ (euro)"; } else { $showcurrency=$Currency; } echo "".$showcurrency." "; printf("%.2f",$price); echo (" "); $converted=Conversion($Currency, $price, $usd_price, $Language, $owner_id); echo " $Valuta".$converted; echo ""; } if (empty($booknumber) or $booknumber == '0' or trim($booknumber) == '-' or trim($booknumber) == '' ) { echo "
"; } else { echo $BoekNummer . $booknumber."
"; } echo "    "; echo(""); echo "Click here to order or inquire at ". $owner_name . "."; echo "